The Death Knell

Chapter 5604 Ambush and Backstab

Deadpool finally found a way to fix the energy ball on the tree.

That is to stick it with snot. His rotten nasal cavity seems to have a machine that can produce a large amount of rhubarb snot mixed with blood and pus, and it is really sticky.

He seemed to be performing the classic part of "Water Lotus". The snot stuck the ball of light to his hand. He danced ballet while shaking it desperately, and finally managed to get it against the tree.

It didn't hang up, but it was okay to stick it. He climbed back to Deathstroke with satisfaction and hid himself in the bushes.

It seemed like this was an ordinary bush, but he also knew that the cloak's invisibility spell, his cousin's quantum concept, and the dream of a thousand cats had completely blocked the breath of the two people and the cat, even if the Origin Judge came , it is impossible to notice them hiding here for the first time.

As for the possibility of finding out about everyone in the second time? It doesn't matter. Cousin and Cat join forces and it should only take a moment to defeat each other. There is no need to worry about being exposed.

"Well, brother, you see, I have done a lot of things recently. Even if I did not drag down the Hand of the Void as planned, the result now is almost the same. The Hands of Creation are all dead, you see. no?"

He stretched out one hand with a playful smile, palm upward, and made a circle with his thumb and index finger. This was a traditional gesture from the Chinese side to refer to 'Brother Kong Fang'.

"I'll give you five hundred more. When was the last time you brushed your teeth? Now you better talk less." Su Ming picked up the cat on his lap with a little distress. The cat covered its nose again, looking very pitiful.

The taste in Wade's mouth was like a septic tank mixed with garlic essence. Without extraordinary willpower, it would be really unbearable.

"When was the last time you brushed your teeth? Why do you ask this question suddenly? Because of dental cancer, my teeth often fall out, and then they heal and grow new ones. So why do I brush my teeth? Have you ever seen a shark brush its teeth? Oh, I Got it, you want me to sell products online, right? Did your Wilson Enterprises launch a new electric toothbrush? What a clever strategy, let the audience see my rotten teeth first, and then the process of brushing my teeth. You secretly knock out those teeth so that you can grow a new set of teeth. After spitting out the toothpaste foam, the audience will take a look and say, wow, it’s so shiny and white, and then your toothbrush will be marketable, right?”

He seemed to have only heard half of his cousin's request, as well as the extra money, so he didn't shut up. Instead, he talked a lot of nonsense, using his imagination to make some mistakes.


He couldn't bear it anymore, so Su Ming's hand slipped.

As expected, Wade shut up. He looked down at the dagger on his belly, and the owl on the handle was still looking at him. He could only express his thoughts in a low voice and quickly, trying not to spit out more waste:

"Oh, it feels so familiar."

The waiting time was a bit boring, but compared to Deadpool playing with ants, Su Ming had a cat to play with, so he didn't feel bored at all.

About ten minutes later, the color of the sky changed slightly. The original blue sky and white clouds seemed to be dyed with some grass juice, making them a little green.

"Come on, meow, let me go." The cat, which was being held by Deathstroke's front paws, stood up and danced and said this. It seemed very speechless at this time: "I am the Sandman, not an ordinary cat. You are pulling me like this." It was too childish for me to play.”

Even so, you can see from its big eyes that it seems quite happy.

Cats are quite arrogant. Even if they like to play with humans, they often don't show it as obviously as dogs. Instead, they have to be asked to play with them.

"It's good to be idle anyway. Isn't this helping you move your muscles?" Su Ming let go of the kitten and a lightsaber popped out of his palm. He looked up at the sky and saw a green light spot getting bigger: "Any idea what to do?"

"Don't worry, Origin and Taixu are on the same level, the Court is on the same level as Mother, and Judge Origin is on the same level as our Endless Family. But I have external power. Even if I fight a fox, I can drag it to death. In the dream, let alone you again."

The cat is also gearing up, but it doesn’t look murderous, but rather cute.

But in fact, cats are like this. People will find it cute when they see the cat bending down and twisting its butt before catching the mouse, but after all, it is a bloody hunt.

"Yes, you trap it with a dream, then I'll hit it on the head, and Deadpool will poke it in the butt, so that it can't see each other from head to tail." Su Ming strangled Deadpool, who was playing with ants. I was so lost in the mystery that I didn’t even listen to myself.

"Oh, he's dead. It's all your fault." Wade suddenly spoke in a Bayan accent. He dropped the small stick in his hand. There was an ant with its head and body separated from one end of the stick, and it was twitching slightly. .

"We're arranging tactics, do you hear me? I'll let you poke the fox in the butt later, meow." The cat reminded him that now is not the time for fooling around, but there are serious things to do.

It's okay to be distracted in normal times. Some of the many Sandman like to sleep anyway, but the situation is different now.

If the origin fox cannot be caught alive in one go and it runs away, then the clues will be cut off, and it will be almost impossible to trap them with similar traps.

"Okay, but if it's as big as the Origin Falcon, then I'm a little worried that my size may not be enough." Deadpool lifted his pants and looked down at a certain part of himself: "And I might need to do it Some mental preparation, after all, I have never stabbed a fox with a pure energy body before."

After hearing his words, the cat covered his head speechlessly, turned to the death knell and said:

"Your cousin is hopeless. His mind is full of classic human waste, and it has developed to the point where he wants to attack a ball of energy, meow!"

"He did it on purpose, just pretending to be stupid. Look at the corner of his mouth under the mask, is he laughing wildly?" Su Ming comforted Ahua and rubbed her head a few times: "Sometimes it doesn't matter what humans say, you still It depends on how people do it.”

That's right, Wade was just snickering. He was just teasing the cat. He knew what his cousin meant, and he was just going to attack the fox's back.

Use real weapons, such as swords, to attack, rather than a certain part of the body.

"Well, humans really don't take it seriously when hunting." The cat sighed and polished his nails on the grass: "Stop making trouble now, it is about to land, the bait should be working. ”

Just like the cat said, the huge face of the fox has occupied the entire sky. You can see the hair on its face when you look up, and the green light is clearly visible. I have to say, it is a very beautiful one. The fox looks pretty.

It's a pity that they are enemies. In this case, they can only be captured, tortured and killed. Fortunately, there are cats in the team. Animals attack animals and are not condemned by animal rights activists.

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