The Death Knell

Chapter 5400 Unexpected Sound

Diana didn't like some of Zatanna's behaviors, but as a friend, she chose to respect other people's living habits.

I don't like letting men do things for me, and I have never thought about the benefits of relying on men. This is Amazon's traditional education, and women are better than men.

Xiao Dai left Paradise Island and has seen a lot in the outside world. She will not be so extreme, but she also believes that women can do things that men can do and do not rely on men. This is her fundamental principle.

But her best friend doesn't think so. Zatanna's superficial identity is a magician. She performs on stage at night wearing briefs and fishnet socks. 80% of her audience is men.

She is used to taking advantage of men and it is her freedom of choice.

Therefore, whenever such a topic was brought up, Diana just smiled and would not continue talking. Even if they continue to talk, neither party can change the other's perception. This will only lead to quarrels, which is unnecessary.

As for Leopard Girl, her concept is almost the same as Diana's. She is a fierce leopard. Her past criminal record shows that she likes to kill evil men. She has the kind of big cat paws that can really kill people.

Otherwise, how can we say that Leopard Girl is also Wonder Woman's best friend? The good relationship between the two of them is based on the highly consistent three views. It's just that Leopard Girl's moral bottom line is lower.

"Okay, the Kingdom of Dreams, you should be more familiar with it as a sorcerer." Diana brought the topic back and took Zatanna's hand at the same time: "Where do you think we should go first? Where is there something fun? thing?"

"The Sandman's castle must be fun. With your Slade's reputation, we will definitely be able to get in." Zatanna wants to squander the face of her best friend again. She is good at using the cards in her hand. Magician He also came out to join the Taoist community, and connections are very important.

There are many unique attractions in the Kingdom of Dreams, such as the Dreamland Plain filled with colorful bubbles, the huge new slide, and the stories of small animals in various fairy tale books.

Such as The Three Little Pigs Building a House, The Tortoise and the Hare, The Pony Crossing the River, Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf, such plays are performed every day in the Kingdom of Dreams.

These cartoon-style animals can wear clothes and speak English. They all have big Kazlan eyes and are all very cute.

Especially Little Red Riding Hood here, that loli is good at using Thompson typewriters and LAW anti-tank rocket launchers. She often wears forest camouflage on her face and ambush the big bad wolf in the woodland, which is very fun.

Of course, this is the land of dreams, a place where children's fun and stories are preserved. Therefore, as long as the Kingdom of Dreams does not fall, fairy tale characters like them will not die, and such good shows can be seen every day.

After all, they are characters in the story and have no real lives, so how can they die?

So the big bad wolf will be fine no matter what he is beaten into. Even if it is broken into pieces the first day, when the sun rises in the sky the next day, he will be a good man again.

Zatanna wanted to be a little princess when she was a child. She also liked fairy tales, but real life was too cruel. After her father died, she was alone. She could only gradually learn dark things and become what she is now to survive.

But if given the chance, she still wants to pursue her dream, so even if there are other scenery, she would still choose the Fantasy Castle. What little princess wouldn't like the Magic Castle?

"Forget it. If there's nothing wrong, don't disturb Sandman. He needs to take care of the dreams of all living things. He has a very heavy responsibility."

Diana, who shook her head in refusal, had been to Sandman Castle, but only once or twice, because she was doing business, and she was in a hurry at that time, so she didn't visit it properly and went straight to the big library.

But even so, she is still clear-headed and knows what kind of Sandman exists, so naturally she cannot disturb him for her own selfish purposes.

"Oh, I was telling you just now, it's nothing to rely on your man occasionally, why should you refuse the accompanying benefits?"

Zatanna walked out of the porch of the House of Mystery, stretched out on the grass at the door, waved to the birds flying not far away, and said with a smile:

"I think even if Slade knew that you used his name, he wouldn't mind. Didn't you say that he fished out the Sandman from Lucifer's universe last time?"

"Okay, so it turns out that what you said before was to pave the way for what happened now." Diana pretended to be angry, stretched out her hand and pinched the little prick: "You are such a bad woman, too dark."


Zatanna, who was laughing until she was tickled, wanted to escape, but she was physically unable to escape the clutches of the heroine. She could only resist by waving her hands randomly:

"Stop scratching, we won't go to the castle, haha! Annoying Xiao Dai, you are so rigid that you don't allow us best friends to enjoy it with you, haha! You don't want death knell for anything, this is simply against common sense. Way, haha!”

"Let's listen to Diana. How about we go over there and have a look?" The Leopard Girl didn't want to rely on a man, whether it was her own man or not, so she pointed to the distance on the horizon.

There is a small hill there, which is not the point. The key is that the hill is covered with huge colorful mushrooms, and there is a miniature rainbow above the mushrooms. It looks like a special attraction.

For Leopard Girl, places like the Kingdom of Dreams are a bit beyond her scope of knowledge. She was originally an archaeologist and was cursed by the goddess of hunting to become a leopard orc. She can be regarded as a mysterious character, but Because of her lack of background and connections, she has never entered these special dimensions.

"It looks like a mushroom ring."

At this time, Zatanna had surrendered. She hung her hands around Diana's neck and walked crookedly:

"That's the area where leprechauns live, those Irish elves who like to wear green clothes. In fairy tales, they live under the rainbow and can give people good luck through four-leaf clovers, and they can also give them to the people they like. Send gold.”

"Gold!" Ms. Minerva's eyes suddenly lit up, and her pupils seemed to turn golden. She likes money.

"Then let's go over and take a look." Diana looked at her old enemy and warned again uneasily: "You are not allowed to catch little goblins to play with, and you are not allowed to kill them, do you understand?"

"I know, I want to be a good person now, and I also want to join the Justice League Dark." Leopard Girl agreed immediately, and was about to step forward with a smile when she heard a man's voice faintly:

"Is there anyone asking for SOS help?"

The voice was intermittent and vague, but as a feline with sensitive hearing, she recognized it as Luther's voice.

So she stopped, turned her head, and searched in all directions for the glowing bald head.

It's okay to save people, but she has to laugh at Mr. Luther afterwards. But why does the voice sound so close, but she can't see the person's presence or smell it?

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