The Death Knell

Chapter 5381 Lighthouse Keeper

Arthur's father, Tom, is a lighthouse keeper, and his mother is the previous Queen of Atlantis. The story is the most traditional one of rich girl and poor boy, but the ending is slightly better.

At least Arthur's father didn't die until he grew up, and he taught him some skills to survive in human society.

The name Cien Port sounds cool, but it is actually a small seaside town with a population of maybe more than 2,000 people, which is quite a lot in the United States.

In places like this, it is often popular for sons to inherit their father's legacy.

My father goes out to sea to fish, and his son will also join a fishing boat when he grows up; his father owns a restaurant in the town, and his son will inherit the restaurant in the future.

High emotional intelligence is said to be a family inheritance, while low emotional intelligence is said to have little development potential.

But not every American likes to live in a big city like Gotham, at least not anyone with a sane mind. Their rural plot is actually heavier than that of China.

After all, the land in my hometown in the countryside belongs to me privately. Whether it is sold or put aside, it is not as good as living on it.

In short, this is what happened. After Tom was killed by Black Manta, Arthur took over the position of caretaker of the Cien Harbor Lighthouse, and as a mixed-race person, he would feel more at ease on land.

On land, he can drive, drink, and make a fire to grill fish, which are things he cannot do in Atlantis underwater.

So even after becoming the king of Atlantis, he would return to the lighthouse every night. This was probably one of the reasons why he and Mela had a disagreement.

The sea witch's power comes from water. After leaving the sea, Mela felt very insecure. She always felt that people on land were trying to harm her.

There's nothing she can do about it. Her family environment is like that. Her sister, Siren, has always wanted to kill her, and Arthur's brother, Sea Lord, has always wanted to usurp power. She has lived in various palace conspiracies since she was a child, and she has a penchant for darkness. A deeper understanding than her husband.

In this way, Arthur seems a bit too naive, and the two people's attitudes towards human beings are also very different. They can only make do with each other now without getting divorced.

Originally, Su Ming thought that after the ocean sinking incident, Mela's understanding of land people would change, and she would also repair her relationship with Arthur.

But when Atlantis returned to the water and went to the dark bottom of the sea, her heart was obviously shrouded in darkness again, and she returned to the way she was in the past.

This is why Su Ming has never been a guest in Atlantis since then, because the hostess there did not welcome humans, and the food was too simple, except for fish and water plants.

However, the separation life had little impact on Arthur, although he was driven to live in the Cien Harbor Lighthouse and gave up the throne of Atlantis to Mela.

But he still holds the artifact 'Neptune's Pentacle' in his hand. If he is willing, he can use this artifact to command all marine animals in the seven seas, and it will be easy to regain the throne.

He is just more emotional and has no interest in the throne. He knows that his elementary school education is not suitable for governing the country, and as long as he is still guarding the coastline of Cien Port, Atlantis will not be able to control the land. People go to war.

With a lot to think about, Su Ming continued to walk towards the glowing lighthouse. The lighthouse guard actually worked the night shift. After all, who turns on the lights during the day?

Speaking of duties, it is quite simple. Arthur only needs to go to the top of the tower after dark every day to light up the oversized light bulb, and then patrol several times at night. If there is no heavy fog at dawn the next day, he can turn off the light.

Moreover, after the electrical age, there was no need to worry about the original most difficult task of "igniting" the lighthouse. Light bulbs solved the big problem and made this task barrier-free.

Speaking of which, it was much easier than Su Ming's job as a night shift security guard in a warehouse in his previous life.

Therefore, Arthur's life trajectory after separation was very simple. He slept or went to the bar to drink during the day, and returned to the lighthouse at night to light up the light bulb and sleep.

Occasionally go to the Hall of Justice for a meeting, participate in some actions, or go back to the sea to swim a few laps and talk to the fish.

For this job, I can get a salary of four hundred dollars a week from the mayor's office. Although it doesn't look like much, it really feels like I got it for free.

The salary is not generous, but it is definitely enough for eating and drinking. Arthur lives in the lighthouse on the reef. Although the internal floor area is not large, it can actually be regarded as an eight-story building.

It's more than enough for him to live alone.

Today's sea conditions are not particularly good. The wind and waves are very strong. The waves keep hitting the breakwater, carrying the fishy smell of sea water into the nostrils. Su Ming guesses that Arthur must not have slept. Because of this kind of weather, a professional lighthouse keeper will pay special attention to it. , always pay attention to whether the ships entering the port have run aground or capsized.

What's more, as a superhero who lives on the sea, rescuing people in the water is his specialty. When he gets into the water, even Superman can't compare to him.


The door of the lighthouse is a bit old, and it is a little difficult to open in the wind. It also makes a scream like a dead animal, but it can be used as an early warning trap.

Su Ming walked into the interior of the lighthouse. The first floor was the kitchen and living room, but Arthur was not here now. Instead, there was a small brass pot hanging on the fireplace with something cooking in it.

I walked over and picked up a spoon and stirred it together. I could see by the red firelight that today's supper was octopus, a good dish to go with wine.


Arthur, who was wearing ordinary fisherman's clothes but carrying a trident in his hand, came down from the second floor. He heard the sound of the door, but after seeing it was the death knell, the strong man showed a happy smile:

"Slade, why are you coming to Cien Port so late? If you need my help with anything, just ask!"

He walked down the stairs, leaned the weapon against the wall, hugged Deathstroke and patted him on the back, asking for help.

"It's nothing. It's a little arrangement about Barry. Let's talk to you for a while." Su Ming patted the strong man on the shoulder and answered with a smile while taking out a few bottles of spirits from his pocket: "I see you cooked octopus. , let’s have some drinks together?”

"No problem, you came at the right time. If this thing is cooked for a long time, it won't be able to bite."

Arthur took the pot off the fire and put the soup and water on the dining table. He also took two dirty cups from the closet, blew out the floating ashes and prepared them:

"I've been wanting to drink with you again these days, but you always appear and become more powerful, haha."

"If you want to drink, you can go to the Oblivion Bar. Bobo is the advisor of the Justice League Dark, and you are also the nominal king of Atlantis. In ancient times, you were a standard mysterious side force. Invite your Zhenglian teammates to go with you. "

Su Ming, who didn't care about the cleanliness of the cup, sat down. The chair was a little dirty. After all, even if they were not separated, Arthur's living environment was almost the same. No one would think that a woman like Meila could clean, right?

Either the maids in the palace will do the work, or no one will do it, and the main thing will be the original work.

"It's boring. It's boring to drink with them. Superman can still drink, but every time I ask him to drink, he says that Louise is still waiting for him at home and he has to go home quickly. I'd better not delay the love between husband and wife, haha .”

Neptune smiled bitterly, poured wine into the cup, and the two of them started drinking immediately.

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