The Death Knell

Chapter 5627: Getting on the wrong sedan chair

When Constantine, wearing the appearance of a death knell, felt something was wrong, it was too late to tell the truth. He suddenly felt something crashing into his body, and then he found that his consciousness was becoming blurred.

This feeling is like falling into a well, and the falling process is extremely long. The field of vision in front of me is like the mouth of the well that is getting further and further away, and the range that can be seen is getting smaller and smaller.

"No, leave quickly!"

He only had time to say this before he lost control of his body and seemed to be locked in a small dark room.

And what about the outside world at this time? Zatanna only saw her ex-boyfriend shake and say something incomprehensible.

"What's wrong? What did you find?" She was still playing Diana. She didn't know how her best friend and Deathstroke got along in private, but she knew that Xiao Dai was a straight-tempered person and would speak openly when in doubt. ask.

And Wonder Woman doesn't understand romance at all. She can't do anything like kissing, hugging, and holding someone high while talking. She probably only competes with Deathstroke in martial arts, using swords and shields.

"Haha, hahaha, it's okay, I'm fine." The man with his head lowered let out a suspicious laugh. He jumped first, then touched his chest and belly, and then stretched out a hand and slowly Slowly clenching your fists, as if you are feeling the power brought by your body.

But soon his smile disappeared, as if he was not satisfied with his physical strength. Then he abandoned the woman beside him and stared at the tombstone beside him.


"Stare hard"

"Stare harder."

After looking at it for a long time, I couldn't see the flowers on the tombstone. The thick gray stone stone still looked the same.

There is no concept of quantum and no concept of darkness. Is this person really Deathstroke?

Perhaps because he had been holding his breath for too long, he suddenly felt uncomfortable and coughed violently while holding his chest.

"Ahem! Wow——!"

He opened his mouth uncontrollably and spat out a large mouthful of blood. Among the black and red congestion there were a lot of brown sticky lumps made of cigarette tar, which looked very much like the filth in the sewer.

Yes, Constantine just had Zac change his appearance so that he looked like Deathstroke in a shape-shifting bio-armor, but essentially, he was still himself, the patient with terminal lung cancer.

"who are you?"

Zatanna had realized something was wrong, and immediately thought of the situation of 'possession'. As a witch, she didn't know how many times she had seen ghost possession before, and this was also a cemetery.

"If it's because he stepped on your tombstone just now, I'll apologize on his behalf, but you come out first and we can discuss how to compensate."

This is also the normal process for dealing with ghosts. Generally speaking, you should fight if you don't know how to deal with it. After all, the ghost is still in a possessed state, so you are hitting the possessed person.

Therefore, negotiations are required at this time, and if ghosts can stay in the main dimension, it often means that they have a deep obsession. At this time, as long as you help them fulfill their last wishes to negotiate terms, it is easy to reach a deal.

However, this time her judgment was slightly off, because the person possessing Zha Kang was not a ghost, but a creature of God, a half-god and half-demon, made of sin.

Because there has never been a creature like it in the world, this is the first time since the beginning of the world, so it is not clear what the "crime" is, and the word "toy" can only be used to refer to its existence.

He couldn't listen to Zatanna talk about the crime of being in a bad mood. He was so irritated that God's Eye asked him to investigate this place, but he didn't expect that he would get caught on behalf of that loser!

Yes, the Eye of God saw two death knells, one in Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D.C. on Earth 0, and one in the sewer of the fifth dimension. It knew that the one in the sewer was real, and the death knell in the cemetery was not long ago Constantine.

But it didn't dare to bet. What if this was Deathstroke's plan and he and Zha Kang agreed on a time to exchange space locations? No one can guarantee this.

Logically speaking, it should come down and take a look in person, and get closer to see it more clearly, but it has some knowledge of its own combat effectiveness, and it has already seen what happened to the Word of God before.

So it told the crime and asked the latter to come here to investigate the death knell, but it didn't say anything true or false, only that the death knell was here.

The purpose is also very simple. This is to hope that the crime will be carried out with all its strength. If Deathstroke really returns to Earth, then even if it is an ambush, there will only be one opportunity for a sneak attack, which cannot be missed.

Who would have thought that the crime's best ability is possession, which is exactly the same method used by many angels to descend to earth and possess humans.

It's just that angels can only possess devout believers, and the crime is stronger. He can forcefully occupy a human body without the other party's consent.

If this was a real death knell, it would be a huge profit, but unfortunately it is not, but a consumptive ghost, that bitch Constantine.

In this way, Wonder Woman was fake, and she was pretending to be Zatanna, so the angry crime got up from the ground, strangled the woman's neck, and shouted with a mouthful of blood in his mouth:

"I'll kill you! Damn witch! Heretic!"

In fact, he also thought about using Zha Kang's body to release magic. However, Constantine's spells were all deceived from various devils. How could he have time to construct a scam for the crime now? The devils are not stupid, and they won't lend money if their souls don't match their numbers.

So there was no choice but to try to strangle Zatanna to death to relieve her anger.

However, the crime clearly underestimated how fragile a human body with late-stage lung cancer would be. As soon as he put his hand on Zatanna's neck, she was slapped aside by the other party, without even the slightest ability to resist.

He was not as fast as a woman, and his strength was not as good as hers. He was so weak that he couldn't get up even after being slapped to the side, and could only continue to cough up blood.

"Come out, you can't play with his body." Zatanna smiled crookedly. She shook her palms and said in a leisurely manner: "We are fully prepared on weekdays. He can possess us." It shows that your strength is not bad, but you have entered a jar full of poison, and you cannot drive him to do what you want!"

"Hmph, I can't kill you, so why not commit suicide? Ha, huh?"

The crime wanted to control Zha Kang's body and kill himself, but at this moment, the voice of God came to his ears, telling him that Constantine could not be killed. This was a soul full of countless sins.

Once Constantine dies, he will most likely go to hell, where he will transform into a demon king almost instantly. This is equivalent to increasing Lucifer's power and is destructive to the overall situation.

So the crime had no choice but to escape from Zha Kang's body. He originally wanted to possess Zatanna, but the clever witch had already turned herself into a disembodied shadow in the air.

The thug could only turn into black smoke and circle around for a while, rising into the sky angrily to find the real death knell, but this time he remembered Constantine, the human garbage, and hated him to death.

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