The Death Knell

Chapter 5382 Psychological Counseling

Outside the lighthouse, the wind and rain were howling, but inside the lighthouse it was peaceful. Arthur really liked drinking, and he didn't have many hobbies, just this one.

The octopus he cooked was not very tasty. It had nothing but a little salt, and as he said, it was overcooked and the tentacles tasted like rubber bands.

But when it comes to drinking, the key is who you drink with. As for what you drink and what you eat, that's secondary.

Anyway, octopus is not delicious, and Death Knell has other foods, even spicy strips to go with wine, it is still good.

Neither of them were in a hurry to get down to business, but instead chatted about some recent marine ecological issues, such as the original impact of the alien Poseidon, whether there are any sequelae now, and the organization of Dagon after the Poseidon escaped from captivity. The secret sect, that group of people feels a bit evil.

"You also know that when people come into contact with the seawater spit out by the alien Flood, they will turn into squeaking fish-men."

After drinking a teacup of whiskey in one breath, Arthur gritted his teeth and wiped his beard, sniffed and poured himself another glass, looked at it, nodded and waited for the death knell, and continued:

"After the matter was resolved, not all the fishmen were restored to their original state by the alien Poseidon. Some of them escaped to an abandoned drilling platform in the North Sea of ​​England. My ambitious brother also survived. He didn't know how. So he sneaked over there, organized those fishmen, and established a cult."

"The Lord of the Sea does know how to name." Su Ming also drank a glass of wine, and the strangled tentacles gave him a refill. He answered with a smile: "The name Dagon is not an ordinary creature, how did he know it? ?”

In fact, Deathstroke had seen the Sea Lord not long ago. The guy was hanging out with Luther. Su Ming happened to take the Legion of Destruction group on a small mission and went to Etania for a tour.

But there is no need to tell Arthur about this kind of thing.

"After all, he is an orthodox Atlantis royal blood, different from a mixed race like me." Arthur pinched a spicy dried fish and stuffed it into his mouth, chewed and spoke: "I grew up in this town. , lacks knowledge of the secrets of the ocean, but he is different. The existence of Dagon seems to have always existed in the legend of Atlantis."

Before Atlantis sank, it was the dominant overlord of the earth for a while. It had high attainments in technology and magic and was a splendid civilization.

It is natural to know more things. After all, in ancient times, the Atlanteans were not the only intelligent creatures on the earth.

"He organized a fish-man cult, didn't you go and deal with him?" That should have happened a few months ago, why does it sound like there is no result now? Arthur is still telling this matter as a story, Su Ming Just a little curious.

"I went, but I didn't catch him and he ran away." Arthur scratched his hair and shook his head: "In fact, there is not much difference in our fighting power. If we fight in the water, it will be a tie. Even more Besides, many of the fish-men following him were former humans and innocent people, so I can’t kill them too if they’re blocking the way, right?”

Arthur kills people, but like Diana, he only kills bad guys. In his opinion, innocent people need to be protected. This is the style of a superhero.

"If it were me, I would probably kill him." Su Ming clinked glasses with him, and the glass made a crisp sound. Both of them drank to the point of dryness: "There's no news about him recently?"

"No, the ocean is so big, I really can't find where he and those fish people are hiding."

The tattoo on Arthur's body lit up with white light. This was him showing off his 'power of life', which is the kind of power he usually uses to talk to fish:

"You see, my ability is still the same. I can sense up to two hundred nautical miles. Moreover, there are not animals everywhere under the sea."

"If you really want to find him and take him back and imprison him, I suggest you go check the submarine volcanoes one by one." Su Ming has already seen that Arthur does not intend to kill all his half-brothers, so This advice is just lip service.

Sea Lord's combat effectiveness level is just like that. On land, he is at least as good as Green Arrow, and is not even a threat.

Moreover, he is now dishonest and unable to command the seven underwater kingdoms. He relies on the remaining murloc soldiers in his hand, which are almost harmless to humans. However, if the two brothers meet, it will be just for fun.

Orm is not his friend, he is just a tool that has been used once.

Moreover, there are many dangerous creatures in the ocean. Many of them are even suspected to be descendants of the ancient ones, including Dagon. After all, Cthulhu himself is already in the nightmare dimension and has left the main dimension of reality. Earth 0 There is no Laleye in the water, and a single family member cannot make a big wave.

"Well, I understand." Neptune drank another glass of wine, walked to the window, looked at the heavy rain outside, and closed the window tightly: "Let's talk about something else. In fact, Atlantis and Atlantis are now I don’t have much to do with it, but when you came here, you talked about Barry, what was that?”

So under the curious eyes of the bearded man, Su Ming told Xiao Shen a few girlfriends and also mentioned his own ideas.

After listening, Arthur drank another large glass, with a sad expression on his face, and said:

"In my opinion, one wife is enough for a creature like this. Just look at me and you will know. Meila and I have almost nothing in common now, and she seems to be getting more and more paranoid."

"It's a small matter. She can't attack land, because the most polluted place in the ocean is Gotham. A hundred of them stacked up together are no match for Batman. She knows this too."

I don’t know if they are words of comfort, but Su Ming said this anyway. He took out a bag of braised offal from his pocket and put it on the dining table. It would be good to drink whiskey and have some cold dishes:

"The reason for your quarrel with her is probably some trivial matter, maybe it's menopausal symptoms. Did the Eiffel Tower inversion I taught you before not work?"

"She's tired of it. I always think she's very fashionable, just like a supermodel, and I'm just a country bumpkin." Arthur shook his head, with a look of reluctance on his face: "I can feel that she still loves me, but we are so different Within a few days of meeting, they would start to quarrel for no apparent reason."

"I understand." At this point, Su Ming patted her thigh, as if she had made a major discovery: "The main reason is that you two don't have children, and she has nothing to do."

"Oh! So that's it." Arthur suddenly realized that he would believe whatever Deathstroke said: "Then what should I do?"

"There is no rush to have a baby. After all, you are still in the cold war. It is impossible to return to the original state of love all at once." Deathstroke touched his chin and thought for a moment: "You can give her a pet. Taking turns raising them may make the situation better."

"Then what to give? Dolphins?" Arthur asked, he also wanted to repair his marriage.

There are actually not many types of pets in the ocean, and the range of options is not large. Ordinary cats and dogs are not a problem, but raising a turtle or a dolphin is not a problem for the King of the Seven Seas.

But that thing is too common, so giving it to her doesn't show sincerity. Mela has a strong vanity. She will immediately touch up her makeup when seeing other female superheroes appear, so giving her a pet must be special.

"In this way, let's go to the sea and take a walk to see if we can get an ancient alien species from the abyss or trench. When the time comes to raise pets together, you will have common topics and hobbies, and the relationship between husband and wife will definitely become better. By the way. , if this matter of Barry comes to a vote at the Zhenglian meeting, will you agree with my opinion?"

Deathstroke finished his glass of wine and stood up. The wind and waves outside were very strong, so it would be fine under water.

"Of course, I will support you, brother." Arthur also stood up and grabbed the trident beside him. He answered without any hesitation.

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