The Death Knell

Chapter 5352 Forced Gift Giving

If Su Ming wanted to give Deadpool a house, he would be happy and ready to move. How could there be so much trouble?

But The Flash's rejection is also expected. He is such a good person. He may not be able to say that he only benefits others but not himself. He is not as saintly as Superman, but Barry really doesn't like to have financial transactions with his friends. This is his fault. principle.

Superman is not so strict in this regard. Back then, his hometown farm was almost taken over by a banker. It was Batman who bought the bank and prevented Superman's old mother from being evicted.

Superman was very grateful for this and did not reject his teammates' kindness. You know, buying a bank is a lot of money.

The most Barry usually does is eat subsidized meals at the Hall of Justice. In other respects, he never takes advantage, and he never even asks his teammates to borrow money, whether they are rich people like Batman or Green Arrow.

Su Ming can also understand that honest people are like this. They will feel flustered if they borrow money from others, and they will feel embarrassed accepting expensive gifts from friends.

But in fact, a house is really nothing. With Xiao Shen’s value, giving him a single universe is nothing.

"It seems that you understand what I mean, so you decided happily. Let's go and see the house, and then I will buy it for you." With these words, the armor on Deathstroke also squirmed and deformed, replaced by Looks like a suit.

Seeing that Flash was unable to refuse, he pulled him with a smile and prepared to go to see the house in the middle of the night.

"Wait a minute, Slade, aren't we here to find the Power Girl and the Psychic Man? Why did the topic suddenly go to the house?" Little Flash, who was hooked by his elbow, had no choice but to follow. He was still thinking about it. It's business.

"I couldn't find them. I searched the entire earth and used the power of concepts. Those two people seemed to have disappeared from the world."

Deathstroke replied calmly. He pinched the cigarette butts in his mouth and put them away, then identified the direction of the vegetable market:

"So let's change the plan and wait for someone to come to you. If there is a problem with the Speed ​​Force, it will affect many people. When the time comes, whoever comes to your door, I will catch him and squeeze out his plan to listen to it."

Yes, it’s still the same thing as fishing with Xiaoshan. Anyway, it will take time to wait for the fish to take the bait, so why can’t this time be used to look at houses and buy houses?

The disconnection of the Speed ​​Force is not aimed at Barry alone. Not only all speedsters will be affected, but also many related people.

Stasis, Power, Sage, and Speed ​​are often mentioned together, and not without reason.

Because in the past life, these four ancient powers in the DC universe were also collectively known as the "Power of Origin" in the circle.

Now do you understand why Deathstroke came to find Barry?

Something that can be related to ‘origin’ cannot have only a literal connection, right? There should be some clues

Anyway, after Proraya died, Su Ming took this period of vacation. Whether it was going to the amusement park with Harley and the others, squatting in the basement with Wade, or buying a house with Barry, it was all a way to relax.

"So I'm the bait again?" Barry understood. He touched the lightning symbol on his chest and blinked twice: "It's just that I don't have the speed force now, so I may not have much temptation. Are you sure someone will come to me? ?”

"There must be, because you are Barry Allen. As long as someone mentions the Speed ​​Force, they can't avoid you."

Su Ming didn't want to walk anymore, so he directly activated quantum teleportation, and the two of them arrived at the door of the market in an instant.

The vegetable market was empty at night, with only some vegetable leaves and garbage left on the ground. There was a vibrant plant smell in the air, which was not unpleasant.

This vegetable market is quite large and is surrounded by residential areas with many houses.

"Take your pick, which upstairs house do you want?"

"I really can't choose, Slade. I've thought about it. Thank you for your kindness, but it really doesn't have to be like this. Even if you tell Patty my secret, I can't ask you to buy me a house."

Barry still wanted to resist. He looked at Deathstroke's one eye sincerely, with an expression of shame on his face.

"Then I will ask the adjutant to prepare a plan to seize all the properties in Zhongcheng, and then put them all in your father's name."

Hearing Barry's remorse, Deathstroke showed an evil expression again, hugged Xiao Shen's arm and squeezed slightly:

"Your father should be released from prison soon. What would he think if he knew that his son was so capable that he bought the entire Midtown but didn't get him out of prison earlier?"

"Hiss" Xiao Shen felt his scalp numb. His father who had been wronged had been plotted by Deathstroke. It seemed that he really had many dark backup plans: "Don't, don't involve my father. I will listen to you. Let’s just pick a house, okay?”

"The outcome of what I decide will not change. You know this, but you still have to struggle. Why don't you give up if you don't resist?"

Su Ming smiled and snapped his fingers, and Barry's uniform instantly changed into casual clothes. He usually wore a tech nerd suit of shirt and jeans:

"Accept the reality. This world is so dark, and I am the darkness itself. If you go back on your word again, I will call a meeting with all members of the Justice League and bring this matter to the meeting to see if everyone supports you or not. Me, do you want a democratic vote?”

Okay, at this point, Xiaofeng gave up resistance completely, because he knew that in his eyes, this kind of thing was a reward for nothing, but in the eyes of other friends, it was a death knell to help his teammates, which was worthy of encouragement. A righteous act.

No one would object.

"Let's go to that building." Barry turned his head and picked an older-looking apartment building under the bright moonlight: "Look at those windows, I think the direction of the room should be good."

In fact, he just wanted to pick a cheap one. Since the locations were similar, the old house would definitely be cheaper.

"Okay, let's go see that one. Let me tell you, when buying a building or apartment, you must choose one with an elevator."

Su Ming agreed, but he pulled Flash and walked in the completely opposite direction. There was a newly built building over there, and there should be apartments for sale:

"When I have children in the future, it will be more convenient for the elderly at home to come and stay for a few days. This twenty-eight-story tower is good. Let's go see how the large apartment on the top floor is sold."

Without waiting for Barry to say any more pretentious words, Deathstroke directly teleported him into the high-rise building and outside the room on the top floor. As expected, the highest-end flat-floor suite had not been sold at all and was still unoccupied at this time.

The strangulating tentacles got into the keyhole, and he opened the door with a casual twist. Su Ming walked in as if he was back at his own home, and invited Barry to come in and see his future home.

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