The Death Knell

Chapter 5603 Teaching a man to fish

Su Ming didn't blame Deadpool for pretending to be stupid to make the show work. After all, he was his half-brother and a relative, so he still had to cooperate.

"This is a portion of the energy of the Origin Falcon. I got it from the God Eater and used it as bait."

Didn't Emperor Weishan ambush it before? After killing it, he extracted the origin energy from the Falcon's body and divided it into ten such 'batteries'.

Osutu took five copies, Hogs took three, God Eater took one, and one was left for Agamotto.

The original plan was to wait for Agamotto to come home and give him this energy to replenish. After all, he just got married, so it would be good to replenish his body.

But Su Ming just told God Eater that he happened to be going to the DC Universe and could take the orange bald man's share with him.

The God Eater had previously received an order from Oshutu to obey the command of the Supreme Mage, and it also felt that it would be better to have Agamotto make up for it as soon as possible. A newly married man must not let his wife look down upon him.

So it gave its share to Deathstroke and asked him to take it away first. After it cleaned up the Celestial Group's spaceship, it would go to Oshutu to ask for the share of energy originally reserved for Agamotto.

There's nothing wrong with this, the energy packs are all the same, regardless of size.

But in fact, Su Ming had no intention of giving this 'battery' to Agamotto. After getting the result of throwing the shoe, he would prepare to deal with the Court of Origin, so this energy was the best bait.

The Origin Falcon is dead. Most of our friends know this, but the local Origin Judge and the Origin Tribunal don't know, because this guy was chased into the Marvel Universe and killed by Emperor Weishan in a foreign country. 'To them, all they know is missing.

But it has been out of contact for a long time, and there must be a second judge looking for it. So at this time, at a certain location on the earth, an energy reaction belonging to the falcon is found. Who can resist not to check it out? ?

Now that the overwriting of New Diversity has been basically completed, Elaine is also busy wrestling with the Old Immortal on a level that people cannot see. The second judge should have the courage to come to Earth, right?

When it is attracted by the bait, Su Ming will cooperate with the cat to beat the dog behind closed doors.

This is what the original plan looked like, but after meeting Deadpool, this plan seems to need some changes.

My cousin also chose fishing tactics, which was good, but his baits were so nonsense, more like a deliberate trick to deceive the barrage.

However, he can be regarded as providing valuable information, that is, he has heard from him that the second Origin Judge who appeared is a guy with the shape of a fox.

From a general logic point of view, people's inherent impression of foxes is that they are smarter.

Smart guys tend not to be particularly harsh. If you can capture it alive, you may be able to pry open its mouth and get more information, such as where is the court?

After draining all the information, he will kill it. At that time, Su Ming will take five shares of energy, give four shares to Maomao, leave one empty, and then ask Deadpool to find a Mexican illegal immigrant and give the things to Ago. The motorcycle was sent over without causing any loss to the bald man.

He will still have his share, and a world where no one is hurt will be achieved.

It is said that some people like to use fish meat as bait when they go fishing. In this way, as long as the skills are good, wouldn't it be possible to have more and more fish in their hands?

"Ah, it seems that you are more advanced in technology and hard work." Deadpool took the green ball of light. This thing was not big, just the size of a basketball, so he jumped out of the bush very skillfully and used a set of crotch He dribbled the ball, then kept shaking his shoulders and asked: "How did Emperor Weishan and the others compress such a big eagle into such a small piece?"

"He is the most powerful ancient god on earth. He must have some tricks that we don't know about." Su Ming looked at his cousin dancing on the spot, and felt a little nauseous for some reason. He turned his head to look at Dahe, and happened to see the... Beaver was watching the movie. He shook his head speechlessly: "Let's not talk about that anymore. Let's use this to set up traps. Let's squat in the grass for a while."

Deadpool naturally had no objections, so he took the green ball of light and placed it there, trying to see if it could be hung on a tree like a grape.

It was a bit difficult, and it fell off as soon as it was put on, but Wade didn't believe in this evil, and he had to hang up this piece of energy.

"There is such a TV show." The cat was also watching Animal World. Deadpool walked away, and it lowered the paw covering its nose: "Does your cousin really think that Judge Origin has the urge to reproduce? ?”

"My cousin is mentally ill. Don't worry about the details with him. It's just a small problem that you didn't choose the bait well. The general direction is right."

Su Ming lit a cigarette, sat down against a big tree covered by bushes, and patted the sawdust on his shoulders:

"But having said that, if we want to bring things like CAAT to our level, mental patients should be a useful force."

"Then I would choose Harley instead of Deadpool." The cat jumped off the man's shoulder and landed on his lap: "Harley is more friendly to cats, and she always smells good."

This is true. Hallie uses a lot of cosmetics, including various face oils and powders, as well as shampoos and perfumes. There are a lot of them to buy.

It is impossible for such a strong aroma to exist on a mercenary, such as Deathstroke himself. He has no smell at all. If I insist on saying so, it is probably only the eerie feeling brought by darkness, as if it is a cellar or a bomb shelter. The smell of the turbid air in a place without sunlight.

"Adjutant, is Harley still playing?" Su Ming asked about her situation. The situation was not very stable now. If possible, it would be safer for her to withdraw to Sepurk.

"Still playing." The adjutant put up a projection. In the lens, the adjutant's body, together with Harry and Hermione, were riding on a pirate ship, which is a large pendulum amusement ride that relies on gravity.

Hermione was so sleepy that she was about to fall asleep, and the adjutant's expression was a little numb, except for Harry, who laughed and remained energetic.

As she said herself, mental illness made her full of vitality, even too vivid sometimes.

But Su Ming felt very relieved to see her so happy. After all, who doesn't want his woman to be happy every day?

"Forget it, let her play for now. Since you are there too, be more vigilant. The Game Land and the Rock of Eternity are one and the same. As the core node of Multiverse 1, you need to be careful."

"Don't worry, Sheriff. I was a Cybertronian before, and I have been loaded with standard combat procedures. I have learned so much from you since then, and I have also undergone mystical transformation."

The adjutant in the picture blinked at the camera, her mouth did not move, but her voice still came to Deathstroke's ears:

"As long as it's not the CAAT you mentioned, I'm still confident that we can deal with some initial threats."

"Well, anyway, there are still three clones of God that haven't appeared yet. Just remember this. Let's talk about this first. You also need to pay attention to Damian. I'm still waiting for the results of Haixing's mind reading on the power of mystery. .”

"Okay Sheriff, the deputy is offline."

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