The Death Knell

Chapter 5384 Choosing Gifts

The things that Su Ming was thinking about were not reflected on his face. On the surface, he was still smiling. He and Arthur walked out of the lampstand arm in arm, and the two of them staggered towards the dock in the violent storm. .

Strictly speaking, the small pier next to the lighthouse cannot be regarded as a berth. It can only be regarded as a few wooden piles and a few boards, which can tie a small sailboat.

It was built by Arthur's father, Tom. It has been some years ago. The wind and sun have made the wood not very strong. Now there is a squeaking sound when you step on it. No matter how loud the wind and rain are, it can't cover it up.

Neptune has done some repair work on it, but overall it has not changed much, because it is a memorial to his father, and it has to be squeaky.

The two of them walked to the end of the small pier. Arthur asked Su Ming to hold the trident for him first, while he jumped onto a small boat nearby, lifted up the canvas in the heavy rain, and took out his armor from the box on the boat.

It's the suit with yellow upper body and green lower body. When worn, it looks like corn cob scales.

Since they were all men, he didn't shy away from it, so he took off his clothes and changed clothes in the heavy rain. Su Ming turned his head away angrily because he was afraid of getting needle holes.

Arthur didn't think it was anything. He happily put on his clothes, drank the wine in the bottle in his hand, threw the empty bottle to the rocks on the shore and broke it into pieces, laughing very boldly.

"Haha! Although the rain is a bit heavy, swimming and diving in this kind of weather are more exciting after drinking wine." He took back the trident from Deathstroke. This weapon can divert water underwater and help him swim. Faster: “There are no suitable pets in the offshore range, how about we go deep into the Atlantic Ocean?”

Ordinary people should not learn this. Never dive after drinking alcohol. It is really unsafe.

The trident is a weapon that Arthur inherited from his mother. It is also called the Trident of the Sea King, but it is not actually a magical weapon. It is more like a status symbol, or a ritual weapon.

It is a replacement for Neptune's Pentadent. After all, that artifact needs to be used regularly, and it is not very convenient to use it to kill people.

Deathstroke walked to the beach, and the casual suit on his body automatically turned into armor. He moved his neck and said:

"Yes, we have to go to the deep sea. Although I am not particularly familiar with the seabed environment, I know that big fish are in deep water."

"Ha, that's right, but I haven't decided what kind of pet to get her yet." Arthur scratched his hair. After it was wet with water, the long hair looked like seaweed.

"Let's go into the water first and think about it while swimming. After all, we can't see it on land." Su Ming pointed to the dark sea, which was like boiling asphalt in the strong wind: "If you encounter something beautiful on the road, Fish, let’s decide again?”

"Okay, let's get into the water!" Arthur stretched his arms and performed a standard platform diving action. He jumped into the sea with a swipe and jumped out far away like a torpedo while still under the water.

His speed on land is about the same as Cyborg's running speed, but once he enters the water, his swimming speed is comparable to Superman, although Superman most of the time flies above the water if he wants to cross the sea.

Su Ming can also fly from the air, but it's not necessary. He hasn't dived for a long time, and don't forget the purpose of this trip.

Swimming together is a good time to chat and talk more.

So he also jumped into the magnificent sea with a slight jump. The cold and biting water instantly penetrated the gaps in the armor, but his swimming speed was not slower than that of Neptune. This was even the result of not using the ability to strangulate and transform.

If you let the strangulation turn your legs into propellers or propellers, you might be able to go faster, but just keep the same speed.

There is really nothing to see underwater in the offshore waters. This is the east coast of the United States. Even if it is not the most polluted Gotham, the water quality is not much better.

So there is no need to think about coral reefs and beautiful fish. On the seabed are some sunken fishing boats and all kinds of household garbage that no one wants, such as empty wine bottles, broken fishing nets, and who knows where the washing machine came from. .

The goal of the two of them is not the small circle around them. What kinds of fish are found in the waters of Ci'en Port? Arthur has a clear understanding of the fish. Anyway, they are all for eating, not for keeping as pets.

The two sank some distance, staying about ten meters above the seafloor, and then continued to move toward the east.

On the way, one of them passed the power of life and the other passed quantum, which ensured that normal underwater communication was not hindered, which was quite pleasant.

"What do you think of jellyfish? Slade." Arthur pointed to a bunch of small umbrellas floating in the distance. Those things will glow underwater and look very cool: "Translucent ones, and blue ones." glowing lights, and it looks healthy."

After swimming about 200 kilometers, the water here was relatively deep. When Arthur spoke, the two of them were at a depth of about 2,000 meters underwater.

Ordinary manned submersibles cannot reach this depth and will be turned into small biscuits by the huge water pressure, but the two people who went into the water were as relaxed as normal people.

"Victoria multi-tube jellyfish." Deathstroke glanced at the marine creatures in the distance and shook his head: "It is indeed quite rare for land people, but jellyfish are not rare in the sea. After all, Mela is also your queen. , this little thing is not worthy of her status."

This kind of jellyfish should be the largest type of luminous jellyfish known to mankind. It is about the size of a blue ball and looks very beautiful when swimming, like a flying UFO flying saucer, with blue light.

But again, this kind of thing is not rare underwater, and this time I went to sea to find monsters to fight, how could it be possible to call it a day and go back so easily?

"Well, that's right." Arthur touched his beard. After hearing what Deathstroke said, he suddenly felt that those jellyfish were not so attractive, as if the light they emitted had dimmed a bit: "In this way, Turtles or dolphins are no longer suitable.”

Atlanteans also kept pets. Turtles and dolphins were as common to them as cats and dogs kept in human homes.

The advantage of turtles is their long lifespan, and they usually send their owners away first; the advantage of dolphins is that they are very smart and can even help with housework.

Of course, there are also people who raise crabs or lobsters, but these things are not very smart and they need to be tied up with ropes. And to be honest, most crustacean marine animals are not pretty.

"It depends on the situation. If we can catch the space dolphin, we can trade it with the violent wolf and let him go to the sea of ​​the alien planet to get us a rare pet in exchange." Su Ming withdrew his gaze and continued to move forward. Youyou: "Although they are both mercenaries, he has been in the universe longer than me and must have seen some interesting fish."

Deathstroke himself doesn't know much about fish, because even if he catches fish, he usually uses them for eating.

"Space dolphin, I have rescued one that strayed into the earth's ocean before, but that creature should be regarded as a kind of cosmic creature. It said that it prefers to float in a vacuum environment rather than underwater. There are still things underwater. Of oxygen.”

Arthur talked about fish and immediately showed strong interest. He seemed to like talking to fish.

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