The Death Knell

Chapter 5625 Creator

"I'm in a stalemate with Elaine now." The big black egg trembled, and the fat on his body rippled: "I can't move my hands, and the same goes for her, so in addition to containing Lucifer and the others, you can also send out Who's going to deal with Deathstroke?"

It doesn't have to be a head-on fight, as long as it can cause trouble for Deathstroke so that he can't find a way to go to the seventh dimension, then he will be stuck in the fifth dimension unknowingly.

The flow of time in the fifth dimension is different from that in the human world. After taking care of Elaine, it would be too late to go back and play with the death knell.

The most critical thing now is time, as long as you wait until it hatches

"The hands are dealing with Lucifer, and the feet are holding Michael down. It's just me at the moment, but..." The glowing holes in the eyeballs dropped slightly, like a person lowering his head: "But I don't have much fighting power, I'm afraid I can't deal with Deathstroke. , he masters the dual concepts of darkness and quantum, maybe I will find out next time I observe him."

This is just talking about Deathstroke alone. You must know that there are monsters like the Dream of a Thousand Cats around him. At the same time, Deadpool and the people in the fifth dimension are not easy to deal with.

One is a strange visitor from another world, and the sight of him will make you feel a little disgusted; the fifth-dimensional people are a group of smart dwarfs. They may not be strong in frontal combat, but they are good at destroying and escaping.

"Has the situation deteriorated to this much?" The giant black egg let out a long sigh, and his sigh made the whole world in this space begin to tremble.

What followed was a suffocating silence, as if space and time were frozen.

But soon, the black flesh ball hanging high in the sky twisted. The black matter on its body began to gather, and the light emitted by it began to dim. It could be said that the grassland below was almost immediately shrouded in shadow.

The sheep grazing on the ground raised their heads and knelt down one by one, as if praying.

One of the sheep floated up and flew towards the sky. Then a large amount of black mud and black light rushed toward it. Its seven orifices suddenly turned into small whirlpools, and countless 'sins' quickly penetrated into it. , expanding its size countless times.

About ten seconds later, there was a loud noise. The sheep's body could no longer hold so much sin. It exploded. The fragments and mud flew away among the flesh and blood, but they did not fly far away, but seemed to be invisible. The big hands fiddled with it and produced some kind of mutation.

The sunlight became warmer and dazzling. After the light dissipated, a strange creature covered in darkness and with huge curved horns on its head stood tall in the sky.

It seemed a little confused when it was just born, but when it saw the giant black egg spreading white light in front of it, it knelt down in mid-air:

"My Lord, I will do your will and spread your light."

"Very well, your name is 'Crime'. Now go and atone for your sins with actions. Stop the person who betrayed me, disrupt his mind, change his behavior, make him a stranger to himself, and make him regret and shed tears."

Black Ball said this, becoming more and more happy as he spoke, and finally let out a snort that sounded like laughter.

This new creation is God's solution. He used the same method he used to create Lucifer, creating a body out of pure soul and flesh, and then, like cultivating demons, he instilled a large amount of sin into this body. .

So we got such a monster. In a sense, it is a brand new species and a creature that should not exist in the world. It is both an angel and a demon, and it is completely different from Lucifer who needs to fall from heaven. It is born with Extraordinary intelligence that can be called evil by humans.

As for whether this monster is loyal or not, God no longer cares. Anyway, even if the child and the death knell die together, it will be a profit.

It's a pity that not many such creations can be produced, and more sins need to be preserved. This is what God Himself needs, a ladder to become stronger.

"Your will."

The huge black figure showed a mouth of white teeth, and it seemed to be smiling. After giving a respectful answer, the figure flashed like the screen when the TV was turned off, and disappeared on the spot.

"How long are they going to fight? Ah Sneeze!"

Standing on the top of a hill, specifically the hilltop of Arlington National Cemetery, Constantine held a high-powered telescope in one hand and rubbed his nose with the other:

"I feel like someone is scolding me like crazy behind my back. Really, Xiao Zha, I can feel it. This is very effective."

"Heh, maybe it's the soul of a deceased person?" Zatanna was idly twiddling her fingers, applying black nail polish to her nails, and occasionally turning over the back of her hands to look at them: "How could you say such a thing? When the time comes, it’s best to get off someone else’s tombstone first.”

Yes, because the hillside inside the cemetery is still a bit low, and the huge cross tombstone next to him looks very spot on. In order to climb up and see the distance, Zha Kang stepped on it. The owner of the tombstone seemed to be a certain founding father of the United States. With.

"It's okay. I'm British. During the Revolutionary War hundreds of years ago, the British and Americans still had enmity."

There was a cigarette in the hand that he was rubbing his nose. At this moment, he put it into his mouth and took a deep breath. Constantine didn't care about what the woman said. He smiled crookedly:

"If there is really a soul here, that would be great. I will send people to Asmodeus as snacks, maybe it can speed up a little bit."

The battle between the Great Demon and the Word of God has been going on for a long time. Now in the urban area, only the Hall of Justice is still relatively intact, while the others have turned into blackened ruins.

But Constantine was very smart and took Zatanna to the cemetery. There were no combustibles, no tall buildings that would collapse, and not even a living person. It was very safe.

As long as he built a magic position and formed a protective barrier, he could watch the battle here all day long, which was more exciting than watching a women's free fighting match.

At this time, the two great gods seemed to have transformed into beasts, and they were entangled in each other crazily. Their movements were so fast that Zha Kang could not see clearly, but he could see that the matter around the battlefield was disintegrating and splitting, returning to atoms and even quantum levels. particle.

Well, it's not something you can see with the naked eye, it's just something you can feel. Magicians are always sensitive to changes in energy.

"I'm thinking about something, John." Zatanna fiddled with her fingers. She didn't even bother to watch the excitement, she just asked: "Where did you say the remaining three God clones went? Why haven't they appeared yet? ? Are the preparations we have here really useful? Will one of them come to us? "

"You can't say for sure. Anyway, you are prepared for any disaster. You don't want a big foot to fall from the sky and crush us and the earth into a puddle of powder, right?"

Constantine threw away the cigarette butt in his mouth, took another one, and said while smoking:

"That's fine if they don't come. If they come, then we will continue to find other demon kings to help. Don't worry, the number of demons is much more than what the old man God has in his hand now."

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