The Death Knell

Chapter 5415 Cat Fishing

Not to mention, Leopard Girl really has something special about her. Her big tail is not only liked by Diana, but also by fish.

Not long after the tail was put into the water, and the Cheshire cat was still rolling around because she had sucked the catnip, she was hooked by a fish. It was a huge catfish, as thick as her thigh.

The fish landed on the shore with a flick of its tail. She then punched it and opened the fish's head.


The big fish uttered his last words in foul language, and then he died straight away.

The catfish is not particularly delicious, but it has enough meat. Anyway, Leopard Girl is very satisfied with her success. She raised the big headless fish and laughed loudly:

"Did you see that? Who else has my fishing skills? Hahahahaha!"

In fact, it was because of Diana's presence that she had to show off. Leopard Girl always likes to prove that she is better than Dai in some aspects, and this time she seems to have really found the right way.

As Amazons, they do have a tradition of fishing, but they usually use fishing boats and cast nets.

After all, for female warriors, fishing is too time-consuming and not efficient enough. If you have some free time, you might as well just cast a net to catch fish, and use the time saved to hone your martial arts skills.

"It seems you can't wait any longer?" Diana took off her cloak, picked up her sword and shield, squinted her eyes and said, "Let's spar by the lake."

"Just what I wanted!"

Leopard Girl threw away the big fish, and she unconsciously performed the same action as Wolverine, with her arms crossed in front of her chest, and long nails popped out of her ten fingers.

"No! Don't fight." Barry quickly stepped between the two of them and persuaded them in a panic: "We are going to the nightmare dimension next. You will fight here and both sides will lose. What will happen later? If you don't follow Si Ryder went?"

"Yeah, don't fight. We are all good sisters. Let's eat fish together. The bonfire appears!" Zatanna pointed to the shore, and a bonfire immediately appeared there. She struggled to pick up the Leopard Girl's feet. The big fish on the side walked towards the fire.

In fact, she is on Diana's side. She also believes that Dai can defeat Leopard Girl, but the current time is really not suitable. She also wants to enter the nightmare dimension to have a look.

If Xiao Dai and Leopard Girl were injured while fighting each other, there was a high probability that he would be left to take care of these two people, and Deathstroke would take the Flash to do things. Then wouldn't he miss the opportunity?

Constantine once entered the nightmare dimension. After he came back, he described to himself some of the crazy scenes there. It sounded terrifying, but there seemed to be a special charm in the horror.

That story kept echoing in Zatanna's mind, making her curious and wanted to see with her own eyes what kind of scene it was and what kind of great power existed there.

Maybe her combat power was not enough before, but now as a user of inversion magic, the Upside Down Man has become a battery in the hands of Deathstroke. Because of her relationship with Xiao Dai, she also enjoys the benefit of casting spells at will.

If his girlfriend's best friend uses the power of turning people upside down, Deathstroke would be embarrassed to pay for it, right?

Besides, so many mages around the world have entered this loan cycle, and they only use a little bit, which is not even a drop in the bucket.

"Don't fight. Jin Gaola has all the benefits. Give it to whoever is right." Su Ming also expressed his opinion, that is, let Diana be more restrained. She will find someone to compete with at every turn. Although it is not a bad thing, But it always depends on the occasion, right?

The Kingdom of Dreams is not your own territory. Is it really completely safe here? Anyway, Su Ming didn't think so.

Everything has its own dream, and there are different Sandman. Since there are cats who like humans like Dreams of a Thousand Cats, there will naturally be varieties that hate humans. It’s just that those who are not mainstream will generally not show up.

"Hoo! Okay, it's up to you." Diana took back her sword. She turned towards the bonfire and called to the Leopard Girl: "Come on, sister, let's eat the fish you caught first. When the matter is done, you come back with me." Paradise Island."

"Okay, I can just torture all those useless useless women on your island." The leopard girl retracted her nails, licked the soft fur on the back of her hands, and played with her tail: "Let's eat the fish first. The fish in this pond are quite big, let’s try and taste them.”

Su Ming did not participate in the grilled fish picnic. After all, he and Arthur had seafood last night. It is best not to eat fish that can talk like the one in the Kingdom of Dreams. It feels weird.

He waited for the Cheshire Cat to come out of its upper state, then carried it to a place a little farther away, stroking its fur and coaxing it to sleep.

Seeing that it still didn't want to sleep even after eating, Su Ming took out the Sand of Time from his pocket and poured it on the handkerchief. He covered the Cheshire Cat's nose and mouth, causing it to fall into a baby-like sleep instantly.

After confirming that it was sleeping deeply, Deathstroke came close to the cat's ears and said:

"Xiaohua, dear, are you there? Come over here, I need your help with something."

As soon as he finished speaking, gray mist flowed out of the Cheshire Cat's seven orifices. The mist had a moist feeling and rubbed around Deathstroke's body before falling to the ground, shaking and forming a body the size of a tiger.

Hair grew on the smoky body, forming a moving ink painting, and then the tail of the body lifted up, burning like a torch.

"What's the matter? My favorite human, Slade." The cat spoke in an old-fashioned way today. Perhaps it was because of his mother's night wedding that he became more mature: "You can go to the Night Garden to find me. Well, you asked me to do something, but you still want me to come all the way back to find you, meow?"

"It must be more convenient for you to travel through dreams than me, and it also saves energy." Su Ming handed it a bigger fish, helped it smooth its fur, and fed it: "Luthor doesn't know why he fell. Now that I’m in the Skill Nightmare Dimension, I’m going to meet First Dream first and ask if there is any shortcut to get people.”

This is not the past. In the past, when I first came out to work, I had to rely on myself at all times. Now that you have connections and connections, you must take shortcuts if you can.

Don't forget, catching Luther is just incidental. Check to see if he has been tricked by Origin. The threat of the Origin Tribunal is the top priority.

"Ha! You are really crazy." A Thousand Cats Dream chewed fish meat in its mouth. It raised its head and glanced at the death knell: "I can introduce you to the first dream, but you are sure that after seeing it, you won't Scream and gouge out your eyes? Its existence is enough to drive humans crazy."

The big cat has known that Deathstroke is very courageous in the past, but this time it seems that he has gone further on the road of seeking death, which he finds very interesting.

"Don't worry, I once looked directly at a large group of ancients and still didn't go crazy. I guess I'm not in the same situation now."

Su Ming reached out and touched the big cat's ears. It was about the same size as a tiger:

"Take me to see the first dream, and then you can help me talk. In the future, I will take you to my 40K universe. I have already gone to death. Do you want to go?"

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