The Death Knell

Chapter 5414 Dreaming in Wonderland

The Land of Dreams is filled with all kinds of cute things.

For example, the house made of giant biscuits, the singing and dancing flowers, the smiling father-in-law on the top of the head, and Uncle Feng blowing with puffy cheeks.

The dreamy country is so beautiful, and the sunshine here gives people a different feeling.

In comparison, Kingdom of Dreams feels like having a 10-level beauty filter turned on on your phone, making everything look fresh and bright. As for the material world of Diversity 1, it is the celestial dynasty under the lens of the BBC, and everything under the filter of the underworld is dark.

In any case, it is relatively easy to find a cute animal in a relatively cute environment.

After leaving the castle and turning around the slide in the square, Su Ming roughly identified the direction and walked towards the village. After all, the animals in the Kingdom of Dreams all wear clothes and speak English. They have their own villages. Cats are no exception.

However, while walking on the path in the forest with mottled trees, Hangzhou smelled the scent of a cat, and led the host to a small lake not far away. Through the dense bushes, he could see a cat there. Sitting by the lake with my fishing rod in my arms, I dozed off.

It was supposed to come to fish, but no fish took the bait for a long time, so it fell asleep unknowingly. You can see that there is a bubble under its little nose, which is getting bigger and smaller as it breathes.

Seeing this scene, Su Ming was happy. He found that he knew this cat, and its smile was so familiar.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey~" He made a funny cat sound commonly used by humans towards the cat. For some reason, both cats and dogs seemed to respond to this call.

The same was true for the sleeping cat. The bubble on its nose suddenly burst. In the rush, the fishing rod almost fell into the lake. It quickly hugged it tightly before turning to look at the humans behind it.

I don’t know him, there’s a smile on his face, but there’s a confused look in his big eyes.

But those were all small problems. When Deathstroke turned out to be a magician, turning into a big fish with his left hand and catnip with his right hand, it didn't matter whether he knew anything or not.

Cats are often considered less loyal than dogs, mainly because they give people the impression that they are mothers if they have milk, and they lose their bottom line when they see food.

At this time, the cat had thrown the fishing rod on the grass aside, then quickly ran to Deathstroke, started to rub his calves with the side and back of its body, raised its tail high, and said with its big face raised:

"Meow, kind human, is this a fish for me? I want to eat meow."

It's cute and cute, and it knows its own advantages very well.

"You don't know me, but I know you. You are the Cheshire Cat in "Alice in Wonderland," right?" Su Ming squatted down and put the big fish on the grass for the cat to eat. The characteristics of this cat It just always has a big smile on its face: "If you are willing to do me a favor, I will give you more benefits."

The exchange of inducements went very smoothly, and I don’t know why cats like eating fish so much. Maybe it’s some kind of setting?

In fact, as a land predator, cats should not be able to catch fish on their own if no one is raising them, right? It may be easier to catch birds and bugs in nature.

"Purrr" the cat that lowered its head to eat the fish purred happily, its fur shining in the sun: "It's me, but if you want to find Alice, she is playing cards in the Duchess's garden. , with Caterpillar and Mr. Rabbit.”

I didn’t catch anything when fishing, but it’s nice to have someone give me fish. Being cute is my advantage for survival.

In fact, as a fantasy creature, it cannot starve to death in the Kingdom of Dreams, but everyone in this world has to fend for themselves, and it is quite difficult for a cat to catch fish.

"I'm not looking for her, and I don't want to go down the rabbit hole. I'm just looking for you." Su Ming touched the Cheshire Cat's fur, feeling the warm and smooth feel: "Can you dream? Tell me about the person in your dream. One sound, and it is said that my death knell has come.”

"Ah, you are looking for our Sandman." The cat raised its head and grinned: "Of course you can, we like humans the most."

It agreed readily. For a cat, A Thousand Cats' Dream is their Sandman.

Seeing how cooperative it was, Su Ming simply put down a small jar of catnip in his hand so that he could drink some fish while eating.

Maybe for cats, taking a few puffs of catnip after eating is better than living gods?

In short, the group of people were just waiting for the cat to eat, while looking at the small lake and chatting. Barry and Zatanna also argued about whether there were any fish in the lake.

I didn't see any living water flowing, and the pond wasn't very big. I did see a few frogs, but Barry didn't think there were any fish anyway.

Zatanna's understanding of the Land of Dreams is deeper, because this is a dream, and where there is water in the dream, there are fish. This is determined by people's collective subconscious.

Especially the current Sandman Daniel, he is from Gotham, and there are piranhas in the sewers of Gotham.

"How cute."

Diana, who likes cats, stared at the Cheshire cat that was having fun, and whispered with an aunty smile on her face, but her hands were stroking the leopard girl's body.

"Humph." The leopard girl grabbed her tail and looked down on it: "This cat is too weak and has no ability to survive in nature."

"Actually, the Cheshire Cat is very strong." Su Ming squatted there and touched the cat's belly and rubbed its pointed ears: "It is a teleporter and can reach where it wants to go instantly. This ability is used for Escape and save your life is a skill.”

Of course, it is just a cat and cannot transport people, and it cannot beat a five-year-old child in melee combat, but it can talk, act cute, and is quite smart. Isn't that enough for a pet?

Even though Bobo doesn't know how to teleport, he can still make a name for himself in the magic world.

"But its capabilities are useless for fishing."

The Leopard Girl, whose aura changed, shook her head. After speaking, she smiled crookedly, shook off Diana's little hand touching her, and strode to the lake.

Then she put her tail into the lake, obviously to show everyone what she was capable of.

"Ah, that's true." Deathstroke admitted. In fact, most superpowers are useless for fishing. Whether you can fly or not seems to really depend on your fate: "Can you catch fish like this?"

"Shh" Miss Minerva put a finger on her lips, her cat face became very proud: "Look, I am a real wild fishing expert. I have been hanging around in the Central American rainforest all year round, catching fish. But it’s one of my important food sources.”

After all, she was a human before and couldn't stand eating red meat all the time in the jungle. Fishing for some low-fat protein was a change of taste.

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