The Death Knell

Chapter 5394 Picnic in the Suburbs

"Will you help me kill them all?"

As an anti-hero type character, Hao Linu became happy, and she immediately started to help cut the meat. As expected of a poor family, she worked very neatly.

"With my level, it would be overkill to kill some ordinary people, let alone a crime."

Deathstroke, who was holding a piece of meat on a skewer, shook his head, and his tone became low and gloomy:

"Besides, wouldn't it be a better outcome to take away everything from them, let them feel all the pain you have experienced, and finally commit suicide in despair?"

"Hehe, yes, this is better, what a good idea!" Haoliu seemed to be charmed by the language. Just hearing the prospect described by the death knell, she seemed to have seen the scene with her own eyes and couldn't help but get excited. , his face turned red: "Then what should we do specifically?"

"Capital will be solved with capital. Don't worry, I am also a person with some industry. Even if I spend money on it, I can bankrupt the US government of Earth 0, and it is absolutely legal."

"Then what do you want from me?" the woman asked again. She didn't think Deathstroke could take a fancy to her.

Although she came from a small place and only came to the United States to rob once in a while, she went home last night to make up for her classes online, and also learned about Deathstroke and Wonder Woman in this other world.

Although they are both positioned in close combat, Heroic Girl felt inferior when she saw Wonder Woman. The two had similar strength, but she was slim and well-proportioned, while she was a bit too masculine, and her face was not as beautiful as Wonder Woman.

"Codomatis is a Caribbean island country, Alexa. It originally had very good natural scenery." Su Ming called the woman's name affectionately, as if she were a family member: "I don't want many things, just If you want to get a free big house on the island to live in, it would be best if it comes with a beach.”

"No problem! After our resistance forces overthrow the current government and drive away the imperialist invaders, I guarantee that you can get what you want." The woman agreed happily, but then she became confused again: "Are you here? Are there no houses in America?”

"No, my situation is more complicated. I usually live in another parallel universe." Su Ming did not explain anything about Marvel, but just said: "So for the past six months, when I need to stay on Earth 0, I Stay in someone else’s house.”

"Ha, I understand." Hao Linu put the pieces of meat on the chopping board and started to process the tentacles again: "Don't worry, if the pollution can be eliminated, the sea view of Codomatis is very beautiful. You and Your girlfriends will love it."

"Then it's settled." Deathstroke didn't bother to get the contract and came out. Hao Li Nu was actually quite trustworthy: "Adjutant, contact me Luther. I want to borrow his secretary Mercy for a period of time. Call a Give her the android army and ask her to capture the entire island of Codomatis."

"You don't need to borrow someone for this kind of thing, right?" The adjutant's projection appeared, and she was still playing in the amusement park: "Sending any hairy girl over will be more efficient than an ordinary secretary."

"I want to try to solve the problem as peacefully as possible. As Luther's secretary, Mercy has a lot of face. If she shows up, she might be able to persuade some sensible people to stop. I'm not a murderer. Everything must be solved by killing people."

Deathstroke smiled and explained to the adjutant, and dragging Luther in was also a necessary step.

I won’t stay on Earth 0 for a long time, so it’s better to let the bald man stare at something, at least

"Chief, I can't contact Luther. His communication channels have been blocked." Deathstroke was still thinking about arrangements. The deputy suddenly interrupted him and raised a new question, that is, the bald head is missing. .

"What's going on? He also followed Superman's example and disappeared? Was he also kidnapped?"

Su Ming blurted out "yeah" and stretched out his fingers to light the charcoal in the oven. He frowned and thought for a moment, then shook his head:

"He should be fine. That guy is even smarter than Bobo if he's attached to Mao. Even if he's kidnapped, he won't die. Let's use a backup plan. Send a Mao girl to lead the team. Alas, originally I didn't want to kill too many people, but it seems that those Human life is not good.”

"The arrangement is over, how about I continue to play?" The adjutant pointed behind him, where Hermione was waving to her, obviously she had found another haunted house that she was interested in.

It's known that Harry loves to play, but I didn't expect Hermione to be so addicted. Could it be that her job as Minister of Magic puts too much pressure on her? This is a posture of having enough fun when you seize the opportunity.

"Go and play. Just pay attention to monitoring the multi-dimensional 1. If Xiaofu catches the recorder, tell me." Putting the bald thing out of his mind, Su Ming found that neither Darkness nor Quantum could find Luther, but he didn't Not in a hurry.

There are so many partners, so even if Luther is dead, what does the death knell have to do with him?

Superman and Flash cannot disappear, Batman cannot be lost, Dai and Bobo also need to be protected. As for others, even if members of the Justice League disappear, Su Ming will not take the initiative to save them. There is no need.

Unless an acquaintance comes to ask for help, he will be paid for his labor.

The matter was settled like this, and the adjutant knew how to deal with it, so the two people in the small park continued the work of barbecue. Not to mention, Hao Linu's barbecue technique was also good, a bit like the South American style in Brazil.

"Will Lex Luthor still disappear?" She said in surprise while flipping the meat skewers: "I'm not particularly familiar with him, but that guy always says he is the smartest person on earth, haha."

She obviously didn't have any thoughts of looking for someone. Instead, she was a little gloating about her misfortune. People are like this. They often don't feel anything about things that have nothing to do with them.

It's like seeing news on the Internet, where there is injustice, and you get very angry after seeing it.

But what if you get angry? Suicide by hunger strike?

No, people still have to live their own lives as usual. It’s just about having more things to talk about when they see friends next time.

Arriving early is worse than arriving at a good time. Just when the meat was almost cooked and the cut squid was sizzling on the iron plate, the psychic guest was teleported over. He was just in time for the meal.

"Here? Let's sit down and eat together." Su Ming pointed to the side. Everyone was having a picnic under the tree next to the bench: "How are you at home?"

"Okay, I'm the only one in my house. I just cleaned up the house last night and then watched TV for a while." The psychic guest was a little hesitant at the end, obviously not telling the truth.

"Is it really a TV show? Are you peeking into other people's memories and privacy again?" Su Ming handed him a bunch of seahorse meat in a funny way and shook his head: "Just say it straight, I'm not a superhero, no Interfering with other people's hobbies, as long as you don't touch my people, I won't bother to care about your little quirks."

"Hehe, you guessed it. Well, I did go to arrest people last night to see their memories." The psychic guest laughed. He thought Deathstroke was good like this, as he was the same person as him: "Me too I don’t know what’s wrong, but if I don’t look at other people’s privacy for a while, I feel uncomfortable all over.”

"This is an illness, and it's best to treat it. But it has nothing to do with me. You guys have a good meal now, and then when Flash comes back from completing the marriage formalities, we should get down to business."

Deathstroke said calmly that he had seen a lot of mental illness.

"Ahem! What?! You said the Flash got married today?!" The psychic almost choked to death on the piece of meat. He coughed violently: "We don't even know about this. He has many ex-girlfriends, and they are all different. They all look very affectionate, which one will he marry, or will he marry them all if he buys a foreign nationality?"

It seems that even his old enemies know what happened to Barry. He is really a sinful man.

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