The Death Knell

Chapter 5403 Missing a piece

About five minutes later, under the expectant gaze of everyone, the death knell sitting cross-legged in the small garden on the rooftop gradually moved, and the light and shadow effects on his body gradually converged and disappeared into his body.

The closed one eye also opened, but his expression was a bit tangled at this time, without the joy after success.

"How's it going? Slade?"

Barry arrived at Deathstroke's side in a flash, and put the man's thick arm around his neck very wisely.

"It's done, but it's not completely done." Su Ming took out a cigarette from his pocket, held it in his mouth and lit it: "The four origin powers can indeed be used together, but they form a relatively advanced The composite energy cannot be connected with the 'origin'."

"Uh, is there a simpler way to put it?" Barry scratched his head. This was a new topic for him. After all, no one had ever assembled the Four Powers before.

"Yes, to put it simply, it's like I bought a shovel, but what I got was only a pole and no shovel head."

Su Ming, who likes to use metaphors when speaking, smiled and shook his head, patting Xiao Shan's back, indicating that he didn't need to support him:

"This stick in my hand is of some use, it can even be said to be very useful, but now I want to dig a ditch, and this stick is of no use."

That's what happened. After gathering the four powerful forces, Su Ming used the properties of X metal to absorb energy and Quantum's conceptual method of creating things out of thin air to mix the four forces together in his body.

He has obtained a new power that is very similar to the quantum concept. If he is willing, this power can even create unreasonable intelligent creatures out of thin air; or he can escape from the speed force plane and rewrite the story in reality. A little bit of 'edit permission'.

Logically speaking, it has something to do with the origin, but the relationship is not very deep, and it is far from the result he expected.

In his vision, he gathered the power of Origin, determined the frequency through the resonance characteristics of metal, contacted Origin directly, and then negotiated a condition to see what price it was willing to sell the Origin Court.

But the current situation is that we can feel that this path is correct, but there is still a long way to go from communication to the origin.

Su Ming couldn't explain why he felt like this. He could only say it was a warrior's intuition. But a problem arose. He didn't know what he was missing. The missing shovel head could not be replaced. .

"I understand." The Flash returned to his seat with Deathstroke in his arms, and asked him to sit down for a while and eat some fruit: "So that means that when the four powerful forces are put together, it is still not enough to communicate the origin, but the attributes of the power is correct."

"Yes, I now have the power of origin, but this is not the complete power of origin. It is missing an unknown piece, making the puzzle incomplete."

Su Ming was giving an explanation to Xiao Shan, and also to the other two people. After all, they also paid, and they had to let them know the result.

The result was good or bad, at least he didn't explode and die. He also had an interesting method, but he might not be able to use it this time, but he might be able to use it next time.

"Then there's nothing we can do." Bashir sat on a plastic chair in the garden and rubbed his knees with both hands: "At least there is no memory in the sage's power that records the existence of the fifth force, or Say, is there really such a thing?”

"It's not necessarily a certain kind of power, it may be that something at the conceptual level is missing." Deathstroke threw him a cigarette and a lighter: "But I don't have time to study those at the moment. This path can only be temporary. Give up and have a backup plan.”

"Okay, as long as you're okay." Hao Li stood up and patted her big butt: "If nothing happens, I'm going to go home now. I have to find a site for a KFC restaurant."

Hearing what she said, Barry looked at Deathstroke, and the look he received indicated that there was indeed no need for these two people.

So the Flash stood up, hugged Alexa, and said goodbye with a smile: "Then I won't send you off. I may have to run to several places with Deathstroke in a while, but if you need help from the Justice League in the future, you must contact I don’t want to kill people randomly.”

"I never kill people indiscriminately. I only kill the lackeys of capitalists and black-hearted traitors." The woman laughed and reiterated her position without hesitation: "Let's go, no need to send him away."

After saying that, she let go of Barry in her arms, bent her knees slightly to gather strength, then kicked off her legs and lifted directly into the air, launching herself back like a rocket. This was how she moved.

The power of strength gives her great physical strength. She can jump high and far. She will not be hurt even if she hits the ground, so she is not slow when she jumps.

"Then I'm leaving, both of you." Bashir knew that he was not suitable to stay. Deathstroke and The Flash must have some secrets to tell, but some secrets would kill people if they knew them. He took the initiative to resign: "There is no need to send him away. Me, I can just go downstairs and take a taxi, haha."

He doesn't have the means to move at high speeds. Sage Power is a power that strengthens the brain. Wherever he usually goes, he must take transportation.

"Okay, haha, you have completed our agreement." Su Ming shook hands with him and patted the back of the other person's hand: "Whenever you are ready to go to work, just contact me and I will ask someone to arrange for you to go to Arkham. Be a part-time doctor.”

"Hey, thank you, Deathstroke, you are such a good person." After receiving the extra reward, the psychic guest was also very happy. That is Arkham, the most popular mental hospital in the United States. You should be able to see it when you enter there. More exciting secrets, right?

After some polite greetings, he left briskly, looking at his back as if he had won a lottery jackpot.

"Okay, they're all gone." Barry rubbed his face and looked at Deathstroke: "What's the backup plan? Slade, can you tell me now?"

"Gathering together the power of connection, we will probably be able to communicate with the Hands of Creation, and then obtain information from them, and save the country." Su Ming answered Xiao Shan. He flicked the ashes from his cigarette and was about to continue talking.

"Sheriff, just now, Diana and Leopard Girl encountered a special situation. They heard Luther's cry for help in the Kingdom of Dreams, but did not find Luther himself."

At this moment, the avatar of the adjutant suddenly popped up and reported the incident. The specific situation was unclear, but the bald man might have really encountered something.

"He's knitting, this Lex." Su Ming took a deep breath and swallowed back the unfinished words. He rubbed his eyebrows: "He actually asked for help? The sun rises from the west today? Does he have the kind of character to ask for help from others?”

Deathstroke launched a series of complaints, and one can imagine that the bald man's performance this time also shocked him.

"It's unreasonable, but that's the fact." The deputy also spread his hands. She is still playing in the amusement park. This action makes her look very cute: "Chief, do you think there is a possibility that he has changed?" It became a key clue. Origin made some arrangements and secretly attacked him?"

"Well, he has the doorknob of destruction in his hand, which is a kind of crisis power. It makes sense that he is on the must-kill list of the Court of Origin, but if he is only dealing with something he can understand, he shouldn't be desperate enough to ask for help. To what extent?"

Deathstroke stood up with a cigarette in his mouth. He turned his head to look at the scenery in Midtown, and patted the Flash on the butt again:

"Okay, that guy may have some information that he doesn't even know about. I'll fish him out just once. Damn, I've been fishing for people recently. Can't these people stop running around? If they run away and have no ability to protect themselves, it's really a waste. Find trouble for me"

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