The Death Knell

Chapter 5386 Prey found

Speaking of which, the ocean is the largest component of the earth, but most humans, including Su Ming, have no particular interest in the ocean.

Maybe it's because the darkness in the deep sea makes people feel extremely lonely? Maybe it’s because as a land creature, it’s uncomfortable to be surrounded by water?

In short, in the depths of the ocean, hearing all kinds of strange sounds underwater and seeing strange deep-sea creatures make people feel like they are on an alien planet. So why not just go to an alien planet?

But it’s actually good to catch some fish and strangle them for a taste, but they don’t have any useful genes and they’re just eaten as snacks.

The two continued to go deeper into the ocean. They were already thousands of kilometers away from the land. The water here was getting deeper and deeper. Correspondingly, some mysterious monsters gradually began to appear, that is, those with magic-like abilities, commonly known as Warcraft. thing.

There are very few Warcraft on land. What Su Ming knows so far is that there are some on Paradise Island, some in the rain forests of South America, and a few that occasionally pop up in other places. Most of them were dormant in ancient times. In modern times, Awakened by someone digging it out of the ground.

But it's different in the sea. Many sea monsters have survived since ancient times. They have a size that far exceeds that of land creatures, and some of them are quite intelligent.

Now the two of them encountered one. The huge tentacled arms and legs looked a bit like a giant squid, but its upper body looked like a seahorse, and it was indescribably deformed.

It may have lived for a long time, because the surface of its body is covered with a thick layer of barnacles, which makes it look not round at all, but rather ugly.

It stands to reason that this thing is not on the candidate list of pets at all, but in the abyss, it seems to have regarded two humans as food and actively launched an attack. This is very abnormal.

After all, its body is more than a hundred meters long, and one tentacle is as thick as a basketball court. For such a large body, it must at least hunt whales to be considered a meal. It can't catch small humans to fill the gaps in its teeth, right?

Therefore, Su Ming judged that it might have some ability to sense the energy in the two people's bodies, so he targeted the tiny human beings. From this point of view, it was not useless.

"Stop! Let's talk!"

After dodging the swing of his arms and legs, Arthur stabilized his body in the turbulence and activated the power of life. He wanted to talk to this giant beast.

Given a choice, Arthur was unwilling to harm marine life casually, especially since the other party seemed to have some genes of a seahorse.

Seahorses, as the name suggests, are horses in the sea. Except for the completely crazy Haitou Clan, the people of the Seven Underwater Kingdoms all have the tradition of riding seahorses for use in their armies.

The seahorse mentioned here is a heterogeneous species. It is generally about three meters long and can carry an adult on its back to move quickly underwater. It is not the kind of small seahorse that is no bigger than a palm.

Humans like horses very much, and the people under the sea also like seahorses very much. This is the same thing. After being domesticated, horses can be smart and docile, and are very popular with their owners.

It can be regarded as Aiwujiwu. The giant beast in front of us can barely be regarded as a kind of seahorse? Arthur couldn't tell, because there were too many unknown creatures in the sea. As the source of life on the earth, marine creatures would undergo various mutations or genetic mixtures, which he didn't understand.

Moreover, the strange beast in front of you can tell at a glance that it has lived for a long time. Wouldn't it be a pity if it was killed in vain here?

Yes, Arthur has never thought about the second possibility, because Deathstroke is beside him, and he knows that this seahorse and squid cannot be his opponent no matter what. The Flood was defeated by Deathstroke in one move, and this thing is incomprehensible. Maybe stronger than the alien Flood.

Especially since this time has passed, Deathstroke has become stronger, and now no one even in the Justice League knows how strong he is.

On the other hand, Su Ming, who was holding his arms with both hands, was very indifferent. He looked at the luminous ripples flashing behind Arthur's head and the tattoos that lit up on his body. He felt that it was quite interesting when the power of life was activated.

At least it looks cool. I guess the fish talking to Arthur should think so too, right?


A monster's cry came from the water, which was a bit like the cry of a whale, but deeper. It seemed that it had no intention of solving the problem peacefully.

In the deep and dark sea, prey and being prey are the eternal melody.

The next second, more tentacles slapped over, stirring up a large amount of mud on the seabed. Its seahorse-like upper body, still covered like a smoke bomb, sprayed ultra-high-pressure water from its long snout, and suddenly Shi Lengjian.

This is a good spell-like ability. High-pressure water jet cutting technology in human industry is generally used to cut steel plates.

But it's just a steel plate.

Aquaman Arthur's position in the Justice League has always been a front-row tank like Diana. Compared with Dai, who has an artifact shield and armor, he mainly relies on his physical fitness, that is, his own tendons. anti-strike ability.

The corn scale armor is actually useless. The armor of that thing looks like golden fish scales. In a real superpower battle, the defensive power shown is also like fish scales.

Even Black Manta has easily pierced this golden armor many times with daggers bought at roadside stalls. Therefore, if it were not for the need to show his identity, Arthur would sometimes rather go into the water shirtless than wear this very light suit. Very thin, very breathable armor.

But among other things, when there is light underwater, this golden armor will produce a diffuse reflection effect, turning Neptune into a disco light ball-like existence. It is indeed very dazzling and beautiful, the king of glittering gold.

Many people know that during the development of DC Comics, Superman has been weakened with the times. The Silver Superman was the strongest, and then became weaker and weaker. By the N52 period, it was even worse. After the big event of "Rebirth", it was considered better. Some.

In fact, Aquaman is also a veteran of DC. He has also gone through the same process. During the Silver Age, Arthur's performance in the comics was not as bad as it is now.

Su Ming remembered that there was an issue of a magazine that seemed to say that Australia was about to be hit by a super typhoon, so Arthur swam to save people. He grabbed the land plate where Oceania is located with one hand and the trident with the other. The halberd paddled through the water, dragging the entire Australia away like a ship, and managed to escape the typhoon and tsunami.

It sounds a bit exaggerated, and it seems a bit inconsistent with the common sense of physics and geography, but this is indeed the performance of Silver Neptune.

Now Arthur, after restarting the world several times, no longer has that ability. What he can do now is a swimming speed of 10,000 feet per second, which is equivalent to more than 3,000 meters per second, and a handful of brute strength. Stronger.

In fact, this strength is not small. The premise is that the person needs to be soaked in sea water. He can lift a 160,000-ton super cruise ship. On land, he is at most 50-50 equal to Xiao Dai’s brother, Hercules. .

However, recalling this information did not delay Deathstroke's actions. When he noticed the strange hand spraying water, he blocked Arthur with his body and deliberately pretended to be beaten back a long distance, fully demonstrating What is deep brotherhood?

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