The Death Knell

Chapter 5374 Warm conversation

How should I put it? Colonel Sanders's art form is actually not advanced in the United States.

Men can also do striptease. In places like the United States, striptease clubs are a legal industry, and naturally there is a market for women. And generally speaking, women spend more generously when they go out to have fun.

According to an idle survey, among striptease dancers, the income of male dancers is generally three to five times higher than that of female dancers.

Therefore, as long as you don't sell dog meat with a sheep's head and use the name of a gigolo to make a duck, then in fact, striptease is not a shameful profession. On the contrary, it can be regarded as one of the more delicious bowls of youth rice.

But having said that, some conservative old people still can't accept it, such as Puritan families, so the dance depends on who is in the audience.

Meena Dhawan is a nerd. A tech nerd rarely leaves her lab, let alone going to a strip club to watch the gigolos.

So as an American, she actually doesn't look like a traditional American girl, but is very innocent.

Psychic is a straight man. When he watches a group of muscular men doing a striptease, he should feel the same as Deathstroke, probably swinging back and forth between funny and disgusting.

Although Hao Li was born in a passionate Central American country, her appearance means she has never been in love. She is 2.10 meters tall and weighs 198 kilograms, but she is an innocent girl.

So even she, who had been eating like a starving ghost before, was dumbfounded after many KFC employees started dancing.

For these three people, Colonel Sanders's dance rehearsal was indeed a bit exciting, but this was also a good thing, because if a person is hungry for a long time, he should not eat the first meal too fast, as there is a risk of sudden death from gastric bleeding.

Amidst the inexplicable lighting effects and loud music, the three of them were stunned as they watched the strong men dance the entire dance, especially Colonel Sanders himself who also danced, which was even more unexpected for them.

He looked like a gentle and elegant old man before, but after he tore off his clothes, his body was full of youth and vitality, and his shiny muscles were blinding.

Soon, the dance ended, and the other actors wearing only underwear exited the stage in an orderly manner. The colonel himself wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a smile:

"Thank you, thank you for your support to us. Every Thursday, all KFC chain fast food restaurants will hold discounts. Everyone is welcome to visit. You can also use your points to redeem a series of handsome gigolo figures."

He hasn't forgotten to advertise the restaurant, just like the Justice League has been spreading the message of justice, he has been spreading the message of fried chicken.

"Come on, put on some clothes, sit down and have a drink." Su Ming took out a piece of clothing from his pocket and threw it to him, and then took out a drink to serve him: "I want to chat with the two of them here, and we'll get together later. go out?"

"No need to trouble you, I have other orders to deliver."

He took out a new suit from the takeout box and put it on. The colonel did not refuse the drink, but just had a small drink with Deathstroke:

"You guys chat slowly, by the way, if I remember correctly, Hao Li is from Codomatis, right? There isn't even a KFC in your country. I know that people who don't have fried chicken will not be happy. So if you want to join a chain store, you can call me when you go back, I will provide the secret sauce and funds, you organize the manpower and land, we will split the money 50-50, and together we can change the miserable lives of your compatriots."

The Hao Li girl was still stupid. She didn't seem to hear what the colonel said, but the old man didn't want her to answer in a hurry. After getting dressed, he left with the takeout box on his back, returning the quiet place to Deathstroke and others.

Only the strong smell of fried chicken in the room proved that he had been here before.

"People in Codomatis may not be able to afford KFC. If I remember correctly, the average annual income of people there last year was only about US$100."

The psychic sighed, knowing that this was probably the colonel's plan to do charity. Where chain restaurants are opened, local consumption levels must be investigated in advance. Even Codomatis, a resident of the capital, does not have the spare money to eat fried chicken. .

Unless there is a major price cut to lower the product price to the local consumption level, this will result in the cost of the secret sauce not being recovered.

Hao Linv obviously didn't know the colonel before. In other words, they proposed cooperation for the sake of Deathstroke's face. They don't know what conditions Deathstroke will negotiate with Haolinv today, but if he rejects the colonel's cooperation, Naturally, it all came to nothing.

The smart psychic saw a lot of things. Although he didn't know whether he was right or not, he thought so.

But it shouldn't be a big problem. Hao Linu and himself have no other choice at all. If they want to leave the theater, they can only rely on the death knell.

"Okay, let's talk while eating."

Su Ming saw the psychic guest's eyes rolling around and guessed what this guy was thinking of, but he didn't actually have any excessive demands:

"Let me introduce to you. The person next to me is the 'Fast Road' of the Flash family. Because she has been trapped in the Speed ​​Force plane for fourteen years, you probably haven't seen her since her debut, but she is the daughter of the Flash." Friends, now you know.”

It's a little late to introduce each other, but it's not a bad idea to start the conversation here.

"The Flash's girlfriend? Isn't it Iris West?" When the topic of The Flash's girlfriend was mentioned, Hao Li heard it this time. She still had a chicken leg in her mouth and showed a confused expression.

Why did another girlfriend show up? The Flash is a superhero. Are Americans’ private lives so chaotic?

She didn't understand, but was shocked.

"Ahem!" The psychic coughed immediately. He wanted to interrupt the woman's speech, because it was not good to mention the girlfriend's affairs after The Flash in front of this long-lost girlfriend.

Besides, according to my latest information, Iris is in the past. The Flash’s girlfriend is now Dr. Patty Spotvitt, and I heard that my old rival seems to be in a relationship with a certain female Green Lantern. Not sure.

But no matter what, it's not something that can be said openly. The Flash is a good person.

"Huh? So, during the years when I was missing, he had more than one girlfriend?" Mina showed a thoughtful expression, but she touched her face and quickly smiled again: " That doesn’t matter, anyway, I must be the youngest one, and I have a deep relationship with him, so I will definitely win in the end.”

"When you get out, you can communicate with the Flash yourself. That is your private matter. Okay, hurry up, this is Power Girl and this is Psychic. They are both bad friends of Flash. They are nice people. They just go to Central City occasionally to do bad things, and at the same time they are also the chosen ones with the power of strength and sage power."

Su Ming touched his nose and silently ordered the adjutant to contact Green Lantern Jessica. That woman was either on duty at OA or patrolling in space, and asked her to come back to celebrate Barry's housewarming.

Then it’s useless. Should Iris notify me? Su Ming doesn't like that woman because he thinks she's a burden, but Barry himself likes it, maybe he can consider it?

"Hello everyone, actually you don't have to worry about me. Although I am also a speedster, I also wear a uniform and a mask, but I don't go out in the field."

Mina instantly understood that these two people should be super villains, but this is a trivial matter in Midtown. Putting aside the issue of stance, everyone is friends:

"When you play with Flash from now on, just don't get hurt."

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