The Death Knell

Chapter 5449: Killing with a Borrowed Knife

In the past, Su Ming was very annoyed by the monsters of the Hand of the Void. On the one hand, he was not sure what they were, and it was difficult to collect intelligence. On the other hand, they were like locusts infected with the epidemic, distorting wherever they got in. Wherever the corruption is brought, it is not easy to clean up.

Although they are both disgusting things, there is still a big difference between the Void Hands and the Ancient Ones.

What the Ancient Ones and their dependents show is an unnatural anomaly, which is essentially vigorous vitality and unconscious chaos, leading to the crazy growth of living things and triggering people to think about the truth, making them more and more disgusting the more they think about it.

Metaphorically speaking, the world they occupy is like a pot of moldy and hairy pig waste. At first glance, it seems bearable, but the golden content inside the offal gleams like a treasure, attracting people to dig through it. Looking for it, the result is that in the process of rummaging, I was infected with madness.

This process is not mandatory, people take the initiative to get involved. The ancient ones have no subjective intention to harm others. Their attitude towards most human beings is that they are indifferent, do not know, do not see, sometimes it can even be said that contact is With some good intentions.

For example, Cthulhu is very fond of literary young people, painters, sculptors, and architects. To him, they are all artists. Sometimes when he is happy, he will meet them in dreams and share a little bit of his knowledge. give them.

But in the eyes of the ancients, a little bit of knowledge about the universe will burn out human brains and make people go crazy or die directly. This can probably be called "a blessing that leads to a disaster"?

In contrast, the Hand of the Void is pure evil. It has its own subjective consciousness, and this consciousness wants to distort everything and destroy everything.

Continuing with the previous example, if the world of the ancients is a pot of rotten pig water, and there seems to be a bit of gold in it; then the multidimensional 2 controlled by the Hand of the Void is a big cesspool.

It is still a cesspit with legs and feet that chases people and sprays feces like crazy. There is nothing useful in it, it is all post-digestion dregs full of malice.

If you don't look for it, it will take the initiative to find you. Just like people who often play online, they will always be targeted by trolls for no reason.

It is the desire of these creatures to destroy your mind, or turn you into a troll like them.

To distort or to destroy, that is the question.

Su Ming had heard about the positioning of the Hand of the Void in his previous life, which can be divided into two main types. One believed that it was an external force, the aggregation of consciousness of many DC black fans, coming from outside the fourth wall, and specifically Come to cause trouble.

There is also a view that it is an evil clone of Lucifer, representing the most evil in the world, just like God having a giant ferocious beast as his 'evil body'.

Su Ming is more supportive of the former view, because Lucifer himself is actually bad enough. He is a devil and Satan. Why do we need any 'evil' to balance him?

However, Deadpool recently obtained new information from the live broadcast room. It seemed that a voice told his cousin that the Hand of the Void was recognized as part of the "Great Darkness", which seemed quite expected.

Therefore, Deathstroke has also updated his intelligence. He now believes that the Hand of the Void is the embodiment of evil thoughts from a higher level, and is also a piece of the puzzle of the great darkness. In this way, its positioning becomes much clearer.

There is a secret that is not a secret, that is, Su Ming himself is collecting the concepts of darkness in different universes and using them as his own weapons. Therefore, it is inevitable to collect the puzzle piece occupied by the Hand of the Void, because it is the closest. , just under the eyelids.

Deadpool still sees the problem very clearly. Now it is a good choice for his cousin to use the knife of the Court of Origin to kill the Hand of the Void and embezzle its inheritance.

If it can be used to consume the court, even if it corrupts a few judges, it will be a good thing.

"Since you have thought it all for me, it's up to you to do it next." Su Ming patted his cousin on the shoulder and nodded with approval: "Adjutant, give Wade a little extra."

"Add points? Wait, Slade, when did our world have this kind of setting?" Wade was shocked. He seemed to have thought of something, and showed a lewd smile: "Don't add attribute points to me. In terms of appearance, I’m already shockingly handsome, so add points to my waist, I need that recently.”

However, things were not what he thought. As his cousin finished speaking, a small virtual interface appeared on his retina. With the exaggerated sound of gold coins falling, the column showing the balance in the upper right corner of his vision changed from the original The number 0 began to scroll rapidly, and then stopped at the position of 20W500.

".What are you thinking? How can a living person have attribute points? This is not an online game."

After paying the bill, Su Ming leaned on the sofa speechlessly, touching the cat with one hand and taking out a cigarette with the other:

"What I asked the adjutant to add to you is the new electronic currency that will be used in Marvel 40K Multiplayer in the future. I call it information digital resource call voucher points, or credit points for short."

In the future, financial power will inevitably be handed over to the adjutant. After all, mankind has now embarked on a great voyage in the universe, and may have to go to other parallel worlds and other multiple systems to mix in the future.

Gin's way of accounting in the past was a little out of date. Besides, she couldn't run around checking accounts. After all, some places were still not safe for her.

Nowadays, the currencies of the earth are all paper certificates of the gold standard, but gold is not a rare resource in space. It would be a bit inappropriate to continue to use the gold standard.

The newly issued credit point system adopts the "energy" standard, and the energy value contained in a starving Galactus is defined as "one swallow".

Then, the energy and matter currently in Death Knell's hands are counted, and currency is issued within the risk-tolerable range, forming an economic system with a simple cycle, that is, the mutual transformation of energy and matter.

"Are you still talking about me? Didn't you really plagiarize the name of this credit point from some online novel?" Deadpool blinked, because what he got this time was not money. He couldn't count the money, and his fingers were now counting it. Shaking out of thin air.

"Don't worry about those details!" Su Ming waved his hand holding a cigarette in front of his face, indicating that he would not accept any doubts or rebuttals: "Anyway, with this point, you can buy everything you need within my sphere of influence. , isn’t this much stronger than the US dollar?”

"Well, the main reason is that the series of numbers on the account are not realistic."

Deadpool had already guessed that there would be a new currency, but he didn't expect it to be digital currency. However, judging from his cousin's dark habit of monitoring everything, it would be strange if it wasn't digital currency:

"I was also thinking about whether you would use the economic system from "Star Wars", using high-value metal pieces with digital codes as currency. I like counting money."

"It's simple. Adjutant, give Deadpool a stack of paper money with the same money as the big tiger, and let him count enough."

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