The Death Knell

Chapter 5350 Little Dream

"I understand your thinking, but to be honest, I don't know where the powerful woman and the psychic guest are now. I haven't seen them for a long time."

After walking out of the house, Barry looked back to make sure the door was locked. He stretched out his hand and shook the doorknob before walking along the night streets with Death Knell:

"Speed ​​Force, Stasis Force, Sage Force, and Power Force. I know that there is some kind of relationship between these four forces, but I have always been confused about the specific relationship. The turtle man will not say it. The other two are right. My attitude has never been very friendly."

The user of the power, Haoli, is a strong Latin woman. Her muscles are more developed than Wonder Woman. She occasionally comes to Midtown to cause trouble, but after shopping for zero dollars, she will run away and cannot be caught at all. .

Yes, Barry has the speed force and is indeed very fast, but if you want to subdue someone, you have to be able to beat him, right?

Often, Xiao Shan would punch someone tens of thousands of times, but the person would do nothing. A pre-judged backhand punch would knock Xiao Shan down, and he would not be able to get up for a long time.

By the time he got up after getting over his energy, he had already jumped to who knows where with the sack on his shoulders.

The Sage Power has now chosen the Psychic, and this guy is even more troublesome because he, like the Master of Pranksters and the Magician and other Midtown villains, is a mentally ill fun-loving person.

He takes pleasure in forcibly peeking into other people's innermost secrets, and because he knows so many secrets and basically knows everyone's weaknesses, it is difficult to catch him.

However, although these two people are not bad in strength, they are not particularly threatening. One is grabbing some food and drinks, and the other is peeking into other people's privacy. This is not a decent crime in the United States.

So later on, if these two people appeared in Midtown, Barry would go there and try to block them. If he really couldn't catch them, forget it. He really wouldn't ask the Justice League to come over and fight with them.

During the Flash War, these two people even came to help Barry and deal with the reverse-flash together. From this point of view, they are not particularly bad.

"Oh? Since when have you not seen them?"

The night here gave Deathstroke a different feeling. Although the darkness made him very comfortable, it seemed that the moon in Midtown was particularly bright.

"Well, before the big metal incident."

Xiao Shen kicked a small stone on the side of the road and watched it roll into the sewer outlet on the side of the road:

"It's been more than half a year. Now that I think about it carefully, something is indeed wrong, especially the powerful woman. She doesn't know much about money and never carries any money with her. She comes to the city to rob cans and cans from supermarkets when she has nothing to eat. Bread, what she took away last time, is definitely not enough for half a year."

Having said this, Barry also patted his head in annoyance, obviously regretting that he had ignored his friend.

Yes, Barry can make friends with the gangsters who like to rob banks. These two small-time gangsters are both 'force' users. In fact, Barry doesn't hate them very much, and they treat them as accidental intruders. Friends who have gone astray are looking at it.

Of course, if they can be caught, they will still be sent to Tieshan Prison, one code for the other.

"The information we currently know is that the Speed ​​Force is one of the forces of connection, and the stasis force is one of the forces of crisis. We already knew these when we were dealing with Perpetua, yes. Bar?"

Su Ming said this after taking a puff of cigarette, letting the smoke circulate in his lungs, and then slowly exhaled it.

"Yes, that's true, and I can still use my stasis power now." Barry nodded repeatedly. He raised a hand, and a little green light emitted from his palm, like swaying water: "Don't care about me. No matter how I exercise, this force is still not in tune with me, it seems to be resisting me."

"You will definitely resist. Speed ​​and stasis are antonyms. There was no way at the beginning, so I asked you to try to master them and use them."

Su Ming smiled, he hooked Xiao Shen's neck, and the two of them wandered on the street, like drunkards returning home:

"I guess Stasis will choose the Turtle Man's son in the end. Their family is more to its liking."

"Yes, but I hope that young man will stop taking the road of crime. The turtle man used to suspend time just to steal money from the bank vault. This is not friendly to the city and even the residents."

Partially suspending time will cause minimal damage to the human body, but if stasis is out of control, it may cause large-scale time problems, including rapid aging, loss of correct perception of time, or the body simply reverses growth and changes from human to human. Return the fertilized egg.

It sounds very much like the Speed ​​Force Storm, but the Stasis Force Storm does not affect inorganic objects, which means it cannot be used to demolish houses.

However, stasis is very easy to affect the timeline, and it is also very dangerous. If it is in the hands of someone with evil intentions, that is not good news.

However, mastering the power of stasis can easily lead people to the wrong path. After all, you can pause other people's time at will. During this period of time, you can do whatever you want to them. Afterwards, the other person will not know who did the bad thing. This is really

Only a person with extremely high moral standards like Barry can resist this temptation, but because of this, Stasis doesn't like him.

"The son of the turtle man is not a young man, he just looks young." Su Ming laughed out loud. He patted Xiao Shan's shoulder and took a deep breath of the night smell: "But he has nothing to do with me. At present, The stasis force is still in your hands, that's enough."


The Flash nodded. Although he couldn't use his stasis power, he could still use it a little bit. This was no different at all.

"Speaking of which, Barry, how can you still sleep when you lose your sense of the Speed ​​Force? Are superpowers so insignificant to you?"

Seeing that Xiao Shen didn't use his stasis power to do bad things, or even use it to play pranks on his girlfriend, Su Ming still felt a bit regretful. He could play some fun games harmlessly and wouldn't hurt anyone.

"If you really say you don't care about superpowers, that would definitely be a lie. The Speed ​​Force has helped me a lot, and I feel uneasy these days. It's just that I figured out that as a person, I don't rely on the Speed ​​Force to survive in society. Survive."

Xiao Shan, who was hooked by the neck, became serious, and he replied with a serious expression:

"Even if I don't have super powers, my heart will not change in any way. I am still willing to do everything to help others. I am still an enthusiastic citizen of Midtown. My salary is enough to support myself and live an upright life."

Barry's salary is actually pretty good, with his position as a researcher at Star Labs, plus he also has a part-time job as a criminal evidence investigator at the Midtown Medical Examiner's Office.

Without the Speed ​​Force, there would be no need to patrol the city every day, and there would be no need to spend all the money on food. This might also improve living conditions.

"Okay, I discovered that your superpowers have never been used for self-interest." Deathstroke expressed that he admired Xiao Flash, but he was not such a person: "Then what is your dream? No Have you ever thought about using superpowers to realize your dreams?”

"Haha, why does this question sound like a talent show?"

Barry showed an embarrassed smile and scratched his cheek with his index finger:

"My dream is actually quite simple. This house is rented now, and it's a bit old inside. I'm going to save money to buy a new apartment, right next to the Midtown Farmers Market. Have you been there? Selling They are all organic vegetables. After I buy the house there, I plan to marry Patty and have two children, just like Wally’s family of four.”

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