The Death Knell

Chapter 5621 Making a feint to the east and attacking in the west

The taxiing time was much shorter than expected.

Of course, what we are talking about here is Su Ming's own somatosensory feeling. In fact, after everyone leaves the three-dimensional level, the concept of time commonly used by humans in the past will be different. It will exist in another non-vector form.

So maybe time has gone backwards. It depends on where you are and what the speed of time is relative to Earth 0.

But that's not an important thing. Since Su Ming dares to leave the third dimension, he has a way to return to the timeline where he left.

After sliding into the huge black hole, everyone also saw the fourth dimension, which was like a pot of black sesame paste. Of course, this is a manifestation of its chaotic properties. We don’t know what it looks like in the gray fog. .

But it was not the destination, so Su Ming had no intention of jumping down to see it.

Speaking of which, this slide passes through the fourth dimension, giving people the feeling of riding a roller coaster. Passing over the lake in an amusement park, you can also smell a little salty smell.

"By the way, Slade, you destroyed the ancient third dimension used by Perpetua to store the hybrid army and reshaped part of the order. Will this affect us?"

After entering here, Bobo remembered what happened more than half a year ago, and began to subtract in his mind.

"It shouldn't have any impact. It's just an empty floor in the middle. Don't worry about the building collapsing, cat." Before the man could speak, the cat answered for him. It has a skill of not delaying in making noises when eating. .

After all, it is a dream. Although it looks like a cat, it does not necessarily have to speak with its mouth, because cats cannot speak human language, right?

This is also the point where the ‘non-existent existence’ is reflected in A Thousand Cats’ Dream.

"So the dimension is like a building?" The orangutan simply stopped sitting on Deathstroke's shoulders and jumped into the man's arms, which made him feel safer.

"As long as you understand it this way, it will be difficult for you to understand Meow, Huhu if I talk too much."

The cat was immersed in eating, obviously not going to go into details. In fact, it had been to the highest level, which was the previous 'idea room', but this did not prevent it from pretending to be inscrutable.

As for Su Ming, who was drinking soda, he first patted the orangutan on the shoulder and then touched the cat's head. It felt really happy to be surrounded by animals.

"Here we are, welcome to the fifth dimension."

Hearing the voice of the bat spirit, Deathstroke came back to his senses. The end point was reached so suddenly. It felt like he was flying in the air and land suddenly appeared under his feet.

It's like a mutation, without any precaution, without any foreplay, and even the light and shadow don't change.

Just for a moment, everything around him was different. The originally dark world seemed to be lit up instantly. Everything in the fifth dimension looked very cartoony, and various buildings and tools were more than one size smaller.

There are large blocks of color in the sky, like layers of patches, which are very interesting. In addition to bat spirits and troublemakers, there are more residents here. After seeing Deathstroke and his party, They all showed expressions of surprise and came closer with their short legs.

"Hello! Are you humans? Three-dimensional humans?" A dwarf wearing red clothes and green pants asked loudly in the crowd while jumping up and down.

"Wow! I haven't seen a three-dimensional person face to face! Give me a step, let me see it!" Another fifth-dimensional person wearing gay purple said this. His beard was pulled out by himself, obviously. Very shocked.

"No, don't squeeze, my pants are off!" The man couldn't be seen because he was pushed to the ground by the crowd and could only barely make a sound.

Now looking at it this way, the daily life of fifth-dimensional people does not seem to be much different from that of ordinary humans. At least they like to watch the excitement.

"It's gone, it's all gone! Don't scare away the three-dimensional people, this is my invited guest!" The troublemaker waved his little arms and loudly dispersed the crowd, but it was obvious that he had no face here. The crowd didn't listen to him at all.

"Follow me." The bat spirit whispered to Deathstroke: "While the troublemakers have attracted their attention, you squat down and follow me to get out of the crowd."

As he spoke, he took out a bat smoke grenade from his belt and smashed it towards the ground.

The gray mist obscured everyone's figures. There seemed to be a lot of pepper added to the dart, causing the crowd to cough. But this was an opportunity. Su Ming bent down, carried the orangutan and cat, and picked up the watch on the side. Brother, follow the bat spirit and sneak away.

The retreat route was obviously prepared, and the bat spirit had already planned it. He led everyone into various alleys. After twists and turns, they came to a sewer manhole cover. He motioned for everyone to get down.

"Sewer? I like it." Su Ming had no objection. The force controlled the manhole cover to fly up, and he jumped inside, landing in the blink of an eye.

The sewers in the fifth dimension are not too deep. This is also related to the body shape of fifth-dimensional people. They are generally sixty centimeters tall, so there is no need to build a manhole more than ten meters deep.

"The space in the sewer is relatively large, suitable for you to stay. I have already planned how to place it if three-dimensional humans come here."

It was the bat spirit who led the way. His short legs flew very fast. While leading the way, he explained to Deathstroke:

"In the fifth dimension, Troublemaker and I are just like other friends. We are ordinary people without any superpowers. That's why I like Batman. What he can do, I should be able to do too."

"Well, you did a good job, but" the orangutan lit his pipe and took a puff. His eyes were on the moss on the inner wall of the sewer: "It's just that Batman doesn't go into the sewer. This is Deathstroke's specialty."

"I'm learning all the time." The bat spirit replied in a hoarse and gloomy voice. Without looking back, he turned a corner and changed a path, as if he had merged into the darkness: "Death Knell has a clever trick, so I will naturally do the same. Study, study is the ladder of progress.”

"Yes, that's great. When will you learn from me?" Deadpool followed his cousin with a playful smile, his head turning constantly, looking around: "If you can learn how cool I am, It’s enough to last you a lifetime, really, the ladies I know say I’m damn handsome, especially when I pay with a credit card.”

The bat spirit turned to look at him and pursed his lips, probably swallowing the curse words that came to his lips, because Batman never cursed.

He continued to speak to Deathstroke, speaking faster, probably to avoid giving Deadpool a chance to interrupt:

"The plan is like this. You will first go to my safe house to rest, adjust your condition, and become familiar with the specific conditions of the fifth dimension. At the same time, I will tell you some things about the fifth dimension, and then we will analyze how to go to the seventh dimension. method, which may require you to activate the quantum concept, Deathstroke."

"Quantum? I'm just playing around with the quantum concept. If I really want to be strong, I still have to look at the darkness. Let's find a way in this direction. If possible, I don't want to lose my hair."

The hair loss caused by the concept is a side effect of using power. Just like the body turning blue, it is integrated into the "persona and origin", which is irreversible damage.

It’s best not to use quantum to do anything too advanced, as the risks are too great.

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