The Death Knell

Chapter 5626 Impersonation

"It always feels like there's a step missing from our plan."

After applying the nail polish and quickly fanning it in front of her face to speed up drying, Zatanna looked at her ex-boyfriend and asked a question.

The two of them did have a plan. Although Batman asked them for help, it was just to deal with the Word of God, but since they were already involved, why not deal with a few more clones of God?

Anyway, it's just to lure people over, then Xiao Zha uses reverse magic to hold them back, Constantine opens the gate of hell and shakes a demon king up, and then the two of them run away directly, which doesn't take much effort.

It is currently known that there are three clones of God that have not appeared, the Hands of God, the Feet of God, and the Eyes of God.

As the name suggests, the Hand of God manifests itself as a huge palm. It is the same right hand that God used to arm-wrestle with the giant beast. It can crush a multiverse with one finger. It does not sound like an ordinary human being. Something to cope with.

But it has not appeared so far. Constantine guessed that it should be held back by a certain boss.

The Endless Family is unlikely. Those guys are all very Buddhist. Dream of a Thousand Cats is lively, but it ran away with Deathstroke and I don’t know where it is now.

So after going through the elimination process, Zha Kang felt that the person holding God's hand might be Elaine, Mother Night, Lucifer or Michael, Thinking Superman, the three supervisor brothers, some of them, or it might be him. Some unknown existence.

Of course, it could also be that the death knell shook people from other universe systems, let alone counting.

The same is true for the Foot of God, which has similar powerful abilities. This kind of powerful weapon should also be delayed, so the target Constantine is targeting is, to put it bluntly, the Eye of God, which seems to be easy to bully.

Of course, compared to other God clones, it still has some combat effectiveness compared to Gouzi God's Voice, but its strengths are limited.

Find a way to trick it, then open the door to hell and see if you can shake up Beelzebub, the prime minister of hell. Think about that scene, a snow-white eyeball is covered with densely crawling flies. It's really a sight. A kind of scenic spot.

As a spellcaster, Constantine knew the power of the Eye of God, so he always covered his mouth with the hand holding a cigarette when speaking, so as to avoid being peeped by the other party and leaking information.

As a person who has been on the streets since he was a child, he also knows that if he wants to cause trouble, it is best not to be under other people's 'monitoring', and street fights and eye-poking are also good methods.

Constantine was the only one who threw lime into people's eyes during a battle between sorcerers, and he was not ashamed, but proud. Whenever others wailed in pain and said he was shameless, as the winner, he Always smiling.

"Fu~~~There is indeed one step less." Zha Kang jumped down from the tombstone and recited a rare spell. Along with his speaking voice, his mouth spit out a large amount of smoke, which was soon filled with smoke. The entire interior of the defensive formation enveloped both of them.

This is not ordinary smoke, but the summoned hell sky. It is essentially the acrid black smoke emitted when the sulfur, magma, and souls in hell burn.

Because it is filled with a lot of chaos and painful concepts, it can effectively block various magical surveillance methods. In the past years, Lucifer has personally proven that this kind of black smoke can effectively block God's ears and eyes.

With this smoke cover, it was much easier to do things. In the choking darkness, he continued:

"Come on, Xiao Zha, turn me into Death Knell right now."

"Huh? This doesn't work, does it?"

Zatanna was a little hesitant. Her reverse magic could do this, but she didn't want to do it in vain:

"The Eye of God should be able to see the death knell. This time he went out without a sorcerer to help him, so the eyes should know where he is. He also knew that we were here before. You are equivalent to pulling up a curtain to disguise yourself. Can you OK?"

"Hehehe, dear, you don't understand this."

A treacherous laughter came from the black mist. If you just listened to the voice without looking at the person, you might even think it was a devil:

"Let me ask you, even if the Eye of God saw us turning into someone else in front of us, would it dare to bet? Bet that I was 100% not Deathstroke? Didn't it take the opportunity to exchange places with that person? You must know the current high-level competition in Earth 0 In the middle, the old man and the girl are evenly matched, if Deathstroke intervenes."

To put it bluntly, this is psychological warfare. In today's situation, God's Eye will not take any chances. Even if it knows that it is a fake, it will definitely come to confirm, and this is an opportunity.

The reverse magic is very powerful. As long as it traps the opponent for a short time, it can drag the eyeball into the tug-of-war with the devil.

Hearing what he said, Zatanna also understood. Her eyes lit up in the dark fog, and she knew that this was using the enemy's mentality of seeking stability to calculate against the other party. This was a plan that took into account the opposite of the other party's thinking.

So the witch started to cast a spell, and she smiled and said: "You are indeed so bad, I love you so much."

Next, amidst Constantine's nasty laughter, Xiao Zha used reverse magic to turn her ex-boyfriend into a death knell, and she also turned herself into the appearance of Diana.

Although it is just a change in appearance, it has to be said that both of them are human beings. After having almost the same appearance, and then deliberately imitating the person, they are exactly the same.

Now that he was ready, Zha Kang removed the smoke, and his expression at this time had changed, as if he had become another person.

A serious and rigorous man, completely different from his original character.

The two looked at each other. Although their expressions were both serious, they could see the smile hidden in each other's eyes, and there was a sense of mischievous pleasure in their hearts.

Deathstroke often disguises himself as someone else and makes full use of his chameleon abilities, but I wonder what his expression would be if he knew that Constantine was pretending to be him today?

The next thing is to wait, waiting for the eyeball to step into the trap.

Fortunately, Deathstroke was a smoker, and Constantine could continue to smoke without feeling aggrieved. His requirements were actually not high, and he could live with just the same thing as tobacco and alcohol.


Exhaling a puff of smoke, he tried his best to sense the changes in the surrounding environment. Because he often dealt with various devil's insidious tricks, he was very sensitive to whether anyone was spying on him.

Even if the other party is a high-altitude clone of God, even if you can't stop the other party from watching, you can still notice something when the other party is peeping.

Now I feel a little bit, um, a sinister and dark gaze falls on my back. Huh? It doesn't seem right, the attributes are wrong.

The Eye of God is a clone of the light attribute. The feeling of being stared at by it should be warm, as if there is an electric heater placed not far behind the back. The feeling now is exactly the opposite, as if someone has placed a heater behind the back. A refrigerator with an open door?

What the hell is this? What kind of people are they?

Really, the earth is now in a state of chaos, and all sorts of monsters and monsters appear. Alas, it happens every time.

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