The Death Knell

Chapter 5609 Name Reappears

The strong smell of sulfur gradually dissipated. Maizi was a very straightforward woman. She left as soon as she said it. She obviously planned to go home and reflect on her feelings alone. After all, when doing certain things, even if the devil is shameless, it is still relatively easy. Likes to be alone.

The lava pool on the ground shrank rapidly, and soon returned to the appearance of ordinary earth. Only a piece of lawn was missing, proving that something had happened here.

"Another new term, tsk." Su Ming carried the cat and walked toward the big tree. From a distance, he could see Deadpool lying on the ground like a puddle of mud, but he was not worried at all. As if he hadn't seen it, he continued talking about the main thing: "Growing out of the origin wall, and in a place outside the origin wall? A fixed place in the super-time flow."

There are so many contradictions that I don’t know how to complain about it.

Hypertemporal flow is a collection of metaphysical concepts, just like Marvel's omnipotent universe. It does not have physical entities, let alone any fixed location in it.

And it sounds like since it's called the Prometheus Domain, the territory that can be called a 'domain' is generally not too small.

So why hasn't anyone discovered it in the past? Even if humans don’t know, don’t demons and dreams also know?

"So the origin wall was originally a plant?" The cat was thinking about another thing. It thought of things like walnuts and lychees, which have thick peels.

The Origin Wall originally enveloped Multiverse 1, separating this multiverse from the outside world, preventing the darkness within it from spreading, and also imprisoning the complex prison where Perpetua was stored.

Humans, animals, and stories all live in this cage. When you look at it, they look like walnuts.

"Maybe it's a seed." Deathstroke walked to Deadpool's side, picked up his uniform with the toes of his boots, and turned him over: "Hurry up and heal yourself, we are about to set off."

All the bones in Deadpool's body were broken, and now he was like a puddle of batter wrapped in his uniform, but even so, he still held a corner of pizza in his hand, and there was a round tooth mark on it.

Apparently after the takeaway he ordered arrived, he was attacked and abused as soon as he took a bite. No wonder Maizi felt so refreshed when he left.

But there's nothing to say. Deathstroke asked Maizi to help, so what's wrong with letting him play with his cousin? This is also a fair trade.

As for Wade, just add 500 credits to him later, and he might still enjoy it.

"Gululu" Deadpool made a bubbling sound. He could only squirm a little. He was obviously seriously injured, but his movable fingers were still wriggling like maggots on the ground. He slowly wrote a word in blood - it was a The blood-red word 'miserable'!

"I'll add money, five hundred points." Su Ming rolled his eyes. He turned and walked to the side of the fox that was also dismembered. It was obvious that the Origin Judge, who had no ability to heal himself, was dead with a look on his face.

Originally an energy aggregate, it suddenly gained a physical body, so naturally it no longer had the ability to heal itself. As expected, it still couldn't withstand the torture of hell.

The methods of hell are all directly aimed at the soul, which is the specialty of demons.

Although the sword in Maizi's hand is not as strong as the Seraph sword in Lucifer's hand, it is not a mortal thing. It is the embodiment of the fallen flesh in hell, and it is enough for use.

But if you die, die. It's harvest season again, and Su Ming continues to dismember the fox, cutting it into pieces of the same size, and then activates the quantum concept again to convert matter into energy.

"I'm fine, should I pay now?" Deadpool stood behind Deathstroke as if nothing was wrong, watching his cousin cut meat. He had a flattering look under the mask and kept rubbing his fingers.

"The adjutant pays." Su Ming was busy with the work at hand and naturally did not pay attention to his cousin. He would definitely not die anyway: "Wade, when you mention Prometheus, what do you think of?"

Hearing the sound of gold coins falling in his mind, Deadpool burst out laughing. He counted the money in the air while rubbing his fingers, and replied without thinking:

"'Alien', my brother, when I mention Prometheus, my first thought is Alien. That film tells the origin of Alien. I think this is a certain connection."

Shit, although Alien is good, it is something under the Marvel omnipotent universe system, and it has nothing to do with DC.

"Prometheus should be an old Olympian god, right?" The cat tentatively stepped on Deathstroke's shoulder and said his opinion: "If you can't think of anything, go ask Diana or her mother, maybe They will know something."

"This is not the first time I have heard the name Prometheus."

Wiping the blood on his face, Su Ming had completed the energy conversion of the fox corpse. The flesh was turned into a green ball of light. As he began to divide the spoils, he said:

"When Zeus and his group of old gods formed a group to steal Hecate's witchcraft power, their organization was called Prometheus, but now I can't think of any connection between this organization and the super-time flow?"

The gap in power levels is a bit big.

Everyone knows about the strength of Zeus. Although he is called Heavenly Father, he is not even a bit inferior to the new god Heavenly Father of New Creation Star.

Apart from his extraordinary sexual power and his habit of seeing things immediately, he is just an ordinary old god. Compared with his children such as the God of War and the God of the Sun, he has crushing power, but he and the newborn freak It's only 50-50, not multiverse level.

As for the other members of the Prometheus organization back then, not to mention, they were worse than Zeus. Maybe Bastet, the goddess of hunting, was stronger. She was the one who cursed the leopard girl to become a leopard orc.

Oh, yes, and the 'Naboo' in Doctor Destiny's helmet was once a member of Prometheus, but he had already been crushed to pieces by Su Ming himself.

"Then it has nothing to do with them, but with the other 'Fire Thief'?" The cat covered his nose and moved from Deathstroke's shoulder to the other side, farther away from Deadpool: "What if we call that place 'The Fire Thief'?" Domain', is that okay?"

"It seems even more far-fetched. I believe Maizi didn't lie. She has no need to lie to me, and it's impossible for her to lie to me for Lucifer's sake."

Deathstroke divided the fox's energy into ten parts, plus the Falcon's part that was not consumed, for a total of eleven parts.

Take six for yourself, four for the cat, and one for Agamotto.

"Then we can ask others or look up books." The cat stuffed the light ball into its mouth, as if it had eaten a bunch of green rice dumplings, but this did not affect its speech: "We can ask Mother, ask Taixu, or take out the Code of Origins and see if it is mentioned in it."

"That's a good suggestion, Adjutant, teleport us to the Oblivion Bar, and I'll read a book with the orangutan."

If you want to get knowledge from the book, you need to think on your own. Let Bobo, an animal detective who is familiar with mysterious things, help with reference. It is better than reading a book with Deadpool, right?

You must know that even when Wade is watching "Playboy", he basically only looks at the photos and not the text in the book. He is not illiterate, but his attitude towards reading can make people despair.

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