The Death Knell

Chapter 5615 Find a new way

After some discussion, the animals seemed to agree with Deadpool's plan, which made the latter happily jump on the table nearby and danced a striptease amidst Bobo's exclamation.

Maybe he was too happy, or maybe he just wanted to take off his pants and show off his elephant dance?

But no matter what, none of the little animals present vomited, so the dance effect can only be regarded as average, and everyone's resistance has increased.

"If you want to know more information about the Prometheus Domain, then you should be able to ask about the origin, Taixu, God, and the God of Records. But among these existences, God is the best to find."

The orangutan climbed onto Deathstroke's shoulder, sat on his usual seat, casually threw aside the cat hair under his buttocks, and analyzed the current situation for everyone:

"Actually, there is no relevant path in the Book of Origins. We should know that this matter is not simple. We need a higher-ranking being to help us answer our questions. Among them, Elaine is definitely the best choice. She can Considered one of our own.”

Bobo was not familiar with Elaine. He had met her two or three times before when Lucifer took her around to see the world.

But it was enough, enough for the orangutan to see that she was a kind girl. It's too naive for a god, but it's just right for a human being.

Everyone expressed their opinions, but in the end they became quiet, because they all knew that the person who made the decision was still Deathstroke, and only he had the final say on this kind of route issue.

"Let's go find the fifth-dimensional people."

However, Su Ming's decision was always unexpected. He didn't choose those paths at all. He took the cockroach out from under the cat's paw and threw it back into the bar sink. After letting the prophet and the peel garbage continue to keep company, he went on to say :

"Elaine is indeed easy to talk to, but don't forget that there is Lucifer beside her. He is not the one who suffers. If we ask God to do something, he will definitely ask us to do something in exchange. When the time comes."

Speaking of which, Deadpool's idea is good, but he still lacks experience in negotiating terms.

Everyone helps Elaine defeat the old man God, and then in exchange for the other party's help in dealing with the Court of Origin afterwards, it seems very fair and good.

But there is a key issue that Deadpool didn't expect, that is, Elaine doesn't need help now.

The so-called ‘future’ has already arrived.

She now has Lucifer and his fallen brothers by her side, and they have subdued the giant beast not long ago. She and Lucifer alone are enough to defeat the old immortal now, so why does she need to bring in human aid?

It was just because of Deathstroke's help that she could defeat him quickly, but she had been waiting for three years, was it still dozens of minutes or hours away?

Even if she didn't realize this, Lucifer would definitely be able to see that they didn't need the icing on the cake, but that humans were asking for help from them.

In this case, there would be no advantage in the transaction at all, and Lucifer would instead make some excessive demands, such as asking Su Ming to sleep with him, etc. It is horrifying to think about it.

As a straight man, even if Lucifer could turn into a stunning beauty, this would not work.

"Ah." The dancing Deadpool suddenly became stunned. He turned to look at the air to the side, spread his hands and said, "Ah, old guys, I thought I finally thought of a good idea today, but my cousin really did. I still don’t want to accept it, the DC universe is so dark!”

"." No one knows what the non-existent audience said.

But when he saw Deadpool scratching the back of his head, laughing, and quickly pulling up his pants, someone was probably reminding him that the NC-17 was not suitable for naked scenes, right?

"Adjutant, send us to Superman. Let's find the troublemaker, a fifth-dimensional person, and ask him if he knows anything about the seventh dimension." If you want to find a fifth-dimensional person, then you have to find the one you are most familiar with and the best. That perverted little man will always pay attention to Superman. Wherever there is Superman, there is him.

I just decided that this is it, if it doesn’t work anyway, don’t I have a backup plan?

Even if it is really necessary, Su Ming can activate the quantum concept to turn Deadpool into his own image and let him accompany Lucifer. With his cousin's skills, he will definitely be able to serve all the fallen evil spirits.


The teleportation did not reach the metropolis. Now Superman is busy rescuing and providing disaster relief all over the world. Su Ming, his cousin, the cat and the orangutan were teleported to a place several thousand meters high in the air. The exact location is unknown.

Anyway, as soon as the transmission ended, everyone saw a red and blue light flying past them and disappearing into the sky with the sound of whistling airflow.

"Well, he seems to have missed us." Bobo took a puff of his pipe and raised his eyebrows at Deathstroke and said, "And it looks like Superman is very busy today."

"He is fighting against a natural disaster." Bobo didn't see clearly, but the cat saw clearly that Superman, who had just flown over, was holding a huge ice lump, as if he was holding a comet: "He should be somewhere. All the hailstones were intercepted over a city, crushed into a ball, and sent to space for storage."

It has to be said that there are many people with abilities like Superman, but only Superman is willing to do such a thing.

To help people living in an area intercept falling hailstones? To prevent their personal and property losses? Can't even hear a thank you afterwards?

He is not self-interested at all, but only benefits others. From one look, you can tell that he is not Deathstroke's type.

"That's pretty cool, but I think that guy could do better if it were Superboy-Prime."

Deadpool, who was scratching the dead skin on his butt with his hands, was held in his cousin's hand like a big smelly red plastic bag, but this did not delay him from expressing his opinion:

"If you have the time to intercept all the hailstorms, it's better to go directly to the old man God and kill the culprit once and for all."

"Is there a possibility that Superman does not know the existence of God, and does not know that today's natural disasters are caused by that old man?"

Taking a sip of a new cigarette in his mouth, Su Ming tapped Wade's head with the strangulating tentacles. Hearing the "empty" sound as if he was sure the melon was not ripe, he shook his head speechlessly:

"Of course we all know about the battle between Elaine and the old man, and we also know the cause of the natural disasters on Earth 0 today, but don't forget that Superman doesn't have the intelligence capabilities like us. How much he can know depends only on what Batman tells us. How much does he have?"

"Okay, that sounds really pitiful." The corners of Deadpool's mouth turned downwards, and he began to imitate Batman's facial expressions: "It seems that our little Batman didn't tell this stupid big guy Superman anything. "

"Superman is not stupid. His IQ is several times as high as yours. He must also know that Batman is hiding something from him, but he doesn't care."

The little gorilla on the human's shoulder said this and sighed. Superman is really good. Even if Batman obviously wants to hide it from him, he is still willing to believe that person.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Unexpectedly, Deadpool was just waiting for someone to pick up his conversation. As soon as Bobo said these complimentary words to the master, the corners of the bitch's mouth rose crazily, showing a "√" expression like the Dragon King and God of War, and said with a smile:

"I went to the hospital for a test last time. The doctor said that my IQ is minus 20, which is the best in human history. So when this negative number comes, how should you deal with it? Is it still considered a magnification?"

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