The Death Knell

Chapter 5351 It’s hard to be a good person

How to put it, Barry's dream is different from that of ordinary superheroes.

Superman's dream is that everyone can live happily; Dai's dream is that justice is completely implemented; Batman's dream is that he knows what, he is mentally ill.

But most superheroes dream of lofty things, just like the dreams of the beauties in the world beauty pageant are world peace.

But Barry's dream is very down-to-earth and more personal.

"Near the farmer's market? Is there some noise?" Su Ming followed his topic with an expression of interest. In fact, so far, Darkness and Quantum still have not found the location of the two targets, and things have become It's a little complicated.

But his mood is still stable. After all, finding someone is a regular activity in DC.

"I have indeed considered this. People come and go in the vegetable market every day, and the vendors have to prepare the goods for the day before dawn every day. But I like to see people living happily. There are too many people. It’s more lively, I just need to do as good a soundproofing as possible when decorating the house.”

"You can ask Batman for help with this matter. He is very knowledgeable about sound waves."

Deathstroke gave a suggestion, and it was also cheaper to renovate this way. In Bruce Wayne's state, he was very generous. Even if he sent a construction team to completely renovate Xiao Shen's new house, it would not be possible to ask for money. .

But the Flash seemed to take this suggestion as a joke. He waved his hands repeatedly and said with a smile:

"It's better to avoid it. I'm afraid Batman will install surveillance equipment in my home. I also want some privacy."

"Haha, that's true. Then think about others when the time comes. Oliver and Luther's companies have construction teams. If you are embarrassed to ask them for help, I can also dispatch bionic people to do the decoration for you. It's just that I’m not very good at room soft furnishings, so I may need the adjutant’s advice.”

Hmm, the Power Girl and the Psychic Man are still missing. Could they be buried underground? Use quantum scanning to scan the interior of the earth

"Thank you, Slade, if you need help then, I won't be polite to you."

Moved, Barry nodded in agreement. He obviously felt that the relationship between the two was so good that he would not be embarrassed to ask him to help decorate the house:

"But the premise is that I have to save enough money first. The housing prices in Midtown are not as high as those in Metropolis and Gotham, but they are not cheap either. Moreover, I want to buy a large flat or apartment with an area of ​​at least 200 square meters to arrange my experiments. room and workshop, and I also need to buy a parking space in the basement.”

"After this calculation, it should be about 3 million US dollars. How much have you saved?" Su Ming silently asked the adjutant to check the recent housing prices around the Zhongcheng Farmers Market, and came up with a figure that was not very optimistic.

It’s not a lot of money, but it depends on who it is for.

"The combined savings of Patty and I are about two hundred thousand dollars." Xiao Shen scratched his head. He was a little embarrassed, because most of the money belonged to his girlfriend: "But I only need to save enough for the down payment. , I will pay off the loan slowly in the future, so I only need to save up to 900,000.”

He spoke softer and quieter, as if he really felt pressured.

"Fuck~~~" Deathstroke exhaled a puff of smoke and shook his head and said: "When you save enough money, maybe thirty or forty years will pass. How long can Patty wait for you? Others celebrate their golden wedding at seventy. Are you seventy and newly married? Let me buy this house for you. Buy it tonight, decorate it tomorrow, and move in the day after tomorrow."

Well, if it is a general decoration team, it may not be possible, but if enough androids are sent and the adjutant coordinates the planning, it will be more than enough to complete the decoration in one day.

"No! Slade, I can't accept such an expensive gift from you." Barry shook his head repeatedly, but his neck could not break free from the grip of Deathstroke and was still tightly hooked: "I know our relationship is very good, but this is not My reason for getting something for nothing.”

"How can it be something for nothing? Barry, think about the days when we used to act together."

Su Ming, holding a cigarette in his mouth, patted his head, as if he wanted to crack his skull open:

"I am a mercenary, and I am paid for my work. You helped me when Earth was minus 11, and we fought side by side many times after we came back. You should have a share of these rewards."

"No, if I take the money, the nature of the matter will change, and I am not helping you, just for everyone on the earth, for justice."

Obviously Barry still disagrees, and his position is very firm, or rather stubborn.

But that’s what superheroes are like, they are vigilantes, and the characteristic of duty is that they don’t need remuneration or salary.

"Batman gave me a reward of 76 million U.S. dollars for my first mission. Then this is my money. I can do whatever I want with it."

Su Ming originally had no intention of explaining Xiao Shan. After all, superheroes are all stubborn. When talking about the house, he just wanted to tell him:

"The money was originally placed with Barbara, asking her to help me manage a fund to improve the lives of the families of Gotham police officers who died. Now I will use some money to buy the house, and then I will give it away. To Patty.”

Yes, Barry has a very high spiritual level, but his girlfriend is not, she is just an ordinary person.

Maybe she could refuse before seeing the house, but once her name is on the real estate deed and the adjutant's decoration work is completed, and then she is invited to visit the new house, which means that it is for her and Barry to get married, then she Can you still refuse?

This is one of the weaknesses of human nature. People always like to get something for nothing. What's more, Su Ming will explain that the money to buy a house is the reward that Barry deserves.


Barry once again felt the darkness of Deathstroke. He could always put forward conditions that others could not resist. According to his understanding of his girlfriend, she wanted to get married now. She was crazy about getting married, and it was impossible to refuse Deathstroke's kindness.

Besides, no one can refuse Deathstroke, he will always use countless plans to achieve his goals.

If this method doesn't work, there are other plans that may work, such as transferring the house to Star Laboratory, and then the laboratory will reward Patty.

If it were darker, Deathstroke might find someone to use magic to brainwash Patty, or do something else.

"Am I unable to say no?"

Barry looked bitter. He realized that he had no choice at all. Deathstroke was determined to give him a house.

"Haha, you don't want Patty to marry someone else, right? Or do you actually want to marry Iris or Jessica?" Deathstroke's sinister laughter came from his ears, and he winked proudly: "If you want two more houses to hide your beauty in a golden house, I can give them to you."

Yes, at this point, everyone in The Flash was numb. He remembered that Deathstroke still had evidence of his past philanthropy.

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