The Death Knell

Chapter 5634 Threading the needle

Whether it's flying too far or not flying enough, just make adjustments and try it out.

As the black smoke boat moved again, the scenery in front of everyone began to change. It felt like an old-fashioned camera focusing, and the pictures in the viewfinder were distorted and overlapping.

The seventh dimension, which originally looked like a whirlpool, gradually began to shrink and solidify while constantly adjusting its 'observation' angle, until it completely transformed into a huge planet, occupying every inch of everyone's field of vision.

"It's done. Isn't this what the seventh dimension you've heard of before looks like?" Deadpool patted his butt, and then patted his cousin's butt. After noticing that the latter was looking at him with a sinister look, he said He quickly helped to rub it again: "Did I hurt you? No, cousin, I didn't mean to do it, I was just careless. Don't deduct my money!"

In fact, it was just a matter of convenience. Anyway, the photo was taken of armor, which was transformed from strangulation.

As for the fact that the symbiote and the host are one, he forgot that he had brain cancer.

"Pfft!" Deathstroke's hand slipped, and the matter was revealed: "Don't get carried away. Occasionally guessing the answer right once in a while is not something you can be proud of."

In fact, sometimes complex problems have simple solutions. Deadpool's off-beat ideas are always very useful. His short-term and quick thinking is actually quite suitable for mercenaries.

But the fastest one is Tony Stark. He is the 'fastest' person Su Ming has ever seen.

Thinking of what happened in the past, the Dark Supreme Mage couldn't help but laugh. Naturally, he wouldn't mind his cousin's minor problems.

"Phew, it's okay, no money was deducted." Deadpool climbed up from the boat, pulled out the owl dagger from his belly, and handed it to his cousin. This was the slapstick mode between the two brothers: "So we still succeeded? "

It should be done, right? The appearance of a planet with a shit-shaped satellite floating next to it is the same as mentioned before.

By the way, that satellite really looks like shit. Even the color is the same and the bumpy appearance is similar. What is that yellow piece? Corn?

The more he watched, the more he became fascinated. Deadpool's attention was attracted by a yellow spot on the satellite. He actually noticed yellow things very easily.

"Well, this should be the true face of the seventh dimension." Su Ming threw another cigarette to Deadpool as a reward for his advice, and he was in a good mood and told a joke: "They say three marriages happen on the same day. It is destined that Seventh Marriage depends on hard work, but we still relied on our own hard work to successfully reach the mission location."

"I'm a little familiar with this song, but it doesn't seem to be sung like this." The orangutan began to complain, and he pressed the little hat on his head: "Why does your Chinese pronunciation become so weird?"

"Slade probably wanted to express that God's will is on his side." Deadpool retracted his gaze. He rubbed the armor on the back of his neck and flicked it to the side: "Because of Gin, Diana, Harley, Exactly three.”

"How can you explain it this way?"

Bobo didn't know how to complain. He intuitively felt that Deathstroke didn't think much about it. It was just that Deadpool's reading comprehension had gone too far.

Rather than this, let’s study why it’s ‘seven’ points to work hard for, and why it’s seven again?

"Don't pay attention to those details. I just said it casually to express my feelings." Deathstroke interrupted the exchange of irrelevant topics and turned to look at the huge planet in the distance. At this time, he had already felt that a new gaze appeared. , peeking at himself secretly.

Together with the Eye of God who has been watching since before.

That's why you have to talk more mysterious nonsense to let the peepers guess, to divert the opponent's energy, and to make the enemy confused about what you want to do.

Maybe it's just a casual move, but what if it works together?

"Then take action, brother. Are the enemies at Honnoji Temple?"

Slowly wiping the top of his head with his palm, as if there was still hair there, Deadpool drew out the katana on his back, pointed at the huge star in the distance, and said a hodgepodge of Internet memes with high spirits:

"I don't know what the Court of Origin looks like, but it doesn't matter. Once you see it, I'll attack it on the left. You attack on its right, and let the cat master cut its lower body and kill its mouth and teeth in minutes!"

Bobo, who was squatting on the side, covered his face. There were too many jokes in what Deadpool said, and he couldn't keep up with the rant!

And why did the outline of the lips under the mask change into a '√' shape again? And why does this line have an indescribable sense of déjà vu?

However, Deadpool talks a little too much, but the tactics are correct. Siege is more practical than single combat. If Bobo hadn't really had no fighting ability, he would probably have to be surrounded on all sides.

"Let's go, let's approach and land on the huge planet first." Su Ming said this, controlling the black smoke to lead everyone forward, and almost in the blink of an eye, they arrived next to the huge celestial body.

It is not a real celestial body, but a manifestation of the seventh dimension in front of three-dimensional people, so it has no gravity and no gravity well range.

It is a pity that there is no land that can be boarded on it for the time being. The black smoke took everyone flying towards it, and then passed straight through it, like a black needle passing through a mass of strange things. colorful clouds.

"It's weird." Deadpool turned to look behind him and scratched his butt: "It's obviously here. I can see there are continents and oceans on it. How come it came through?"

It's not that I can't understand it. After all, if I go to someone's house to kill someone, why don't they have any means of defense?

Whether it's phase transfer or turning reality into virtuality, it's probably a similar method, right?

"Slade, let's try that satellite first." The cat became serious, and it opened its always squinted eyes: "That might be the landing point, because the image it manifests is independent of the planet. outside."

As he said that, the cat's paw pointed at the piece of shit in the distance. At least from the perspective of Deathstroke, it looked like the cat was playing with it.

"That makes sense. The Dream of a Thousand Cats is right." Bobo also supported the cat's opinion. He sat on Deathstroke's shoulder, crossed his legs, and smoked his pipe. "There are different attributes there. We can test them out first." .”

"But what we know, the enemy also knows, right?"

The Dragon King's smile was replaced by a hesitant expression. Deadpool touched his chin and said cautious words. It wasn't that he was afraid. He didn't know what fear meant. He just wanted to say more words to increase his popularity:

"There might be a trap there. Once we are trapped there, the Court of Origin will throw a glass of wine into the air. Hundreds of strong Origin Judge swordsmen will appear from nowhere and cut us into pieces?"

"It's okay, let's go over and try. Even if it's a trap, it won't be a big problem." Su Ming used his mind to change the direction of the boat, and at the same time, he also started playing the accordion.

Needless to say, he means that no one knows how to cut sesame seeds better than him.

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