The Death Knell

Chapter 5404 It must be done in a big way

"Ladies, I want to borrow your newlywed husband to go out and do some business."

Deathstroke came down from the rooftop and returned to the flat floor on the top floor. He wore black and yellow armor and announced the matter to the girls. The expression on his face was just right guilt, as if he really couldn't bear to take Barry away:

"If you want to plan a wedding, you can make your own decisions. I guess Barry doesn't have any objections anyway."


Xiao Shen, who was hooked by the neck, made a confused sound. He actually had some plans.

As a superhero, marrying four wives at once was not a good idea to say. He wanted to find a remote island, so he called some people from the Justice League to hold the wedding in a low-key manner.

He hasn't told the women about this yet, because he also knows that women will definitely attach great importance to the wedding, and comparing themselves to each other will only make the matter very big.

"You go get down to business. Let us take care of the wedding preparations. I think the fountain square in front of the Hall of Justice is good."

Patty, who is a junior leader in the unit and is good at coordinating work, pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose, and a bright light flashed through the lenses:

"All tourists who visit the Hall of Justice can also attend our wedding, so the dining format will be buffet, right?"

After hearing this, Barry's face turned a little gray. He really didn't want so many people to know about it!

Although the deal is now done and there is no room or need to regret, but if it is really widely advertised, how will the people see themselves?

A pervert in a superhero? Masked feudal remnant? A new-age male boxing weirdo? The more he thought about it, the more panicked he became, and his legs began to shake.

But this is just the beginning.

"Okay, okay, we can contact KFC to provide meals. Fried chicken is filling and cheap. It also tastes good and can be eaten cold."

Mina nodded in agreement. She also thought of more things and showed a shrewd expression:

"If we contact the TV station to broadcast the wedding live, Colonel Sanders should be able to advertise and become our wedding sponsor. In this way, maybe we don't have to spend money, and he has to pay us. "

"Hiss" The Flash couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, do you want to live broadcast? This isn't the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Why do we need sponsors? !

"It's smaller, the pattern is smaller." Green Lantern Jessica laughed, and she touched her Green Lantern ring: "Although all the major lantern groups suffered huge casualties in the collapse of the Origin Wall, these few Over the past month, the new recruits have gradually arrived, and each family has recovered its strength, so I want to invite all my friends in the universe to attend our wedding and live broadcast directly in the universe!"

As expected of a Green Lantern who has seen the big world, Jessica's words are broadcast live in the universe, which is much grander than promoting it on a small earth.

Her fighting ability can only be regarded as average, but in a violent organization like the Green Lantern Corps, there are very few women, so her reputation is not small.

In addition, she and Hal are both from Earth, and Hal is known as the greatest Green Lantern in history. Even if many aliens don't give her face, they still have to give Hal face.

When he heard this, Xiaofeng had already started to roll his eyes. He seemed to be unable to bear this stimulation and could only rely on Deathstroke's strong arms for support.

But even so, Iris, who liked to talk and didn't care about the atmosphere at all, still didn't let him go. The woman looked longingly at her husband, who was leaning on Deathstroke's arm, and said:

"Barry, we all know the existence of the multiverse. You also know many speedsters from parallel worlds, right? Can you invite all your friends from the multiverse to our wedding? If possible, I want to share our experience with you. The joy; if it’s not convenient for you, it’s okay to ask Wally to help you make a trip, right? Should you send a paper invitation or an electronic version? How about you call them first, if you don’t call.”

She couldn't stop talking as soon as she started talking. Barry, who had almost fainted, seemed to have a flashback and regained his energy. He grabbed Deathstroke's hand and pointed in the direction of the door:

"Go, go quickly, take me out of here, we still have to save the earth, don't we?"

Yes, he was so panicked that he couldn't run and could only rely on the death knell to escape.

In response to this, Su Ming nodded slowly with a smile on his face. He looked at the four women and waved his hands: "Yes, we still have business matters, you can just discuss it. Anyway, my opinion is... It must be done in a big way. It must be done in a big way." !”

It's rare for a superhero to get married, and it's also a retro polygamy. Shouldn't this be widely advertised? Maybe it can also be used as motivation to encourage people to become superheroes.

As for Barry's worries, Su Ming thinks it is completely unnecessary. People may be envious and jealous of him, but he has neither broken the law nor violated the rules. As time goes by, people will remember that becoming a superhero can have more wives. Bar?

In a flash of blue light, the two men disappeared on the spot, leaving only the brides in the beautiful new house to start a new round of discussions.

Yes, they also want to have a grand affair. After all, ideal love and marriage only happen once, right?

The four of them would have to start with four times the size of a regular wedding, right? Sure enough, Deathstroke understands people's hearts better.

The next mission goal is to find Luther's whereabouts and fish him out?

No, that's just the appearance. The real goal of the operation is to find out what Luther has in his hand, and whether he was targeted by the 'Origin Tribunal' and caused his disappearance. If the rescue is difficult, give up on Luther and just It’s okay to get that thing.

Therefore, Deathstroke took Barry not to the Land of Dreams immediately, but to the countryside of Kansas, Superman's hometown town.

On the other side of the destination town, twenty kilometers away from the Kent farm, on the side of the hill next to the river, was the secret research laboratory run by Luther's father - the Veterans Club.

Luther obtained his destroyed doorknob here. Su Ming also came here last time and borrowed a time machine.

Now I came here to see if Luther had used the instrument before, and to make sure he was at the current point in time.

Finding this bald man is more difficult than finding Superman. You must first determine the time he is in, and then determine the space the other person is in.

If Luther's hidden things can be found and traces of the court can be found, then it's not a big problem not to save Luther, just let Xiao Dai, Leopard Girl and the others play.

"Phew, come on, forensic expert, help me find if there is any wonderful treasure hidden in this underground laboratory." The death knell dropped from the sky and put Barry down, and patted his butt under the red tights: " Whenever you see something new and unfamiliar, you can bring it to me and I will be responsible for searching the buildings on the ground."

The Flash rubbed his face with his hands and stretched his lower eyelids. He sighed and began to work listlessly.

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