The Death Knell

Chapter 5356 Visitors in the middle of the night

The original plan was to wait for Barry and the two to choose the decoration style, start construction tomorrow, and move in the day after tomorrow.

But Patty was obviously much more decisive than expected. She quickly identified the decoration style she wanted, agreed with her boyfriend Barry, and quickly made a list of the furniture she wanted, leaving it to Deathstroke to arrange it. .

She doesn't need much furniture. As a hematology specialist, she probably likes simple laboratory-style decoration, so she only has some basic things in the list, such as a TV, a refrigerator, a washing machine, etc. She doesn't need a jacuzzi or a water bed, and other things. Luxurious gadgets.

Su Ming likes her character very much. She does things neatly and doesn't need to talk, which is very good.

So there was no need for the adjutant to send a decoration team. He directly activated the quantum concept to help Barry complete the decoration of the whole house. There was no need to wait for the day after tomorrow, and he could move in now.

"It's done. Let's see if there's anything we're not satisfied with and I'll make adjustments." As he said this, Su Ming asked his lieutenant to move the clothes and belongings from Barry's old house.

Even with a new house, Xiao Shen is still not rich. He can still use the old things from the past that can be used.

It's not that Su Ming doesn't want to buy him new ones, but Barry is different from other people. He doesn't like extravagance and waste, and he doesn't even like the new and dislike the old.

"Is this the power of quantum?"

Unlike Patty, who was full of surprise and looked at the rooms one by one, Barry was a little worried. He touched the partition wall that was embodied with quantum concepts. It felt very real:

"If you keep using this power, you won't end up like Dr. Manhattan, right? Others may not know this, but I have seen the 'rebirth' event in the Speed ​​Force, and it was all caused by him. .”

The rebirth incident, to put it bluntly, is like Dr. Manhattan killing everyone, reshaping everyone again, and conveniently stuffing the Watchers into Earth 0, straightening out their stories.

The blue giant has no emotions at all, and his thoughts are so clear that it is difficult to understand. Xiao Shen is worried that Deathstroke, who has the same clear thoughts, will lose his emotions.

"Don't worry, I know it well." Su Ming hooked his neck, sat down on the high-end sofa sent by the adjutant, and took out some food for a supper: "If it is to reshape a multiverse, it may be harmful to me. The state of the property is somewhat affected, but this is just a house, not worth mentioning at all.”

"That's good, um, thank you today. Patty is really happy." Xiao Shen looked at the things on the table and picked up a soda as a drink to raise a glass: "She is usually quite serious and always Dealing with all kinds of bloody murders, it’s really not easy to see her happy.”

"That's just because you are too poor, haha." Su Ming didn't want to talk about such a serious topic, so he deliberately focused on superficial things like money: "If you want to live an ordinary life, then you must understand that life The conflicts between most couples in China are essentially due to lack of money."

"Haha, I've also heard this saying, it's a 'cure for all diseases'." Xiao Shen also laughed. He took a big sip of soda and felt the sugar in it: "It is said that even if you quarrel, you can give me a brand-name bag. You don’t have to sleep on the sofa.”

"That's more or less what I mean. Okay, now everything from the old house has been arranged, and Patty doesn't seem to be dissatisfied." Even though there were several walls, Deathstroke could still see Patty. The expression on her face made her extremely happy: "Then you can continue to rest, I will withdraw first."

Before leaving, he didn't forget to change Barry's casual clothes back into a red uniform, otherwise Little Flash might not have a uniform to wear next time.

Although he still has several spare sets of polymer rubber, he only has one set of high-performance ceramic armor.

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