The Death Knell

Chapter 5622 The concept of five dimensions

There is nothing wrong with Bat Spirit's arrangement. He needs to find a place to stay first. Su Ming also needs to get familiar with the situation in the fifth dimension, and then consider the road issues based on the actual situation.

The mission is almost halfway done now, isn't it? After all, we have arrived at the transit station of the fifth dimension, and we are no longer standing still in the third dimension.

Moreover, the bat spirit looks cold on his face, but he is still quite enthusiastic. It is always inappropriate to refuse his kindness.

He probably also wants everyone to visit his ‘Bat Cave’, right?

That's right, since you are an avid fan of Batman, how can you not have a Batcave? If you are really a fan of that person, you will have to dig a hole for yourself even if you are contracting a barren mountain.

The city of the fifth-dimensional people is a bit cartoony, but it has everything it should have, but lacks some dark atmosphere. The residents here seem to have no scheming, and the bat cave is placed in the sewer without worrying about being discovered.

So on this dark road, it was basically Deadpool who was talking. Bobo occasionally answered a few words, which was quite enjoyable.

Speaking of which, Xiao Fu is still a good man. Even for Deadpool, he is willing to give a few compliments. This bar owner really deserves his job for nothing.

About five minutes later, everyone arrived at a dead end. After Bat Spirit fumbled on the wall a few times, the wall popped open like a door. He asked everyone to follow him in, and then he went to find a power source to turn on the lights.

The lights came on, and then Su Ming saw a bat cave.

Yes, this place is exactly the same as the Batcave in Batman on Earth 0. Whether it’s the platform where the Batmobile is stored, the big robot dinosaurs on the side, or the display cabinets with uniforms, everything is there.

It's just that it's not a full-scale replica. Everything in Bat-Elf's Batcave is very small, almost 1:4 like the original version. The cars and motorcycles are fake, and the uniforms are just fake and have no defensive capabilities. The Brother Eye host is a personal PC with a cool chassis, and the robot dinosaur cannot move at all.

They look the same but are essentially different furnishings, but that’s enough for fans.

"How's it going? Is my Batcave exactly the same as Batman's?" He was looking forward to it. He didn't even bother to learn Batman's grammar of using declarative sentences as questions, and blinked at Deathstroke.

"Yes, exactly the same. You are really a qualified Batman fan." Su Ming nodded, found a table and sat down like a bench: "Even if you don't have your own Joker, it will probably be difficult in the fifth dimension. Find a clown.”

Batman and the Joker make each other successful. Without the Joker, there is no real Batman. This is the key.

"The troublemaker is my clown, because he can only do ugly things and embarrass us fifth-dimensional people." The bat spirit moved a chair by himself, slid in front of his 'brother's eyes' and turned on the phone: "Just because You like Superman, so you want to make trouble for him? This is the performance of a mental illness."

"Well, there is some truth in what you say."

Deadpool sat down next to his cousin. His action drove away the orangutan and the cat, because in a closed environment, his body odor was particularly obvious, but he was completely unaware of it. He just said:

"Okay, this place is as spooky as the real Batcave. You also dug an underground river in the sewer? It's really yours, but I have bone cancer and I'm not suitable for staying in humid places for a long time. Otherwise, my knees The joints will be a little sore, so let’s get down to business, unless you find me some pretty girls to drink with.”

Deadpool expressed his wish, but obviously the other party would not find him a barmaid, and there is no such dark profession in the fifth dimension.

At this time, the computer happened to be turned on, and with the fluorescence emitted from the screen, the bat spirit began to talk about some basic concepts of the fifth dimension, using a language that three-dimensional people can understand.

It transcends the ordinary three-dimensional space, and even transcends the fourth dimension of time, and enters a realm that cannot be seen with the naked eye and can only be perceived with the mind.

In human terms, one dimension is a point, two dimensions is a line, three dimensions is a surface, the fourth dimension adds the variable of time to the first three, and the fifth dimension has more 'thinking' than the former, and the sixth dimension There needs to be more 'existence', and the seventh dimension has to have more 'contradiction'.

In the fifth dimension, the appearance of shapes is deconstructed, the flow of time is reshaped, and the boundaries of space are broken.

Here, you can see the dance of light, hear the melody of colors, feel the breath of time, and touch the pulse of space.

The light here is no longer simply white or black. They circulate in this dimension with dazzling colors, constantly changing, forming a wonderful spectrum. These lights are not just lights, they have their own souls. They dance, sing, and tell their stories in this dimension.

The colors here are no longer the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple that humans are familiar with. They just look like that. They have stood out in the flow of time and exist in the form of musical notes.

Each color plays its own unique melody, sometimes as gentle as water, sometimes as warm as fire. You can hear the tranquility of blue, the joy of yellow, the passion of red, and the vitality of green. Each color has its own unique music.

Time here no longer advances linearly, but exists in a spiral form.

You can see the shadow of the past, echoing at the end of the future; you can see the omen of the future, twinkling in the dust of the past. Time here is both silent and noisy, both distant and close at hand. It is both a proof of existence and a symbol of disappearance.

The space here no longer has fixed boundaries. They spread out like water waves and swallow everything like a black hole.

You can wander in this endless space and feel its immensity, or you can shrink down to the atomic level and gain insight into its internal structure.

In this dimension, big and small, inside and outside, all lose their original meaning, and everything merges into one, forming an endless hologram.

This is the landscape of the fifth dimension, an endless universe, a boundless ocean, and an infinite picture. It is the highlight of the spirit, the source of thinking, and the goal of exploration.

“This is the landscape of the fifth dimension, a strange world woven by light, color, time and space, a dimension that allows you to redefine your perception and understanding.”

At this point, Bat Spirit gave a summary. He looked at Deathstroke and then at Deadpool, trying to determine whether they could understand it. If they could understand the fifth dimension, they might have some experience with the seventh dimension.

Su Ming, who is sitting on the table, has no problem. He can even understand the existence of the 'idea room' and the 'mystery', not to mention this half of the fifth dimension?

So he went along to see Deadpool.

"I almost understand it. In other words, the city we are in now, in your fifth-dimensional people's city, is not actually a city, right?" Deadpool took out a large piece of dead skin from his pants. This was torn off his buttocks during the lecture just now: "So this skin of mine is no longer skin?"

"The city you see here is only a city in the fifth dimension. If you look at it from the three dimensions, it is a more complicated thing." Bat Spirit was also very patient when talking about business. He gave Deadpool a very serious Answer: "Your dead skin is still a piece of skin, because you are still a three-dimensional creature."

"Oh, what a pity. If I become a five-dimensional creature and this piece of skin becomes a five-dimensional skin, then I can find an auction house to sell it. You don't have a place to sell human skin here, right? This is a rare commodity. .”

I don’t know how long the brain circuit of this bitch is, but he is still thinking about making money here.

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