The Death Knell

Chapter 5405 Enlightenment in disguise

Seeing him looking worried and working slowly with his butt raised, Su Ming sighed.

Isn't this even less efficient than Bobo's short legs and short hands?

One is a speedster who specializes in physical evidence, and the other is the smartest animal detective. The level of on-site investigation between the two parties is about the same, except that Barry is faster.

But now he seems to be still thinking about the wedding. Obviously marrying four people at once is beyond his moral knowledge, and he needs to slow down.

In fact, Su Ming also understands him. He has accepted the traditional concept of monogamy since he was a child, and the family he lives in is also very upright. Before Barry debuted as a superhero, he had no idea about rich people raising lovers like Bao Xiaomi. He is really very simple about things.

His own arrangement was indeed more lethal to him, but in life, everything could not always go as he wished. He would just get used to it for a while.

From a certain point of view, he has too much sense of responsibility and takes himself too seriously, just like having more wives would become a heinous crime and would affect the social atmosphere of mankind.

In fact, there is no need to think so, because there are many rich people who have dozens of mistresses, and they still have children and live their lives, just because they don’t have that certificate.

Having abilities that surpass ordinary people and enjoying a life that exceeds that of ordinary people, most people can only say a few words to express envy, jealousy and hatred, and then it will be fine. After all, ordinary people also have their own lives.

Who has nothing to do and stares at the private lives of superheroes every day? Especially in the United States, where ability and talent are valued more than personal morality.

"Don't be so sad, brother. Before you get married, I asked Wade to find some friends and take you out for a 'single night.' Tsk, you know, hehe."

Su Ming asked Zhuo Sha to be responsible for the search, while he followed Barry to enlighten him.

The so-called bachelor night or bachelor party is a tradition here in the United States. One day before getting married, you go out to a nightclub with your brothers or best friends to party.

It’s not just the groom-to-be who has fun, hanging out with his groomsmen and brothers. There are similar activities for brides-to-be, so you can have some fun before saying goodbye to being single, right?

As for what to play, it depends on the person. If you have a high moral level, you can play in a serious and hygienic way, drink some wine and chat, and that's enough; if you have a low moral level, it is not impossible to contract AIDS before marriage.

In her previous life, Su Ming remembered watching UC News on her mobile phone. News about a bride who had sex with her ex-boyfriend on the eve of her wedding, leading to a miscarriage, and then broke off the engagement on the spot after her husband found out about it. This is considered news in China, but actually in the United States. Weirdly common.

As for Deadpool Wade Wilson, you can tell at a glance that he is the kind of person who has no moral concepts at all.

"No, Slade, please don't hurt me." Barry seemed to have been electrocuted, and his head covered with cobwebs emerged from under the sofa: "Even if I have to spend a bachelor's night, it will be with the Justice League. My friends, if those serious people are together, they will definitely not be Deadpool."

"The only serious person in the Justice League is probably Superman." Su Ming showed a regretful expression and patted Barry on the head: "He doesn't know how to play at all. He will probably take you to the Fortress of Solitude in the Arctic to see polar bears. ?And are you sure you want to drink with someone who can’t get drunk no matter what?”

"Well, what you said is really a problem." Barry was a little at a loss for words. Thinking of Superman's upright appearance, he seemed to have seen a boring scene of a bachelor's night, but he quickly came back to his senses, shook his head and said: " What I’m worried about now is the wedding. Alas, if it’s really a live broadcast in the multiverse, then I.”

"Thinking about useless things, you." Deathstroke smiled slightly, and his hand on Flash's head rubbed a few more times: "What do you think my palm is touching now?"

"My head?" Barry replied.

"No, think about it again." Su Ming raised his eyebrows, suggesting that he feel better.

"Hmm, could it be my mask?" Lightning realized, as if a flash of lightning flashed through his mind.

"Yes, my friend, the thing in my hand is your mask." Su Ming said the correct answer, took out a soda drink from his pocket, opened it for Barry, handed it to him and said, "Even if it's within the scope of the multiverse, During the live broadcast, people can only see that The Flash married four wives, what does that have to do with you, Barry Allen?"

Is the advantage of the masked vigilante now reflected? Masking is always useful, at least it will not affect daily life because of the identity of the masked person.

"But there are still many people who know my secret identity." Barry was almost convinced. He realized that he could wear a uniform when he got married, and if he could get some things for the women to cover their faces, wouldn't it be done?

What's more, Jessica already has a green light eye patch, Mina has a 'Quick Lane' uniform, and the only people she needs to take care of are Patty and Iris, so it doesn't matter.

Even if you get two blindfolds for attending a masked dance, they can be used to hide your identity. Everyone can hold a wedding with peace of mind, no matter how big the wedding is.

The scope of his worries is much smaller now, and only this last question needs to be answered by Deathstroke.

"People who know your identity are either your friends or your old enemies." Su Ming took the soda bottle in his hand, touched it with Xiao Shan, and took a big sip: "These people know you very well and know your situation. , don’t worry that polygamy will affect their perception of you.”

"That's it, then I'm worried today for nothing?" Barry found that the difficult thing he knew was difficult to deal with, but after Deathstroke analyzed it, it was not a problem at all, and he suddenly showed a dead-eyed expression.

If I had known better, I would have discussed it with Slade earlier.

"It's really useless to worry. Even I can't understand it. Why are you worried?"

Su Ming turned the soda bottle in his hand and received various information from the strangulation feedback:

"Although I am a non-marriage advocate, if I really want to get married, I will kill anyone who dares to point out my affairs. This is not my problem, but other people's. They should be troubled in their hearts. You have to hold back your displeasure.”

This was almost the villain's declaration. Barry could only pretend that he didn't hear it. However, after explaining it, he felt much better, and the speed of checking the room returned to the speed that a speedster should have.

But in the end, nothing was found. After all, the place was searched by Deathstroke a few days ago. Now there is nothing more than some mouse droppings, bird droppings, and more dust.

The time transmitter is still in the underground laboratory, and there is no trace of use in recent days. In other words, Luther's bald head is most likely still at the current point in time, which is good news.

"Since we haven't found anything, let's go to the Kingdom of Dreams." Su Ming raised his hand and released a space wormhole, beckoning Barry to come over: "Diana and the others heard Luther's voice in the Kingdom of Dreams. Go and listen too."

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