The Death Knell

Chapter 5620 Sliding upward

From a certain perspective, today's DC Universe should be like a "convex" shape, while the Marvel Universe is a "concave" shape.

This protruding part is Diversity 1, an enclave fiercely contested by the old and new gods.

In the process of gliding up to the dimension, you can see some scenery that you can't usually see. It feels like changing another level to overlook an originally huge thing, until it gradually turns into some complex patterns on the plane.

The slide is like a Milky Way that transcends reality, leading from distant nebulae to the huge black hole at the center of the galaxy.

The color of the original Death Barbie pink slide has changed. At this time, it extends infinitely forward, as bright as a star, as if it is made up of billions of twinkling stars spliced ​​together.

The surface of the slide is as smooth as glass, reflecting the light of star space, and it's not stained by Deadpool's shed skin or slime, which is pretty good.

On both sides of the field of vision is a vast sea of ​​​​stars, dotted with stars, beautiful and mysterious, and there are many shining comets flying together, like racing in a race, which is quite ridiculous.

But the boundless huge black hole in the distance emits weak suction, symbolizing the power and unknown of the universe. Seeing it, the cautious mood makes people a little unable to laugh.

This is a journey that transcends time and space. The destination should be the unknown black hole ahead, which is most likely the way to the fourth dimension.

The black hole that can be seen at this time is most likely imaginary. It does not necessarily exist. It is just Deathstroke's perception of it, so it appears like this, so it should be different in the eyes of different people.

Just like everyone has a different Hamlet.

Deathstroke only glanced at the scenery, mainly looking at Earth 0, which had become as flat as a plane. He could see the various methods of the two gods colliding in the sky above it. This was the battle between the old man and Elaine. The kind that makes it difficult for others to get involved.

However, he supports Elaine's rise to power. After all, the girl God is a human being. No matter whether she is qualified or not in the future, she will not be worse than before, right?

"Speaking of Xiaohua, what are God's responsibilities?"

Thinking of this, Deathstroke, who was sitting on the slide, asked the cat on his shoulder, because after thinking about it for a while, he didn't find anything that God had to do. He seemed to be full of rights and no obligations?

Like the Endless Family, everyone has their own responsibilities. For example, the Sandman maintains dreams, Death maintains the cycle of life and death, Madness allows people to have emotions, Destruction maintains the balance of destruction and creation, and so on.

The existence of their concepts is part of the law of the operation of the DC universe itself. The world needs them to exist. Even if they die, successors will inevitably appear.

But God is completely different. He seems to be able to care about nothing.

"God's duty? Why do you suddenly think of asking this?"

Dimension advancement is nothing to the Dream of Thousand Cats. It squatted on Deathstroke's shoulder and looked at the scenery below, its hair flying with the wind from nowhere, and said with a comfortable look:

"Maybe it's 'Shepherd'? It's mentioned in his own Bible, but I'm not sure. You should ask Lucifer and the others about this kind of question. Our Endless Family really doesn't have much contact with God."

The man's words caused the cat to think. After thinking about it, it also discovered that God seemed to be synonymous with doing nothing.

Let’s not talk about the seven clones later, but before the clones appeared, the old man seemed to eat and sleep in the City of Silver every day, eat when he woke up, and go for a walk in the Garden of Eden when he had nothing to do. What happened?

Perhaps when he was still as Jesus, he had eaten up all the suffering, so that after he was reborn in the shroud and became God, all he had left was happiness?

Bitter first and then sweet, there's nothing wrong with it.

"I know that, Slade."

Bobo on the other shoulder joined the conversation. He was afraid of being thrown away by the crooked slide, so he hugged Deathstroke's neck tightly during the slide. At this time, he was a little short of breath, but his words were still clear:

"God's duty is only one sentence - to atone for the sins of ignorant mankind. This is what Gabriel told me last time."

Today's Gabriel is not as decadent as before, at least he doesn't continue to sell his butt. Recently, Bobo heard that the guy found a real estate sales job. He should be doing pretty well, at least he can use the money to buy cigarettes, alcohol and leaves. Earn it.

"Okay, I admit that humans may be ignorant, just like I can't always tell the origin of mustard." Deadpool, who was sliding in front, turned over and did sit-ups on the slide with his belly facing up. He sat down and said at the same time: "But how come we are guilty? I have done very clean killings in the past, leaving no one alive. The federal judge said I was a good young man."

In the mercenary industry, Deadpool's mission success rate is not high, and he sometimes kills his employers, so his reputation is average.

There are many kinds of mercenary jobs, including escort, protection, investigation, escort, assassination, sabotage, etc. Wade is very good at killing people, but not much in other projects.

But when he said he killed the whole family, he meant killing the whole family.

"Do you have to ask me this kind of question?" The orangutan held Deathstroke's neck, and he moved in again, looking timid: "If God says you are guilty, then you are guilty. Even if you are not guilty, you are guilty. Understand?"

"It's so unfair. This world is so infuriating." Wade flattened his lips and sped up his sit-ups as if to vent his dissatisfaction: "People who work hard like me, But it is unreasonable to live in such poverty, and now he has become a criminal."

In fact, he made a lot of money. Deathstroke alone gave him a unit price of 100,000 US dollars for each mission, which was considered a decent first-line salary in the mercenary industry.

It's just that he spends money faster. Once surrounded by a wave of young ladies and drinks some wine, he will spit out banknotes like a cash machine.

But he spent money lavishly in exchange for happiness. As a human being, happiness is the most important thing.

"What did you see just now, Deathstroke? Why did you suddenly think of asking God about his duties, meow?" The cat is much calmer than Bobo. It is different when it has strength. It can now use its claws to rummage through Deathstroke's pocket. Woolen cloth.

I don’t know how long it will be slippery on the road. It is planning to find the Manchu Banquet that it has not finished eating before. At least it can chew a pig’s trotter during this time on the road, right?

"It's nothing special, I just saw the collision of concepts between the old man and the girl, at a higher level." Su Ming pinched the cigarette butt and put it away, took the initiative to take out a plate of food from his pocket, and asked Strangler to hold it in front of the cat. : "So I thought of this. In fact, it has little to do with our actions. I'm just a little worried that they will destroy Earth 0."

"Hoho, this is unlikely." The cat took a big bite of a piece of meat, its tail swayed, and its head also shook: "You shouldn't have seen Lucifer's power just now, right? This means that he protects As for Earth 0, you must know that the humans on Earth 0 are the most interesting, and he will not let go."

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