The Death Knell

Chapter 5375 Negotiation completed

As a person with relatively low emotional intelligence, Mina often has problems communicating with normal people. Fortunately, the psychic guest is a pervert who likes to peek into other people's privacy, while Hao Linu is a straight woman with muscles in her head.

So the three of them quickly became familiar with each other while eating and drinking, and started chatting and laughing. This is probably the so-called "Midtown Spirit".

Midtown is really a very friendly city, and it always gives people the feeling that 'everyone who comes is a guest'. Whether they come to the city to work and study, or to rob a bank or supermarket, the Flash always receives them politely and warmly. And gradually became friends.

This is how the Rogue Gang was influenced by Barry. No one else could do it. Even Wally was not recognized by those people.

The villains only recognize Barry, as if he is the only one who can understand them. It is strange to say that Barry does not have any psychological attainments, he only relies on simple kindness to do things.

Is sincerity really the ultimate skill?

But in fact, Superman is also very sincere, that is, the villains of Metropolis are led by Luthor. Those people do not accept the so-called sincerity at all. They are either aloof idealists like bald heads, or they are simply only interested in profit. A careerist, Superman's situation is much worse than Barry's.

Now Mina was asking about Codomatis, a country she had never even heard of because it was such a small country.

Hao Linu told her that Codomatis is an island country in the Caribbean Sea of ​​Central America. There are only two cities on the island and the total population is a little more than 200,000. The vast majority of people are living a very difficult life. American chaebols and spy organizations Numerous crimes were committed there.

This strong woman seems to lack thinking most of the time, but when she mentions her motherland, she becomes serious and serious, as if she has switched personalities. She has the aura of a superhero and speaks in a smooth manner. Clear and logical.

It's quite weird, but Earth 0 has always been full of weirdos.

In short, after she outlined everything, Mina gave her an idea: "You should join the Justice League. Although I have been trapped in the Speed ​​Force for more than ten years, I know that your so-called enemies are not at all. Batman’s rival.”

"Or you can also go to Luther to cooperate. As long as his Lex Group moves up to Codomatis, all other capitalists will be squeezed out by him soon. If they are playing dirty, the Sky Eye Club can't defeat Luther. .”

The psionic guest now had food and his brain was functioning again, and he also helped come up with ideas.

"Let me think about it again." Hao Linu didn't want to use the hands of Americans to solve the problems of her motherland. She still wanted to rely on herself, but now that the topic had reached this point, she could only quickly change it: " Deathstroke, I have agreed to your conditions before, no matter what it is, as long as you save us, I will do it for you."

"There's no rush. It's not a big deal. I'm just going to put the four origin powers together tomorrow and see if I can find anything."

Su Ming was eating finger-licking original chicken and drinking happy water, and said softly:

"You don't need to kill people or do anything against humanity. It's just as simple as getting together, activating your power, letting me see, and then we're done."

"That's it?" The psychic thought it was a bit too simple, which made him suspect there was some conspiracy behind it.

"That's it, I don't need to lie to you, because when you die, the power and the sage will automatically change their hosts." The death knell stuffed the chicken bones into the mouth of the strangled bean sprouts and listened to it crunching into pieces. Voice: "You two are acquaintances of The Flash, so I came to save you, otherwise"

This is how doing business is, first reduce the other party's capital to nothing, and then raise your own price.

In fact, Su Ming is more willing to cooperate with the two of them. Although what he said before is true, those two powers can change the host, but if he changes to a new host, the information about his previous life will be useless.

I know the powerful women and the psychics. I know what kind of people they are and what kind of character flaws they have.

If the two of them die, the future new hosts will be replaced by two strangers, which will do more harm than good to Deathstroke.

"Is it that simple? That's no problem, just go out and do it." Hao Linu was very happy, patted her thigh with her big oily hand, and agreed in the same breath: "Just right, I haven't seen the Flash for a long time. , I don’t know if he has exercised well recently.”

In the past days, every time she saw Barry, she felt that Flash was too thin and frail, and looked a little pitiful.

"He is still like that. You should also know that using the Speed ​​Force will consume physical energy at a high speed. If a speedster wants to gain weight, there is basically no chance."

Deathstroke answered her with a smile. Watching her eat made people quite appetizing. She could finish a big chicken drumstick in one bite, and the roasted corn could be chewed cleanly in one bite. The God of Thunder was not as fierce as her in eating.

Su Ming is quite willing to make friends with such a good man. He does things in a grand and cheerful manner, which makes people worry-free.

"Okay, if it's just such a simple request, I agree." The psychic guest is still a little worried about being left behind. He knows more about Death Knell, so he naturally has more worries.

"Don't worry, we can sign the contract."

Su Ming took out a pen and paper from his pocket and drafted the contract skillfully:

"You should be able to rest assured, right? We mercenaries are the most particular about the spirit of contracts. After you sign and eat, I will take you out first. You can go home and settle down. We will start working again tomorrow."

"Okay, since you said that, of course I believe you. Where should I sign?" The psychic guest walked down the slope. He actually knew that he had no choice.

The contract was made in duplicate and both of them signed it. After the exchange, the atmosphere became more harmonious. After all, now everyone has become a partner.

Temporary teammates are also considered teammates, and in the presence of delicious food, although the psychic guest who has been hungry for a long time can maintain his sanity, his eyes are always on the fried chicken while talking.

While he was speaking, Hao Li Nu was showing off her skills. Five out of ten portions of the family bucket were gone, and he was also worried.

When you are with this kind of woman, you really have to worry about not having enough to eat. Why do people from poor places eat so much?

There were all kinds of slanders in his heart, but he didn't say them out. After getting the nominal guarantee of the contract, the psychic guest also joined the army of dazzling fans. His movements were a little more elegant, but he also stuffed food into his mouth very frequently. Gao, obviously fried chicken is also to his taste.

Normally, although Bashir is an orphan and does not even have a surname, judging from his past actions, there is a high probability that his ancestral home is Zambian.

Zambia is located in Africa, and everyone knows that most Africans are black. Although he looks white, maybe he has a little bit of black blood in his ancestors? According to the One Drop of Blood principle, he is also black.

So, isn’t it normal to love fried chicken?

"Don't just eat greasy food, have some fruit."

Thinking of this, the kind-hearted Deathstroke took out another watermelon from his pocket, cut it into dozens of pieces with his bare hands, and picked a big piece and handed it to Bashir.

There is no way, he is such a careful person.

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