The Death Knell

Chapter 5372 Pretending to be a ghost

The psychic guest was not as optimistic as she was, and the previous questions were just random thoughts in a desperate situation.

He asked himself that his relationship with the Flash was not very good, and he really couldn't think of a reason why he would come to save him. He even secretly thought of a possibility, that is, the Flash came and rescued the powerful woman, but left her behind. I am waiting to die here alone.

It didn't seem to take any effort to be captured by the Speed ​​Force, because a long time ago, the Sage Force and the Power Force were prisoners of the Speed ​​Force, and they were also sealed in the Speed ​​Force plane.

Without mastering the concepts of time and space, you will never be an opponent of the Speed ​​Force. It is just that it is restrained.

What's more, the two of them are not the Power and the Sage themselves, but just their hosts, flesh and blood, and human beings.

I don’t know how much time has passed since she was imprisoned. Fortunately, Hao Linu just happened to rob the supermarket before she came in. The large bag of grain and pure water she was carrying was originally intended to be taken back home and distributed to the poor, so there was a lot of it. .

But in a lonely and quiet environment, the two of them only wanted to find a way out besides eating and drinking. Time passed unknowingly, and the tons of food and drinks became less and less, and a crisis gradually emerged.

Even after they realized what they were doing, the two began to distribute the food as planned, but Haoliu's appetite was proportional to her size, so the food was still consumed quickly.

To this day, the two of them still haven't found a way to escape from this weird building. The psionic man's hair fell out in handfuls thinking about it, but he still can't figure out how to escape from the prison of the Speed ​​Force by relying on the power of strength and sage power. .

Violent methods have been tried for the first time, but this theater should be a special space, and it cannot be broken by the brute force of a powerful woman.

When they were investigating the internal environment of the theater, they also saw some corpses. Judging from the remaining diaries or similar things, they were all speedsters who died here in the past, so this discovery made people even more desperate.

Users of the Speed ​​Force may be trapped and die here, but what about the two of them?

So the two fell silent after their simple conversation. On the one hand, they were hungry and needed to talk less to save energy; on the other hand, they had finished their words of encouragement to each other, and now only had a few biscuits left in their hands. Don't know what to say.

There was a sound like a ghost crying in the air. This was a theater project being performed. At this time every day, there would always be some new shows, but they were not for living people. Only speedsters could even see the shadows on the stage clearly. What are they doing? Ordinary people can only hear the screams of ghosts.

The two of them slowly emerged from under the garbage pile, leaning against the wall with biscuits in their mouths and closing their eyes, seemingly thinking about their last words.

But at this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door of the room where the two were hiding, which was very clear in the silent environment.

"Dong dong dong, hee hee hee"


The laughter didn't sound like it was coming from a human being, and hearing it sent chills to the bones. The powerful woman who opened her eyes with force raised her guard.

The strength gave her an extraordinary combat intuition, and she could feel the presence of a terrifying strong man outside the door.

She didn't know why the other party knocked on the door, but she seemed to see a darkness.

"It shouldn't be. Why do void monsters appear in the speed force plane?" The psionic guest's expression changed drastically. The sage force provided him with a lot of additional knowledge, which allowed him, who had never been to the void, to understand the void. characteristics of certain monsters.

But it's useless to know. That kind of thing is basically physically immune. Even in the heyday of the two of them, it would be a big trouble for them to fight against one, let alone the current situation where the two of them are hungry.

"Dong dong dong, hee hee hee"

This sound came from outside the door again, and the frequency of knocking became faster this time, as if the other party was gradually losing patience.

But just when the two of them became extremely nervous, they heard a woman's simple voice coming from outside the door:

"Death Knell, why do you knock on the door three times and then laugh for a while? Does this have any special meaning?"

Then I heard a man's helpless voice and slowly replied:

"It doesn't mean anything, I just want to make a joke with them, but as soon as you say it, I will betray you."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm just curious." The woman apologized immediately with a little guilt. Although she couldn't see her, you could tell that she was embarrassed: "Well, how about I help you think of a different joke? Although I'm not I’m very good at making jokes with others, but my former friends said I have no sense of humor.”

"What you are saying now is quite humorous. You have already betrayed the gang, how can you scare them?"

Su Ming, still holding a cigarette in his mouth, reached out and opened the door. He was speechless to Mina. Such a woman was really not suitable for working in the field. Her curiosity could really kill people.

But even if the joke about meeting didn't work, Deathstroke didn't feel embarrassed. He stood at the door and looked at the various garbage piled up in the room, as well as the two refugees leaning against the wall next to the garbage mountain, and raised his hand to say hello. :

"Hello, don't you two want to smile when you see me?"

Normal people would not be able to laugh when they see the black and yellow armor, because Deathstroke is a mercenary, and once he appears, he has received a killing mission.

But these two are not normal people, they are users of the power of origin, and no matter who comes, they are the savior of their current situation.

Even if you are hacked to death, it is still better than slowly starving to death, right? I heard that starvation is a very painful way to die, second only to being slowly burned to death by a small fire.

So after hearing the words of the death knell, both of them smiled to save face. Maybe it was due to lack of nutrition that caused some facial nerve problems. The smile looked very stiff, but it was a smile anyway.

The smart psychic struggled to applaud twice and boasted: "What a good joke, haha, we were all scared just now."

"Haha, as long as you like it, come on, let's talk somewhere else."

Su Ming, who likes smart people, covered his nose and took another look at the garbage mountain next to him. Those empty packaging bags exuded the smell of rotten food residues. He used the force to directly grab the two of them and float them, taking them farther away. Clean place:

"You two are really tolerant. Is this 'like entering an abalone house, not smelling the smell for a long time, and then dissolving into it'?"

"Huh? What does this mean? Deathstroke, are you speaking Chinese?" Mina became curious again. She was like a curious baby, always asking questions.

It is estimated that only a good old man like Barry can bear such a woman. Anyway, Su Ming is very similar to Batman. He doesn't like to explain. When he is in a good mood, he may give some explanations, but he is always annoyed by being pestered with questions.

It's not Mina's fault. Scientists must have the spirit of seeking knowledge. This is also the way for human beings to transcend. Su Ming knew that impatience was his own problem. He was not a good person and did not have the patience to answer people's questions.

"Yes, it's Chinese. This sentence means to describe someone who is particularly sexy."

Well, the mean-spirited Deathstroke found it annoying to answer Mina's questions, but it was still fun to trick her.

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