The Death Knell

Chapter 5376 Let’s play mahjong together

Things in the Speed ​​Force plane were finished, and Black Lightning returned to his old business to catch the speedsters who had sneaked in. After finishing the simple fried chicken dinner, Su Ming directly sent the two people back using the quantum concept. respective homes, and he took Mina back to Midtown.

This series of things took up a lot of time, but the time in the outside world did not pass long. When we returned to the small hill park outside the central city, it was just past two o'clock in the middle of the night.

The stars in the sky twinkled, the rhythmic chirping of insects came from the bushes, and the air in the mountains at night was very fresh, as if there was no pollution at all.

Anyway, compared to the garbage cans of the world like Gotham, Midtown is simply extremely clean. There are no garbage or homeless people on the roadside in the city, and it doesn't even look like an American city.


Mina was doing stretching exercises under the dim street lights. Her black uniform blended in with the night. She closed her eyes and felt the free air outside, even though in terms of her subjective feelings, she was just trapped for almost an afternoon. look.

But in fact, more than ten years have passed, and now when she looks at the dimly lit city in the distance, it is so unfamiliar that she cannot recognize it.

Fortunately, this is Midtown, and there are not too many high-rise buildings that have appeared with the development of the times. After recognizing specific landmarks such as lakes and rivers, you can barely see some shadows of the past.

It's just that the cars running on the road now, the electronic advertising screens hanging outside the buildings, and the smartphones held by pedestrians are all new models that she has never seen before.

This is good news for a scientist, because her life is once again full of unknown fun.

"How do you feel?" Su Ming stood beside her, looking at the woman enjoying herself, and asked with a smile.

"Very good, the smell of Zhongcheng has not changed!" She nodded happily and said in a lively tone: "I want to go for a run, is that okay?"

"Go ahead, it only takes a few seconds anyway." Su Ming shrugged indifferently. This woman was a bit too polite. How long can a speedster take to visit a city at night? No need to ask yourself.

None of the shops were open, and there weren't many people on the road. The most she could do was visit a 24-hour supermarket. Even though her speed was basically at the bottom among speedsters, it was still super-light speed after all.

The female doctor licked her lips and moved her ankles a few times. Golden lightning instantly covered her black uniform, and she disappeared on the spot.


Deathstroke, who stayed where he was, took a puff of cigarette, and as soon as the smoke was exhaled, she was already back.

Wiping the sweat from her head, she said excitedly: "It's similar to the future I imagined. Human technology is really advanced now. I'm very happy. The city is also peaceful. I didn't see any criminals."

"Were there many super-powered criminals more than ten years ago?"

Su Ming really doesn't know what happened in the past, because he entered DC Diversity 1 after the big event of "Rebirth".

"Well, I don't know if you have heard that almost all the bank robbers in the United States are in Midtown. This is like the Holy Grail in the hearts of those bank robbers."

The woman laughed out loud as she spoke. She could understand those people:

"Haha, it's like if you can't successfully escape from being chased by The Flash after robbing a bank in Midtown, it means you haven't mastered bank robbery skills well, and you need to go back to prison to exchange more experiences with your colleagues."

It's like all the psychopaths from all over the world go to Gotham to make a name for themselves and want to play games with Batman in person.

Bank robbers also have a tradition in the United States. In the Wild West era, they carried money bags and ran away on horseback. In modern times, they drive away. If you ask what is the most important thing when robbing a bank, most robbers will tell you. A same answer.

That's speed.

You need to be quick to uniform the security guards, you need to be quick to open the vault and safe, you need to be quick to get the money and identify high-priced items, and you need to be quick to run away after getting the money. As long as you are quick enough, the bank can rob it well.

And where on earth is speed more important than Midtown?

Among those with super powers who started out as bank robbers, who doesn’t want to prove that they are the best? Then of course I have to come to Midtown and meet The Flash.

Being able to successfully escape after robbing a bank in another place is not considered a skill. It is recognized by the public that being able to escape smoothly after robbing a bank in Midtown is called Niubi.

For example, Batman doesn't care about the banks in Gotham. He will only follow those who rob the bank, find a dark corner, beat them up and leave. When he has had enough fun, he will run away and leave the money bag aside. thing.

In just one second when he bent down to pick up the money bag, the Wayne Group had already earned him millions of dollars. Besides, the insurance company would pay for the theft in the bank. What did Batman have to do with him? Might as well use this time to play games with friends.

The bank in Metropolis was even more boring. The robber walked in with his gun still in his clothes. Superman saw it and rushed there.

He would smile and let the robbers hit him in the chest until everyone ran out of bullets. Then he would catch everyone and tell a lot of truths, making the robbers cry and beg him to stop talking. Everyone realized Only when you make a mistake and regret it can you be let go.

Painful, ideological education is the most painful. Superman really thinks that everyone can learn well and become a good person, but little does he know that for some people who are bad to the core, so-called ideological education is the most painful torture.

So after thinking about it, Midtown became the most convenient place to show off his skills. The Flash doesn't kill people, and his abilities aren't particularly abnormal. He can sometimes be confused.

To put it simply, he can give the bank robbers a little hope that they can win.

In this way, countless super-powered criminals who love to rob banks came to Midtown. At the most exaggerated time, thirteen banks in Midtown were robbed by thirteen different gangs at the same time.

There was no way, everyone wanted to rob the bank, but when we discussed it privately, we really couldn't schedule any classes. It was like there were too many movies released at the same time, so we had to crash in different theaters.

The public security environment in Midtown has always been very good, but for ordinary people, they are not prone to large-scale massacres or large-scale terrorist attacks.

Here, the most common type of crime is bank robbery, followed by murder, and petty theft is rare.

"Have you ever gone back to your home?"

Deathstroke took out a pack of tissues, threw it to Mina to wipe her sweat, and asked this question with concern.

If her home was still there, it would be inconvenient for her to live in Barry's house, and she would have to make up for it secretly.

"I went to see it, but I rented that house. After I disappeared, the landlord rented it to someone else." The woman spread her hands and said helplessly: "I am really homeless now, so I can only go I'm looking for Barry, oh, I feel a little embarrassed, I'm not the kind of woman who wants to rely on her boyfriend for everything, you know what I mean?"

"I understand, you, like Harley, are independent women of the new era." Su Ming felt relieved, and she planned to live in Barry's house: "Women like you are indeed full of charm, and everyone likes her."

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