The Death Knell

Chapter 5377 Encounter at night

"Sounds like you know Miss Quinn very well? But I heard she's mentally ill."

The Latina beauty with low emotional intelligence asked the question doubtfully. Not many people knew her, but a veteran like Halle who debuted early was still somewhat famous, but it was just a notoriety.

"Well, when I look for women, I never care whether they are sick or not. Anyway, they are not as sick as me."

In the dark, Su Ming took a puff of his cigarette and looked at the quiet Central City at night, thinking about how to put Mina into Barry's new home. The best way would be to kill first and then explain:

"There's nothing wrong with being a little energetic. I also have psychological pressure. It's easier to be with a woman who loves to laugh."

It's normal for a person who disappears in the Speed ​​Force plane to suddenly reappear one night more than ten years later, returning to her lightning rod, which is Barry's bed, right?

"Oh, that's it, then she's quite lucky." Mina scratched her head and showed a gentle smile: "You are Barry's friend, then you must be a good person who doesn't care about Harley's past mistakes and her It’s so touching to be in love.”


I don’t know what Mina was thinking, and I don’t know how much she was moved by herself. Anyway, the death knell holding the golden pan knocked her down unsuspectingly, caught her soft body, and gently leaned against the long After sitting on the chair, he said to the unconscious woman:

"I also feel that I am a good person. You are really discerning."


There was the sound of the soles of feet scraping against the ground, and a red light suddenly appeared. The person stretched out his hand, but then retracted it because the pan was right in front of him.

"Why are you here?" Su Ming glanced at the new man, and took back the pot that transformed the lightsaber with a smile: "You don't sleep at home in Qishicheng at night, and come to Zhongcheng for a ride? You are very energetic. "

"Hey, it's you, Slade." Wally, who thought he was being praised, smiled and touched his head, but his eyes kept falling on the bench, with a slightly suspicious expression on his face: "I I felt a speedster appeared in Midtown, and thought it was some new super villain who had appeared. It just so happened that the Speed ​​Force had been restored, so I..."

To put it simply, Wally was also troubled by the loss of the Speed ​​Force during this period. In the middle of the night today, he dreamed that the Speed ​​Force was back. He woke up happily and found that the power had really returned.

How can I still sleep? I was feeling suffocated after not running for several days, so I quickly went to Midtown to find Barry for a laugh.

Speedsters are like this. They are runners among humans. If they are dogs, they are sled dogs. They are very energetic and can even be said to be addicted to running.

Although running consumes a lot of energy, they feel uncomfortable if they don't run for a while.

He went to Barry's old house, but of course he didn't find anyone, but he felt a strange speedster appear on the way. His sense of responsibility made him start tracking and find this place, just when Deathstroke seemed to be doing something bad to a woman.

Because the lights in the hilltop park in the suburbs were dim and the angle he was standing at was not good, he couldn't see the woman's face clearly. He could only tell from her figure that she was a young beauty.

As a superhero, the sense of justice in his heart forced him to stand up. Yes, Deathstroke had helped him a lot. He was like a reborn parent. Not only did he clear his name, but he also helped him do many things.

But the more this happens, the less he can see Deathstroke making a mistake. Having sex with a woman without her consent is a crime of rape.

When Wally thought of this, his eyes became firm. Even if he had to risk his life, he still had to prevent Deathstroke from making mistakes, because desire is not only the ladder of human progress, but sometimes it is another kind of abyss. Once he takes the wrong path, , it would be difficult to look back.

So when Deathstroke was about to say something, Wally spoke first:

"This woman looks familiar. Does Diana know her?"

Yes, Wally's mind is running very fast, as is the speedster. He indirectly asked Deathstroke to think about Wonder Woman, his apparent girlfriend, to see if he could stop the man from the cliff.

"It's hard to say. Diana debuted during the First World War, and she has been quite famous ever since."

Su Ming, with a cigarette in his mouth, wanted to chat with Wally. After all, the relationship between the two generations of Flashes was very good. Wally was also a relative of Iris. He wanted to hear his views on that woman before deciding to go with her. Don't give her to Barry all at once:

"But this woman knows Xiao Dai, but Xiao Dai doesn't necessarily know her. Both of them like to stay in the house, but one is playing with sculptures and the other is doing science experiments."

What Deathstroke said made Wally a little unsure, because if Xiao Dai knew about it, maybe Deathstroke was playing some kind of sex game with Xiao Si?

Wouldn't it be a bad idea to bother yourself?

But then I thought about it, something was wrong. Not long ago, this woman was running wildly in Midtown using the Speed ​​Force, and she fell unconscious after ten seconds? Even if it is an electric toy, the power outage will not be so sudden, right?

So he thought for a while and changed the question: "That's it, then do I know her?"

"Do you have night blindness? Wally, although she is wearing a black uniform, her face is not black." Su Ming motioned to Wally to get closer and take a closer look, especially squatting down to look at the woman's drooping face: "Of course you You know her, even though you were not the Flash when she disappeared, and you were still using the code name of Kid Flash."

After all the clues, it would be strange if Wally still couldn't figure out who this was.

Over the years, many speedsters have disappeared, but there is only one in black uniform, and that is Kuai Dao.

"Hiss—!" Wally, who knelt down to look at the woman's face, took a breath and looked at the death knell like a god: "It turns out to be Dr. Dhawan, she hasn't changed at all, she's still so young and beautiful, you Where did you find her? I was only twelve years old when she disappeared."

"She was targeted by the Speed ​​Force and trapped in the starting line. I went to help the Speed ​​Force this time and fished her out as a condition of the deal." Su Ming pointed at the woman and handed Wally another bottle. Soda: "As you can see, I'm about to send her to Barry's house."

"Why...ah, I remember, she was Barry's girlfriend at the time, tsk." Wally suddenly felt a toothache, and his facial features wrinkled together: "Then this will be more difficult, now Barry has a girlfriend, she What kind of identity does he have when he suddenly appears?"

Wally is a good man in the traditional sense. Although he is American, he is quite innocent.

He only loved Linda, and everything went smoothly from falling in love to getting married. The two children at home were also very successful. He didn't have much money, but the family lived happily.

Therefore, regarding Barry's behavior of frequently changing girlfriends, although he also knows that Barry is lovable because he is a nice person, Wally actually does not support it. After all, for a superhero, talking about too many partners will appear dark. .

Just like Batman.

"She's also my girlfriend. I asked Batman to help me get Barry a second citizenship in Saudi Arabia. So as long as he doesn't register in the United States, strictly speaking, Barry can marry four wives now."

As soon as Wally thought of Batman, the name came out of Deathstroke's mouth, and the familiar feeling came again, and the superhero in red tights recalled the fear of being dominated by Deathstroke.

This man seems to always be able to see what others are thinking.

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