The Death Knell

Chapter 5371: Running out of ammunition and food

"Do you have anything to eat there?"

In a small room in the theater, two mattresses were placed on the wall as a floor. At this time, the two of them were squatting side by side, feebly looking through the various garbage around them.

Among the garbage are empty cans, food packaging bags, empty plastic bottles, kraft paper boxes, etc. It was obvious that they were used to contain food and drinks not long ago, but now only the inedible parts are left.

The person who made the sound was a man. He was as thin as a bamboo pole, wearing a silver eye-covering helmet that looked like a flying saucer, and blue tights.

But he has no muscles at all. He doesn't actually look good in tight clothes, it just makes his arms and legs look longer.

Now his cheeks are sunken and his voice is very low. He probably hasn't eaten for a long time and looks malnourished due to hunger.

He is a psychic named Bashir. As an orphan, he has no surname. Under the protection of the sage, he can find very little information.

I heard that he often hangs out in Zambia, Africa. As a white man, I don’t know why he has a lot of affection for that place, but his source of income is from Zambia. When he has no money, he will come to Zambia and launch attacks at night. Read some Secrets in the minds of villains and villains, and then smuggling money out of their bank accounts.

He is not a heinous and evil person. Although he also takes action against civilians, in most cases he just reads some shameful secrets in the minds of civilians for fun, and does not touch ordinary people's property.

But to say that he is a good person, it is definitely not true, because every time he meets the Flash, he will take the initiative to make trouble, whether it is to cause trouble for Barry's original plan or to torment others.

The word "psionic" in the code name fully shows that his ability is mental-oriented, so his physical fitness is average, which is slightly stronger than that of ordinary people, but the sage power can allow him to obtain something similar to anti-life. The general effect of Eq.

One of his most commonly used tactics when dealing with the Lightning Family is to mind-control all the residents in nearby cities and let them act as human shields and human walls.

He is also good at all kinds of planning and resourcefulness. The sage power has given him super intelligence, making him a master of tactics. Overall, he is often at odds with Barry, and he can be regarded as one of the decent rivals.

"I found this." A female voice replied, holding a pack of biscuits in her big hands. She blew off the dust on it: "Let each of us take half, but this should be the last food. If there is no way to get out, we may I will starve to death and die of thirst here.”

The powerful woman is wearing a green sleeveless tights. She looks a bit like Green Lantern at first glance. She also has a Latin-style skin color, but she is not a beauty in the traditional sense. Instead, she looks like she emerged from a paradise island. Here comes the female warrior.

She can run horses on her shoulders, stand up on her fists, has more muscles than Superwoman, and looks silly when she smiles.

The original name of Haoli is Alexa Antigone, and her hometown is the Central American island country of Codomatis, where she is regarded as a superhero by the people because she has been resisting the behind-the-scenes control of the United States on her motherland.

Codomatis is a sovereign country in name, but in fact the American chaebols and the Sky Eye Society control it behind the scenes. There are many secret laboratories secretly conducting some very cruel experiments.

Including but not limited to human experiments in viruses, chemistry, sociology, psychiatry, etc., Tianyan will treat this place as a back garden and use dark methods to its heart's content.

Anyway, if something goes wrong and there is a civil unrest or something, just push the then president to take the blame and support another new puppet to come to power. If there is a big problem, then send the suicide squad to solve it.

The place where there are alien starfish in the movie "Suicide Squad 2" is Codomatis, a miserable country that is too far from heaven and too close to the United States.

Closer to home, the powerful woman is regarded as a hero in her motherland. She rescues the poor, resists tyranny, and acts chivalrously. Even the Flash recognizes her deeds.

But she is considered a super villain in the United States because she will launch retaliatory large-scale terrorist attacks against the US military, US politicians, US secret services and consortiums.

Although she doesn't do these things in Midtown, she won't be soft elsewhere. In a way, she just does some supermarket robberies in Midtown, all for the sake of her friendship with Barry and to tease him. Just playing.

Her different stance makes her act very much like an anti-hero in the United States. To put it simply, she hates American politicians and plutocrats, but has a very good attitude towards American civilians. She occasionally helps Barry, on the way to rob a Midtown supermarket. If something happens, let's fight the little monsters together.

Power is the simplest and crudest of the four powers. This power allows her to infinitely transform power from the environment. It may be a bit abstract, but it will be much easier to understand with a simple example.

For example, if she stands there and a gust of wind blows, she can convert the wind into her own power; if she stands there doing nothing and the sun shines on her, the solar energy will be converted into power; while walking on the beach, the tide will Once it reaches her feet, the tidal energy will be converted into her own power.

By analogy, the earth's gravity, the force exerted by others when they attack her, the inertia caused by speed and mass, can all be converted into her power. There is no upper limit to this power so far.

She feels a bit like the Hulk from Marvel next door, except that she is more trouble-free, does not need to be driven by anger at all, and focuses on being simple and rough.

Of course, powerful strength also has disadvantages, that is, the efficiency of her power conversion is not high, at least not as fast as Superman's charging in the sun, and she also needs to accumulate strength to release powerful moves, some of which are like 'gas gathering' in electronic fighting games. ' and 'unleash the ultimate move' cycle.

In short, although this woman is a bit bigger, like a Mexican female wrestler, she is still generally a good person, otherwise she would not give the last bag of cookies to the psychic guest.

Because the psychic has small arms and legs, she can hit hundreds of them with one finger. Sage power is very good, but without a complete plan, it is of little significance in the face of absolute power.

Once the powerful woman finished accumulating power, she subconsciously stamped her foot, and there was a big earthquake within a dozen kilometers. With the physical strength of the psychic, it was impossible to escape.

"Oh, I hope someone comes to save us. Do you think the Flash will come?"

The psychic took half of the biscuits and was reluctant to put them into his mouth. He just broke off a small piece with his trembling hands, put it in his mouth, sipped it, and soaked it with saliva, as if this could make the food taste better. a bit more.

"Yes, he is a good man. Even if we are imprisoned by the Speed ​​Force now, I believe the Flash will be on our side."

The powerful woman said very firmly. She understood Barry's pure kindness and was convinced that if the Flash knew the situation between the two, he would definitely come to the rescue.

It's just that he may not know that the Speed ​​Force obviously did it without telling him about abducting the two people.

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