The Death Knell

Chapter 5393 The dust has settled

"I will marry all four of you!"

As long as he figured it out, Barry was also a man of action. He immediately stood up, looked at the faces of the four people in turn, and finally said to Patty:

"Sorry, you are all important to me, no one can be missing, but if it were you"

He still felt a little guilty. He was not as tough as Deathstroke, and he couldn't imagine his future life.

"No, I don't have the habit of giving away my things and leaving in despair." Patty crossed her arms and looked at the other three women with a crooked mouth: "I can share with them, but they have to know that they owe me of."

"No problem." Jessica agreed immediately. Anyway, she is not on earth usually.

"Thank you, Patty, you're so kind." Iris immediately hugged the female supervisor. She was still wiping her tears and snot on her shoulder: "We can talk about any compensation you want. I'm willing to negotiate with you at any time." You talk about anything.”

There she is again, but this time the conversation is about Patty, and maybe that's a good thing?

Patty's boyfriend was divided by everyone. She said it generously now, but she was definitely not happy in her heart. She just needed to talk, and Iris was really good at talking and could talk people into fear.

Anyway, Su Ming outside the window thinks so. People who can evenly compete with her are probably not even Xiaochong or Deadpool. They have to find Tang Seng in "Journey to the West", which is about the same.

There is no way, although Spider-Man and Deadpool talk a lot of nonsense, these two people don't speak much nonsense. Iris is the master of nonsense.

The milk in the refrigerator has been finished, but the milk should not be finished. Yesterday, there was still milk in the refrigerator, but this morning there was no milk. Milk will not run away by itself, so someone secretly drank the milk. Why was the milk secretly drank? That's because someone did it. Why did this person drink milk secretly? That's because this man wants to drink milk. Why does he drink milk? No matter why, it's wrong

Yes, this was the conversation she had with her boyfriend when she woke up one morning and found the milk disappeared from the refrigerator when she and Barry were living together, and it was an excerpt from the beginning.

Regarding the missing milk, she could talk nonsense and talk for tens of thousands of words, but the matter itself was just that the milk in the refrigerator was gone and she needed to buy new ones.

Maybe outsiders might think it's a bit exaggerated, but Iris really likes to talk. I guess no one in the world can stand her except Barry.

After all, it was DC's official match. After careful consideration, Su Ming raised her hand, informed her of Wally, and took her with her.

After all, her future child is good, and she is Wally's aunt. If Barry marries several couples without her, then the two brothers will feel awkward going out for a run together in the future, right?

"Stop talking, let's go to Saudi Arabia to register for marriage now." Mina knew the meaning of long nights and long dreams. She grabbed Jessica beside her and directed Barry: "You take Patty and Iris, and we will go separately. Get your ID, do some shopping, and then gather on top of the Burj Khalifa for photos!”

Smart, although she didn't see where the death knell was, she realized that Barry's situation just now was definitely not an illness, but being secretly influenced by someone. The specific method was unknown for the time being, but the result was good.

We have to finalize this matter as soon as possible before Barry regrets it, and the rice will be cooked.

It's still early now, it's only six o'clock in the morning, and the time in Saudi Arabia should not be the working hours of the civil affairs department, but it's not a big problem, just add more money.

Just as they were told, the two speedsters took the people and ran away. In the electric light, you could see that everyone was very happy, especially the expression on Barry's face. He seemed to have broken the pot and was smiling very much. Ripple.

Seeing all this, Su Ming nodded slowly. What he had to do now was to wait for the powerful woman and the psychic guest to come and meet, and then try his luck on the official business.

"You're here? It's quite early. Have you eaten?"

It was still the small park on the hill outside the city, where Deathstroke in a suit met Hao Li. This strong and tall woman returned to her hometown yesterday and was teleported back by the adjutant today. Her face looked much better.

"No." The woman sat down on the chair, and the weight caused the bench to tilt a little towards her. She didn't care about this, but just looked at the death knell helplessly: "If you are in charge of breakfast, then I can still eat one." Want some fried chicken?”

It’s delicious. Americans really don’t use oil when cooking chicken, and it’s not stale oil. It sucks! Her mouth was watering.

Last night, the death knell called for ten family buckets, and she ate eight of them by herself. She also took away all the small toys that came with them, saying that she would take them back to her hometown to distribute to the poor children.

After returning home, she met some acquaintances and did some errands. She kept thinking how great it would be if KFC came to her motherland.

She has never seen good things like this. She is actually quite pitiful. She has great skills, but the best thing she has ever eaten is a fast food chain.

"Fried chicken for breakfast is too greasy. I know you usually don't eat much oil and water, so you think greasy food is delicious, but eating too much fried chicken is really bad for your cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases."

Deathstroke groped in his pocket solemnly and talked about health topics seriously:

"If you want to eat meat in the morning, then eat some deep-sea fish. Not only can it supplement vitamin D, but it also contains what-not. Yes, unsaturated egg phosphate, that's probably it anyway. Eating it is good for people."

While saying this, he took out the remaining seahorse meat from last night, and also took out a thick squid tentacle.

Hao Linu is so pitiful. She probably has never eaten seahorse meat, right? Then share some with her. Although neither she nor Arthur can eat so much, her appetite should be fine.

"Is this the meat of a deep-sea fish?" The woman stretched out her hand to pull at the tenderloin out of curiosity, because the color looked like beef.

"Seahorse meat, I went swimming with Aquaman last night, and I caught it by the way. It's still fresh." Deathstroke took out his barbecue grill again, and then began to arrange the seasonings: "How is the fishery on your island?"

"It's terrible. American companies have built many polluting factories on the island. Now the fish in the sea are no longer edible. Near the shore, the sea water smells like rancid leftovers."

Mentioning the consortiums that controlled the motherland, the smile on Hao Linu's face disappeared. She wanted to kill all those people, and she had done so more than once, but the consortiums could always find replacements to continue their evil undertakings.

"Business problems still have to be solved by business, unless you have the ability to kill them all, but obviously the force is not good at that kind of delicate operation, and the Justice League will not let you kill people casually in the United States."

Deathstroke patted her arm. Good guy, it felt like Thor's arm. It was hard. He smiled and continued:

"I am a mercenary, and you should know this, so how about you cooperate with me today and I will invest in you to drive away those black-hearted capitalists and guys from the Sky Eye Society?"

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