The Death Knell

Chapter 5616 Dimensions and Levels

In fact, there is no negative number for things like IQ. After all, the way humans test IQ is still limited to answering questions. Even if you can't answer one of the test questions, it will be a zero at most.

Deadpool's negative IQ was actually just a joke, mainly because the doctor he was looking for was unreliable.

He once went to see a doctor because he kept hearing incomprehensible voices in his head. The doctor had no medical ethics at all and wanted to dissect Deadpool for research, so he pretended to test his IQ.

In the end, he came to the conclusion that his IQ was minus 20, and he exaggerated a lot of things, mainly to get Deadpool to agree to surgery on his brain.

Why is there a voice in my head? Of course, you can only know by opening the skull and taking a look.

So he tricked Wade onto the operating table and took out the brain for study.

But what he didn't know was that if most people had their brains removed, they would definitely die, but Deadpool couldn't die.

Therefore, when he was yelling and revealing his dark plan because he didn't find anything, Wade, who was bounced off the operating table, was stabbed in the back and died on the spot.

For Deadpool, he didn't feel ashamed to be fooled. Instead, he regarded it as a joke. When comparing IQ with others, he always used minus 20 to make excuses.

If you have something that others don’t have, even if it’s a ‘negative IQ’, it’s still pretty cool.

But even the joke left Bobo speechless. The orangutan had never seen such a shameless person. He could actually admit that his IQ was negative?

Constantine is not as cheap as Deadpool, so this is an eye-opener.

"Okay, stop telling jokes." Deathstroke has received very professional training and will not laugh under normal circumstances, so he said with a smile on his face: "We are looking for troublemakers, not Superman. Clark wants to He can do whatever he wants, since I'm not the one doing the hard work anyway, I'm happy with it."

"Yes, then let's find the troublemaker." The cat lay on Deathstroke's other shoulder, supporting his head with his paws: "Appearing next to Superman should be equivalent to entering his 'story'. At this time Just say the troublemaker's name and he will come soon."

Deathstroke should know this, but it would be best to explain it.

"Yes, Mxyzptlk, have you seen this text? Come down and have a chat quickly. I'll see you if I need anything." Su Ming also turned his head and said this to the empty air, as if being caught by Deadpool Mental illness is contagious.


After waiting for a few seconds, nothing happened.

"It seems that he is avoiding you. He is pretending to be deaf and mute." Bobo blew out a smoke ring, held the pipe in his hand and said: "He should be a little afraid of you, and a little afraid of A Thousand Cats' Dream." .”

In fact, not long ago, the troublemaker helped Deathstroke with the chief and others.

But in that incident, he took the opportunity to run away with his lost sketchpad. You must know that the five-dimensional sketchpad was the trophy of the Justice League back then, and later fell into the hands of Deathstroke. Although the thing was originally the troublemaker's, but It doesn't mean he can take it back now.

It was just that the situation at that time was special, and the things were only given to him, the original owner, for a while, but afterwards it was a bit awkward to say goodbye without saying goodbye.

Now Deathstroke is calling him by name. Is that bald man with no hair on his head thinking he wants to settle a score with him? There will be ghosts only if you dare to come out.

Mr. Troublemaker's abilities are very good, but as long as you know his real name, you only need to move your mouth to control him. As soon as the name is spoken, all the abilities will be taken away. This is what the Emperor Clown did back then.

"It's understandable to be afraid of the death knell, but why are you afraid of me?" The cat sat up. It looked at its belly and its paws, both of which looked soft and cute.

"Maybe it's because he can also dream." Su Ming gave an answer. Although it was a dream of a fifth-dimensional creature and strictly speaking it was not under the control of cats, the Dream of a Thousand Cats was still a Sandman after all.

"I see, hehe, meow, he is not as courageous as a mouse." The cat curled his mouth, shook his head with disdain, and lay back again, with his eyes half closed and half open, and said: "Mxyzptlk, come out quickly, I won't Just manipulate your dreams, or do you really want Deathstroke to find you?"

At this point, the troublemaker also knew that he could no longer hide. If Deathstroke came to his door, there would probably be no room for relief.

So with the sound of a balloon exploding and a cloud of gray smoke appearing, he appeared not far away in front of everyone wearing a bowler hat and an awkward smile on his face.

He floated in the air and imitated paddling movements with his hands and feet comically, trying to make Deathstroke laugh, because the one-eyed man was too serious at this time and he was a little flustered!

"Okay, troublemaker, don't do unnecessary things." Su Ming was too lazy to worry about a drawing board. Now he would not be manipulated by the drawing board again, no matter who was holding it: "I am not looking for you today to torture you. , the drawing board is no longer useful to me, we want to go to the seventh dimension, can you provide any information?"

Hearing what the man said, the little man breathed a sigh of relief. He patted his chest, immediately hid the drawing board behind him better, and replied:

"The seventh dimension has been destroyed. There is nothing there. There is no need for you to go there. Mr. Deathstroke, are you satisfied with this answer?"

"Lie!" the cat roared. It jumped down from the death knell's shoulder and instantly expanded a hundred times in size. It stared down at the dwarf like a mountain: "We already know that the Prometheus domain is in the seventh dimension. How dare you Deceiving us? Do you really think dreams can’t deal with you?”

"Don't, don't get excited!" Meng has all the abilities that the troublemaker has, but he may not have the abilities that Meng has, so he quickly explained: "I don't know where the Prometheus Domain you are talking about is. As far as I know, there are no living creatures in the seventh dimension. Let me explain, it starts a long time ago."

Mr. Troublemaker spoke quickly, his small body bursting with powerful lung capacity. He told the two people and the cat a story about the history of the fifth-dimensional people.

Although the stink of Deadpool made him retching, he persisted and did not spit it out. When life and death are at stake, people will always burst out with a strong will to survive.

In the story he told, there was a terrifying woman named 'Ten-Dimensional Person', who was a very powerful and perverted existence. When she entered the fifth dimension, she acted very friendly and soon became friends with the fifth-dimensional people. became friends.

But after a long time, people in the fifth dimension found that the number of companions was getting smaller and smaller, and many people disappeared inexplicably or suddenly disappeared.

This was unreasonable, so they started an investigation, and finally found out that the people in the Tenth Dimension were using them as food, eating them one bite at a time.

Their five-dimensional abilities were as ridiculous as a child blowing air to the ten-dimensional people. The ten-dimensional people who had the absolute advantage told them that before the fifth dimension, all the upper dimensions were eaten by her. Empty.

The kind that leaves nothing behind. No living creature can escape her devouring, and will eventually be turned into nourishment. This is the fate of fifth-dimensional people.

"Okay, stop reading. I'm not interested at all in how you survived in the end."

Su Ming interrupted the troublemaker's nonsense. He didn't want to hear about the fifth dimension's old stories:

"Just tell me directly. We are in the third dimension now. How can we enter the seventh dimension? Come up with a feasible method and do it quickly, otherwise I will shave off all your remaining hair."

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