The Death Knell

Chapter 5633 Presentation

In fact, the adjutant also knew that no matter what he said to Deadpool, he would not understand it 100%.

But after all, she was a relative of the Sheriff, so this small request could still be met. In order to let Deadpool taste the original Cybertron technology, she gave him a lesson directly in the Cybertron language.

Not to mention being a bitch, neither the people nor the animals present can understand it. This kind of language, which is like the movement of an old modem when dialing up on the Internet, is beyond the scope of human understanding. It should be a high-frequency pulse sound wave or electric signal.

But fortunately, while she was talking, she also projected teaching aids to supplement the explanation. What she showed was familiar to everyone, it was a Möbius strip.

The adjutant's previous understanding of extradimensional space was that it had nine dimensions, but after Deathstroke went to the Idea House, met TOAA, and learned about the existence of the 'mystery', her current speculation is that there are three dimensions of human life. There should be at least twenty-three higher dimensions.

These dimensions are invisible to the naked eye, or cannot be observed in three dimensions, but if you can touch the tail of a little concept through some means, they can be called compressed dimensions.

For example, if you put an ant on a piece of white paper and walk, it actually completes a three-dimensional action. Although it reaches from one point on the plane to another point, this is not a two-dimensional thing.

Then if the piece of paper is rolled up, flipped and glued to form a Möbius strip, then the ant will walk along one side of the paper wall, and finally it will return to the starting point, and under certain circumstances it can continue in an infinite loop.

And this is an example of compressed dimensions. From a dimensional perspective, the Möbius strip is compressed. According to physics, it has three dimensions. But if you change the perspective to an ant, what can it see? It can only walk on it and can only always see one plane. It will think that this 'world' is two-dimensional.

Up or down, it never comes to an end.

What if the perspective is changed to 'paper'?

This is why now, Deathstroke feels the "rise", while Deadpool feels the "fall". The key is to look at the problem from different angles.

"Ah, okay, I won't listen anymore. I'm really not good at studying." Deadpool felt a little sick when he heard it, and the sharp beeping in Cybertron gave him a headache: "Anyway, what you mean is , we are on the right path, is this right?”

The surroundings are all dark, my vehicle is also dark, and there is no scenery at all. This journey makes me feel unsure. Have you moved on the physical level?

"Of course, the Sheriff can't make mistakes." The deputy glanced at Deathstroke, nodded very proudly, and then said to the bitch in English and in a contemptuous tone: "A brain cancer patient like you just needs to follow along. Don’t ask so many questions in the future, understand?”

Deadpool occasionally has some good ideas, but they are mostly clever, and grand strategy is not his place to comment.

"Uh, ki touch the chicken"

The cousin who made the strange noise turned to look to the side. There was a dark nothingness there, but he seemed to be able to see something there, and he said:

"Old fellows, you want to hear an explanation, and I asked, and I was even humiliated by the adjutant, but for some reason, when she scolded me, I was a little excited in my heart. It felt very exciting and refreshing. You think, if I ask her to step hard on my face and mouth, will my cousin's hands slip?"

There is nothing to say about a journey without scenery. The sixth dimension was skipped directly, without even a card. The group was always shrouded in thick black smoke. When the smoke dissipated, they had arrived at the seventh dimension.

This speed cannot be said to be fast or slow, because time has little meaning in super-dimensional space, at least the human concept of time is not very popular.

Compared with the sixth dimension, the seventh dimension has something extra. I can’t tell what it is in a short time, and I need to get used to it a little bit.

"Breathe~breathe~breathe~breathe~" The cat was doing stretching exercises on the death knell's shoulders, and was taking a big gulp of the air between heaven and earth, as if it was sensing something.

However, the scene currently appearing in front of everyone is easy to understand. It looks like a huge star system. To put it bluntly, it is a huge silver vortex all over the planet, emitting bright light.

Strictly speaking, the black smoke boat that everyone is riding on is floating in this universe, so whether there is air around it is another matter.

"Did you smell anything?" Su Ming stood up and touched the cat's belly.

"There's nothing, yuck, except for the stench from Deadpool!" But Thousand Cats Dream retched. Its sense of smell is quite keen, and sometimes it can get a lot of additional information, but if Deadpool is next to it, This ability is considered useless.

If you breathe a little harder, the smell will penetrate into your consciousness like an electric drill, and the cat will start to feel nauseated, even though it does not have an organ like a stomach.

But it is a dream, the dream of many stray cats. Those cats have stomachs, so they also know what the feeling of nausea is.

"Bobo, do you also want to try your sense of smell?" Su Ming reached out again, picked up the orangutan and put it on his other shoulder: "Or do you have any ideas? Now we have seen a whole collection of concepts similar to star systems. , but where our target is may still require some screening.”

Before entering the seventh dimension, I thought that the seventh dimension was a huge planet-like embodiment. Unexpectedly, things have become complicated now.

So is this some kind of defense by the Court of Origin? When you realize you're here, you just come here to delay time?

There is some possibility, but it may also be a cognitive error. Is the angle of my ‘observation’ wrong?

It's better to hear what the orangutan thinks.

"I don't have to smell it, fu~~~" Bobo exhaled a puff of smoke and shook his head with the pipe in his hand: "The number of olfactory cells in dogs is three thousand times that of humans, and that of cats is one hundred and twenty times. Orangutans? , almost the same as humans, haha, my vision and brain are more reliable."

"Forget it about biology science. It doesn't matter if you can't smell anything. Tell me what you think." Su Ming also lit a cigarette and looked at the gorgeous vortex in front of him.

"I think they are all the seventh dimension, but they are shown to us in this form. It should be a whole." The orangutan expressed his thoughts, took another puff of his pipe, squinted his eyes and said, "Maybe we We should find a way, or change the angle, to give it a different look in our eyes."

"I understand, I've realized it!" Deadpool suddenly interjected. He leaned close to his cousin and performed a break dance to express his excitement: "We seem to be overlooking it now, so, will it happen?" Cousin, you flew too far. We may have reached the 7.0001 dimension? How about going back a little and try?"

"Well, you really have something." Su Ming thought about it, and it was possible. After all, it is a newly acquired ability, and it is normal to use it unskilledly: "Then let's rub it back and forth, up and down, and try the devil's pace."

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