The Death Knell

Chapter 5385: Gossip

After letting go of a group of jellyfish, Arthur's vision was also improved, and when he saw some ordinary and beautiful sea creatures, he didn't think twice about it.

And being close to the deep sea, due to the weak light environment, many marine creatures have lost their vision, resulting in all kinds of strange appearances. There are not many animals that can be kept as ornamental fish.

Su Ming got a few fish and asked the adjutant to teleport them away. He planned to build a small fish tank in his home to add a bit of style to the house.

The two chatted while swimming, and the topic inevitably turned to gossip within the Justice League.

"The matter between Ron and Hawkgirl, I think it may develop into a love triangle in the end."

Arthur said with a gossipy face, and he winked at Su Ming:

"Although the relationship between Hawk Girl and Eagle Man in this life is not very deep, think about it, they have been lovers for a lifetime. If they really recall the things in their previous life, the previous life, and the previous life."

The reincarnation of Hawkgirl and Hawkman is not a secret within the Justice League. It is basically known to individuals.

Not to mention the superheroes, even the researchers who work in the laboratory, or the Black Hawk troops who go out to wipe the heroes' butts, should also know about it.

The relationship between these two people is not as simple as eternal lovers. In every previous life, they both died at the hands of Wanda Savage. They can be regarded as desperate couple.

The fate of the two seemed to be tied together. If Hawkman hadn't been in a coma and turned into a vegetative state in this reincarnation, Ron would probably not be able to be with Hawkgirl now, let alone raise a child.

"Kendra's mental state is quite stable. I'm talking about this life." Su Ming also chatted about gossip. He turned over in the water with his belly facing up: "I heard that she suffered from diseases in previous lives. There are all kinds of mental illnesses, the kind that require treatment in Arkham.”

Even though he was underwater, Arthur looked left and right, as if he was afraid of being overheard, and then he said:

"I once overheard Blue Beetle talking to someone about this. It is said that the more Hawkgirl recalls her past life, the more serious her split personality will be. If she remembers her past life a few more times, I'm afraid she will... Like that guy from Doom Patrol, what’s that girl’s name?”

"Kai, or Crazy Jane." Su Ming took over and motioned for him to continue.

"Yes, that's the girl. Even Hawkgirl's situation will be worse." Aquaman held his trident and shook it like a paddle: "Anyway, Batman told Ron not to talk to Hawkgirl. Don’t irritate her with historical stories, keep her in a good mood, she may maintain the status quo.”

"Then why did you say that things would turn into a love triangle in the end?" Su Ming showed enough curiosity, although he was actually not interested at all in the family affairs of Eagle Girl and Martians.

Ron is not weak, but he is afraid of fire, so he is just a waste.

And even though Su Ming knew he was a good person, he was still an alien.

Here's the problem. Ron, as a Green Martian, can transform. Their entire family are top-notch chameleons, much more powerful than the Skrull elites next door.

So if Ron really likes humans, why doesn't he usually appear in human form? Do you have other ideas in mind?

Of course, this was because Su Ming thought about him in a dark way. Martians originally looked like green skulls, and maybe Ron En liked his true appearance.

But, it is never too much to be wary of aliens, unless you are like Superman, who is really morally blameless.

"Anyway, I heard from Mr. Zhuo Zhuo some time ago that there are changes in Eagle Man's brain waves. He should be about to wake up recently. If he wakes up and finds that he has accumulated hundreds of lovers and ran away with someone else in this life, then things may be ugly. .”

Neptune said he heard it.

"It's not easy for you to overhear the conversation between Batman and Ron. It's not easy for you to be so well-informed." Su Ming gave Arthur a thumbs up and made an expression of admiration. This matter is indeed a bit difficult. If the average person can do it, they should be able to play for several years.

"Haha! It's actually due to the power of life."

Arthur was indeed very pleased. He smiled and touched his head, looking like he was very proud of being praised, but he had to restrain himself.

The power of life can not only talk to fish, it can also be used to eavesdrop on the conversations of other creatures. If used well, is it actually not bad?

"Well, there shouldn't be a fight, right?" Su Ming touched his chin, looking thoughtful: "Superheroes dueling because they stole women? Hiss. Poof!"

He spat out a mouthful of seawater. It seemed inappropriate to perform a breathtaking performance underwater.

"Hard to say, Slade."

Neptune, who looked like someone who had come before, grabbed a long piece of kelp from the bottom of the sea, ate it as a snack, and even tore half of it to Deathstroke:

"If you have never dealt with Carter Hall, you may not know that Hawkman is the most reckless person in the Justice League. If he is so passionate that he doesn't care about anything, I think he should get a red light. ring."

He felt that Deathstroke had never dealt with that person, so he didn't understand him. However, as a time traveler, Su Ming knew very much about Eagle Man.

In addition to his reincarnated love affair with Hawkgirl, this guy's recklessness is also a typical trait.

For example, in a certain life, Wanda was chasing these two people as always, and he and Hawkgirl were hiding around, playing hide and seek in the city.

But after hiding like this for a day, Eagle Man couldn't stand it anymore. He felt that Savage was insulting him and wanted to confront him head-on, so he took the initiative to fly out to challenge him.

Then there was nothing more. He was stabbed to death by the legendary N-metal dagger. He had no power to resist at all. That thing was an artifact that restrained them both.

As a result, he died. Eagle Girl, who was his wife in that life, did not want to live alone, so she flew out and was stabbed by a savage. The two of them embarked on the road of reincarnation.

And this is not something that only happened once. Every time these two people die, there is a reason why Hawkman wants to fight Savage. Even if he awakens the memory of the previous life or several previous lives, he still has to fight. spell.

How should I put it? It focuses on a completely non-thinking style.

"If he really wakes up and wants to challenge Ron En, remember to call me. I will immediately ask Channel 52 to send someone to make a documentary." Su Ming laughed and made a gesture like counting money. : "When the time comes, we can make a copy of the video tape and sell it, and the two of us can still make a fortune."

"Uh, not so good, haha. Actually, I'm not short of money, as you can see." Arthur thought that was a bit immoral. After all, it's better not to make the family scandal public: "I live in a lighthouse now, and I have a pickup truck left by my father. There are cars and small fishing boats, and you don’t have to worry about food and drink, which is pretty good.”

"Actually, you also need money. I think Mela has a bad attitude towards mainlanders because she doesn't have any jewelry made by mainlanders, no bags produced on mainland, and no beautiful and fashionable human clothes. Women like those. .”

Deathstroke brought up another thing, talking about the relationship between Mela and humans, which made Arthur's expression suddenly become helpless.

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