The Death Knell

Chapter 5602 Setting up a trap

Chapter 5597 World War

"Adjutant, report the situation."

There was nothing to say about returning the same way. That road was already very safe. After the white ball of light flew out, he asked the cat to put the bucket on the floor of the energy cabin of the Tianshen group spacecraft. Su Mingcai contacted the adjutant to see if he had left. Did something happen.

"Most of our universe is still normal, Sheriff." The deputy's projection appeared aside. As she reported, some windows with complex diagrams popped up: "But over on Earth 0, the battle is getting fiercer. In the past God is crazy."

After speaking, she showed a series of live videos, and you could see that the scene described in "Revelation" was taking place in the screen.

Locust plagues, floods, thunderous plowing, and stone bleeding were all happening around the world at the same time. Even the sky turned gray-white, a standard doomsday scene. People all over the world were busy running for their lives, and many superheroes They are busy rescuing.

In addition, there are more direct methods, such as the Word of God and the Wrath of God sent by him. At this time, they are fighting against the Justice League. The battle is so fierce that the original outline of the city can hardly be seen in the city where the war started. Looks good.

"What kind of plane are you doing?" The shrunken Thousand Cats Dream climbed onto Deathstroke's shoulders and lay there watching the live broadcast. It opened its mouth and complained: "Who put a big demon like Asmodeus into the main dimension? Are you here? Isn’t this suicide in disguise by letting this monster fight the Word of God in the main dimension?”

Things were just as it said. At this time, the square where the battle took place had turned into a huge magma pool. Except for the Hall of Justice not far away, which was still relatively intact under the protection of the energy shield, there were several surrounding areas. Kilometers of buildings were essentially turned into matches, each building ablaze.

This seems to be the ability of the Hell series. It does not distinguish between friend and foe and is extremely powerful. The key problem is not here.

It would be okay if we could hit the enemy and pay some price, but what about the Word of God that was fighting against the big devil now? It was still alive and kicking, and even the red cloak didn't have a single wrinkle.

I don’t know how many cats died nearby, alas.

Although stray cats have no owners, they still live in human society and have a close symbiotic relationship with humans. When people are unlucky, they also suffer.

For example, when the earth sank, there was a food crisis on Earth 0. Although the incarnation of justice brought food from many parallel worlds and Colonel Sanders also provided cooking services, during that time, all the stray cats All hungry and thin.

Because when most people can only eat potatoes, how can stray cats eat better kitchen waste?

"You don't have to ask, you can tell it's Constantine's evil smoking thing at a glance."

Su Ming, who was studying the 'paint', did not rush to get involved. He laughed. He could use his toenails to figure out what caused such a situation:

"For him, even acquaintances can be sold, let alone strangers. Everyone in Washington DC is dead. He might even use the souls of these people to negotiate business with the devil. No, it's even possible. The souls of these people are one of the conditions for the great evil to come."

As long as Zatanna is okay, Zha Kang thinks the result is acceptable. That's the kind of person he is.

You could call him a villain, but he summoned the big devil to stop the Word of God from killing superheroes. After all, not everyone has the fighting power of Super and Dai to fight against the Word of God.

If this damn thing targets Barry or Green Arrow, they will be hard-pressed to escape. You must know that the Speed ​​Force is not very useful to God's clone, and the same goes for brains and bows.

Not to mention people like Hawkgirl and Cyborg, they are not as good as Barry.

But now Constantine's operation is equivalent to exchanging half of the people in Washington, D.C., for the safety of superheroes. Whether it is worth it or not depends on different people's opinions.

Anyway, Deathstroke himself has no need for such a plan. In his current view, the Word of God also has weaknesses, which can be dealt with without sacrificing anyone.

But Zha Kang doesn't have his own strength. Needless to say, it's useless to stand up and talk without pain in the back. It has no effect except being annoying.

"Well, and in the picture over there, do you think it's Green Lantern Hal?" The cat's head turned, and it pointed to another projection not far away: "I haven't seen Hal in a long time. , the last time I saw him was when he died, fell into the territory of death, and used his willpower to recast the lantern ring."

"That's too long, is it the Blackest Night? It happened several years ago, before "Rebirth"."

Su Ming, who was speaking, was lying on the edge of the vat, looking at the glowing substance in the vat. Because his head was already in the vat, his voice sounded a bit dull:

"It's true that he hangs out with aliens every day. I thought he was going to give up his identity as an Earthling, but he actually came back today?"

He did come back, and led people to corner the ghost in Gotham City.

It’s Gotham again. This is no surprise at all. Just like when something happens in Marvel, it always happens in New York. When something big happens in DC, Gotham City will definitely not be able to escape.

This is a certain law. It seems that the stage here is more popular with enemies.

Now the host of the ghost, the human Jim Corrigan, is a former police detective in Gotham. It is very reasonable for him to be stuck in Gotham, especially after the last time the ghost was taught a lesson by Deathstroke, it seemed to have lowered its profile a lot and put the body Control is given to the original owner more of the time.

Ghosts are just such a thing. It sounds a bit like Marvel's Ghost Rider. The so-called wrath of God resides in the human body. It can transform at critical moments to dominate order. But most of the time, once the host transforms into a ghost form, people will He won't give back control of his body.

"The ghost is nothing to worry about. It is your defeated enemy." Cat glanced at Gotham City, which had also become dilapidated, and said nothing. Anyway, Batman can always rebuild Gotham after the incident: "But now we Still haven’t seen the three clones of God’s Eyes, God’s Feet, and God’s Hands.”

It is known that the Voice of God has been absorbed, and it goes without saying that the Body of God is the first to die.

Now only the Wrath of God and the Word of God have appeared, that is to say, there are still three that have not appeared. They must at least all jump out to be more in line with the dying struggle environment, right?

"Yes, but the Eye of God is more like a monitoring system. It shouldn't have much combat effectiveness, right?" Su Ming didn't have much idea about these clones of the old man. After all, in his previous life, such things didn't often appear in comics. Three.

The eyes were fine, and they appeared a few times, but the siblings only appeared once in the comics, and it was a very unsophisticated publication. Su Ming couldn't even remember their names.

I had seen them while flipping through comics, and felt that they did not do anything important to advance the plot. Then with a little effort, the page of the comic on my phone was turned over.

"Who knows, Meow? I can't tell." The cat spread its hands and pointed to its nose: "Anyway, I have long thought that the old man is a madman. Who knows what use he has to make these clones. I am a cat. I don't care about others. As for family chores, if I have that time, I might as well go catch butterflies in the forest of the Land of Dreams."

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