The Death Knell

Chapter 5401 Strange sound source

Not only did the Leopard Girl stop, but Diana also reacted. Her hand immediately rested on the hilt of the sword, and she looked around cautiously.

As a super soldier, of course she also has super hearing. The bald head can be regarded as an old opponent of the Justice League. Even though she has now joined the Justice League, Wonder Woman has never let go of her vigilance against that person.

It is true that he is Superman's friend in a sense, and Superman is willing to vouch for him, but is this useful?

If something really happened, Superman would at most do a deep and serious self-examination during the meeting. If the person he guaranteed made a mistake again, what else could anyone do to him?

As a superhero team, of course, we must be united. If our teammates make mistakes, they must also understand that if they admit their mistakes, they must be forgiven, and it must not affect each other's feelings.

That is to say, Diana is now under the influence of Su Ming, and there are some signs of darkness in her thinking. Otherwise, if it were her before, I am afraid that even this idea would not have appeared in her mind.

Because this is the tradition of Zhenglian, we have always shouldered our mistakes together.

In short, after hearing Luther's voice, her first reaction was that the bald man was acting evil again. Was it a bad joke? Or are you planning to rebel? Diana braced herself for battle.

But after checking her surroundings and not finding the shining bald head behind the trees or among the bushes, she was a little confused.

"I heard Luther's voice. It's strange that he's not around."

If you don't understand something, just tell your girlfriends and we may think about it together and there may be results.

"Do you have micro speakers on your body?" As a witch, Zatanna immediately thought of technological creations. She smiled and began to help Xiao Dai check the equipment on her body, flipping under the cloak and checking the pleated skirt and boots. .

Because his usual cover identity is that of a magician, micro-speakers are actually used a lot in magic performances.

For example, in the classic transformation, the person got into a box and kept talking to prove that he was in the box. But after a few seconds, the box was opened and the person disappeared. The magician appeared at the end of the auditorium under the lights. a row.

It sounds powerful, but in fact magic is not magic. There are no steps to cast a spell at all.

Essentially, there is a micro-speaker in the box. The performer slips away from the secret passage under the stage the second he enters the box. During this process, he keeps talking with the micro-microphone, and the speaker will release the sound from the box. , making the audience think that the magician is always in the box.

This is a very simple deception.

"I definitely don't have it on me, but I also heard the bald guy's voice."

Leopard Girl spread her hands in a very bachelor manner, and pointed to her clothes:

"When I go on a mission, I use my leopard form. I don't wear any clothes. There's no place to hide the speaker in my fur. I bought this skirt the day before yesterday with Xiao Dai."

Because she hasn't worn a dress since the 1980s, Leopard Girl has bought a lot of beautiful little skirts these days, and they are all full of sequins, otherwise she would twist like a snake when she dances.

"I probably don't have it on me either. I haven't seen Luther for a long time." Wonder Woman checked her equipment and tried her best to identify the place where the voice came from.

But after the brief cry for help, there was no more Luther's voice, which was very strange.

The forest in the Kingdom of Dreams is always very lively, and some cartoon insects can also sing. What can be heard nearby is a cricket wearing a small tuxedo, standing on a flower and singing "My Sun".

It sings beautifully, and why a cricket can speak Italian is also a cute point, but this song is obviously not what everyone wants to listen to nowadays.

"Indeed not." Zatanna withdrew her hand, tapped her chin with her finger, and thought: "If it's not a speaker, then is it some kind of use of the sonic channel? Why didn't I hear anything just now? arrive?"

"Didn't you hear?" Leopard Girl raised her eyebrows. Her somewhat dry hair was scratched carelessly, like a chicken coop. She was not the kind of woman who knew how to dress up before.

"Really not. Maybe it's because you two have stronger hearing than me, or because you are both connected to divine power." Zatanna gave some guesses, but she didn't have any clues at the moment, so she could only make assumptions out of thin air.

In the past, she would go to Constantine to think about things that required her to use her brain. All she needed to do was exude her charm and occasionally slap her ex-boyfriend on the face to cheer him up.

John is a hell detective. This title naturally means that he has a strong ability to solve crimes. In this case, there is no need to learn logic and psychology. He knows them anyway. Isn't it a waste of time to learn them by myself?

If I have that time, I might as well go on a magic tour and make more money.

The members of the Dark Justice League are not as righteous as the heroes of the Justice League. If there is an opportunity to make money, they will not miss it.

"Luthor still has the doorknob of destruction in his hand. He himself has also undergone the transformation of Perpetua and became a hybrid creature of humans and Martians with strong close combat capabilities."

Diana began to recall the information about the bald head, but was interrupted by Leopard Girl mid-sentence.

"What you said is all in the past. Luther's current state is human. He has changed back, but I don't know if he has retained those inhuman abilities. But he still has the army of Amozo in his hands. Those bionic robots are really powerful, and their ability to imitate various superpowers is truly amazing.”

"Yes, I should ask you. You have been following him." Wonder Woman nodded. She looked at her old enemy and best friend and hugged her arm: "Is there anything else? I also want to update the information."

"I don't know much more. I only know that he made some transactions with your boyfriend. As for what he got in the transaction, he didn't tell me, but as far as I know, he should have received part of the OME. Ownership of the Ga Universe.”

For the sake of her good sister, Leopard Girl betrayed Luther without any hesitation, and she poured out everything she knew.

"Who else from the Legion of Destruction is following him?" Zatanna asked again. Maybe she knew who else was around Luther, so the sound transmission thing might be explained.

"Brainiac, the green bald head; Dr. Ivo, the bald head with the skull replaced by metal; the second-generation prototype of Almojo, the bald head with hair printed on top of the head; and maybe Senis, who might come back. Come on, my hairline is seriously receding but I’m not bald yet.”

Leopard Girl stretched out her little hand and counted her fingers one by one. As for the other people, they were ordinary people working as assistants, such as the secretaries of Lex Group and his research team.

Of course, there is also the anti-Superman armor that he wears with him. That thing can be controlled by remote control to make it act autonomously. It may be another human hand.

"Why are they all bald?!" After hearing what Leopard Girl said, before Diana could say anything, Zatanna couldn't help but complain.

What a Legion of Destruction, let’s just call it the Bald Legion. It’s really weird.

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