The Death Knell

Chapter 5355 No worries

Yes, Patty really didn't notice, she just heard the sincerity in Deathstroke's words.

She was also embarrassed to ask the three giants of Zhenglian to make such a trip to verify the authenticity of Deathstroke's words, because when the lie was obviously beneficial to her, she would rather believe it to be true.

Women's rationality is different from men's. If they want something, they really want it.

What's more, the adjutant has now projected the model room that will be renovated in the future, so that she can see what it will be like in the future. How could she refuse such a big pie and turn around?

Besides, this was nominally given to Barry by Zheng Lian. Regardless of whether it was true or not, didn't his boyfriend voice any objection?

He has accepted this gift, so there is no need for him to reject it.

So she used her arm to push Barry, who was looking down at his feet and strangling bean sprouts with big eyes and small eyes, to signal him not to be distracted, and then said with a smile:

"I understand. There is no need for everyone to come here specifically for these things. Since it is everyone's good intention, then we will accept it."

"That's right, just take the gift for you." Su Ming clapped his hands, and it was settled: "You are much more straightforward than Barry. We talked to him for a long time before he agreed to accept the gift. , It’s like he doesn’t need basic necessities, food, shelter, and transportation, but wants to break away from material things and become a god.”

"Haha, he's just shy." Patty hugged Barry and kissed him on the face: "Anyway, thank you to everyone in the Justice League for the gifts. We like them very much."

"Okay, then take a look at these virtual projections. These are some decoration styles selected by my adjutant. You can see which one you like."

Su Ming signaled that she could start choosing decorations and take care of the rest by herself:

"Soft furnishings, furniture, etc., just tell me what you want. I have a factory and can make it for you directly. Let's put it this way, as long as you want something, I can get it for Barry, even if you want the sun Or the moon, my factory can also make it."

"That's great, thank you, Slade, and you're so funny. There's no way I want the sun and the moon." Patty hugged Deathstroke generously, but of course it was just the enthusiasm of a friend: "It's just ordinary. You're welcome to buy the furniture, Barry and I will pick it out together."

She is much more straightforward than Xiao Shen. Since she decides to accept the gift, she accepts it generously, which is good.

"Well, while you guys chat, I'll go downstairs to pick up the real estate agent."

With that said, Su Ming turned around and left with a smile, leaving this big house to his good friends Xiao Shan and his wife.

Walking to the door, seeing his hesitant look, Su Ming tapped his eyes with two fingers in the dark corridor, and pointed at him again. This was to warn Xiao Shen that he had been watching, so don't Want to regret it.

After scaring him, the death knell disappeared into the darkness. He didn't lie about this, because the real estate agent who was eager to sell the house really got up in the middle of the night and arrived in a short time.

As expected of Midtown, a place where speedsters gather together. Ordinary people here are also very efficient at doing things. Su Ming likes it very much.

Taking the elevator to the lobby on the first floor, under the gaze of the security guard who was trying to remember when this person had been upstairs, Deathstroke in casual clothes shook hands with the real estate agent, and then went straight to the point:

"Hello, Mr. Whatever, how much does your large attic apartment cost?"

"Well, sir, you have good taste. The house I represent can be said to be the best house in Midtown. As you can see, this Midtown building was newly completed this year. Although not many people have moved in yet. But it is close to the city center and the surrounding supporting living facilities are very complete. This building was built by the famous Trump Group, so you don’t have to worry about the construction quality.”

Anyone who can be a real estate agent is not an ordinary person. Even if he is called Mr. 'Whatever', he is obviously looked down upon, but he is not angry at all, but more excited.

Because only the super rich don't care what others call them. This is a gap in social class. Even if his house sells well, he is just a tool in front of the real capitalists.

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