The Death Knell

Chapter 5608 A contradiction

Professional things require professional people to do it, and Maizi happens to be good at this. Even though she is like a toy next to Lucifer most of the time, she is one of the current Satans after all, and she is still known for her pain. Demon King, the souls of most creatures probably don't want to fall into her hands after death.

Even if the soul is eaten by Beelzebub dipped in shit, it is much better than the endless torture in the dungeon. Maggie is very specialized in the methods in the eighteen levels of hell in the east, and she also knows some things that others have never done before. The unique skills he has mastered are of course also used to torture people.

He likes to be abused and is good at torturing himself. He tortures himself when he has nothing to do. This is the depraved and crazy style of a classic devil.

I don’t know if Maizi is torturing the fox or Deadpool? Anyway, among the sounds coming from behind, Wade was obviously screaming more miserably.

But Deathstroke and Maomao were calm, watching the river flowing quietly in front of them. The stones and moss on the bottom of the river seemed full of wild interest. Occasionally, small fish passed by the fishhook, constantly opening their mouths and sucking in some fragments. bait.

The sun is still a little warm on the body, and the wind in the forest can be considered gentle if one ignores the smell of blood. Today is a good weather, but it is not particularly suitable for fishing.

"Ah!!!" Deadpool screamed again, and all the fish in the water were scared away.

"I actually refused to fish in the past because it was a waste of time. However, after playing with a friend named Geralt, I found that this activity is not bad and it is good to kill some time."

Su Ming spoke calmly to the cat on his shoulder, holding the fishing rod steadily in one hand and holding a cigarette in the other. The strangulating tentacles were responsible for bringing beer and snacks to the host's mouth.

At present, it seems that fish do not have advanced intelligence, and neither do insects. Beavers seem to be an exception.

"Should we continue fishing?" The cat looked at the fish floats in the river and then at the beavers on the dam not far away, but it was talking about another thing: "Maybe we can use the pieces of the fox to trap them again." The next judge of origin appears."

If the enemies come one after another every time, then such a tactic can easily be restrained by traps. Cats are famous ambushers, and they like such labor-saving arrangements.

As far as it knows, in its long history, there have never been two Origin Judges appearing at the same time.

After all, most stories only take place at the level of the multiverse. To deal with a multiverse, one judge is enough.

"It depends on the situation. If Maizi can pry out key information from its soul, then there is no need. After all, we don't know how many origin judges there are." Deathstroke shook the fishing rod in his hand and looked at it expressionlessly. Qihe Shui: "The ideal situation is to get the location of the court just by grabbing the tongue, and we can go there together to get it done, but things may not necessarily go so smoothly."

Although fishing is fun, it is not easy to keep playing. After all, Su Ming has no idea how many fish there are in the water.

The best way is to make a beheading plan, find the opponent's leader, and then launch a surprise attack. This is the way special forces fight and the way top mercenaries like to fight.

Go head-to-head with the enemy and engage in trench warfare like a line-filler? That's what third-rate mercenaries do in groups.

I just wonder if TOAA can be of some help in this new multidimensional world?

Well, I had easily defeated the Colored Gods before, and maybe FGH or TOAA had a hand in it. They might have helped me a little bit with the narrative, so maybe the plan went very smoothly.

So on the DC side, maybe Elaine can do something? But it's hard to say. She should have to deal with that old man God with all her strength now, and she may not be distracted.

"Yes, Meow. Is this probably why the Origin Judge is not as good as our Endless Family?" The cat also touched his chin with his little paws, with a thoughtful expression on his face: "There are too many people, maybe the power is dispersed?"

"Who knows, but you have quite a few Sandman." Deathstroke shrugged. He didn't need to study things at the level of the Origin Judge. If they were similar to foxes, then they wouldn't be a threat.

"Our situations are different. We are all Sandman, all and one. In essence, I, the horse, the fish, the flower, the first dream and Daniel are the same. They are all non-existent existences, Meow."

The cat wants to explain his existence form to Deathstroke, but now he has a tendency to become more and more confused.


Deadpool's cry of pain came from not far behind him, but there seemed to be a sense of relief in this cry, as if he was a little happy.

"But you're not Daniel yet." Su Ming pinched the cigarette butt and put it away. He felt that the result was coming soon.

"Well, there are individual differences, but from the perspective of dreams, I can also be him." The kitten licked the pads of its paws and smeared it on its face: "For example, if you are dreaming When you dream that you are a cat, there is no difference between Daniel and I to you."

"So idealistic?" Seeing the serious look on the cat's face, Su Ming wanted to laugh a little, but couldn't help but want to tease it.

"Is this still idealistic? Judging from the facts that any human being can contact, in my opinion, this is pure materialism." It seems that the cat is really enlightened during this trip. Now he has become a philosopher.

So it looked even cuter. Su Ming touched its smooth and cool fur, then turned his head and sucked hard on its belly.

About five minutes later, Maizi walked over with a smile on her face. Her body was covered in green glowing blood, as if she had just been fished out of the radioactive liquid.

But as a devil, she liked the feeling of being covered in blood, so she got down to business as soon as she came over:

"Deathstroke, I asked you what you want to know, but there is only a place name and no specific route."

While talking, she rubbed her hair and touched her body, as if she was taking a bath. If you ignore the fact that half of her body is skinless, she looks quite graceful.

"Oh? Sure enough, I read you right. When it comes to torture and extorting confessions, you are indeed the best." Su Ming put away the fishing rod with satisfaction, and stood up from the river with the still playing cat on his shoulders: "That Court of Origin is hiding What’s the name of this place? Let me see if I’ve heard of it before.”

"A place called Prometheus Domain, have you heard of it before? Anyway, I haven't." Satan gave the answer happily, and then added another sentence when he saw that both Deathstroke and Cat looked confused. : "I learned from the fox's soul that that place is located in the super-time flow, and the origin wall grew there, but it used to be outside the origin wall."

"Wait a minute, devil, are you playing tricks on us?" The cat showed a suspicious expression. It tilted its head and asked: "The essence of the origin wall is a big hollow ball that traps the multiverse 1. It has no starting point and no How can the end grow like a plant?”

"I don't know about that. Anyway, what I said is true. Whatever I learned from the fox's soul, I will tell you."

Because she felt humiliated by being suspected by a cat, she felt very happy and answered more cheerfully. She also added:

"Based on my experience, such contradictory descriptions are often the truth. As for how to find it, it's up to you. I have to go back to the nightclub to wait for my majesty."

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