The Death Knell

Chapter 5639 Dynamic Balance

The world is cracked.

The wall did not answer the death knell's question. It took action directly. With a roar, it split into two halves, just like the Red Sea that was parted by Moses.

Unknown spatial properties formed new walls on both sides. A winding road appeared in front of everyone. They could see a small dot emitting green light in the distance, which was obviously the location of the Court of Origin.

"Very good, you have won my friendship, the consciousness born from the seventh dimension. If someone from the tenth dimension comes to trouble you again in the future, I will help you get rid of her. This is my promise."

Well, people in the Seventh Dimension don't have much demand, at least not material needs, but Su Ming never takes other people's things for nothing. If he wants to negotiate terms, it must be a deal.

So he simply promised a blank check, which was only fair.

Nodding satisfied with his fair behavior, Su Ming summoned a large amount of black smoke, lifted the two people and two pets up in the air, and teleported over a short distance along the path opened by the seventh dimension itself.

This road only looks like a road, but in the seven dimensions, the distance between two points is not as simple as a straight line, so it is more convenient to use quantum teleportation.

"Wow, cousin, you are so cool."

Deadpool on the side continued to beat Deathstroke's back flatteringly, and he whispered like a thief:

"I've heard the story before about opening the Heaven's Gate with a sword. I didn't expect you to be able to open the Heaven's Gate with your tongue. With just a few words, the Seventh Dimension gave us a way. It's really amazing. I want to ask if anyone can teach you this trick. Me? My tongue is quite flexible, and there are some doors I want to open, hehe!"

As he spoke, his mouth and eyes became distorted, as if he was thinking of something obscene, and the mask at the corner of his mouth was still wet.

"What nonsense? What door are you going to open?!" Deathstroke rolled his eyes at his cousin angrily, and you could tell with your toenails that he was not talking about the serious door: "The reason why I can accomplish things is mainly because of the way Friends give face, and eloquence has nothing to do with tongue."

"Oh, well, if you don't want to teach, don't teach."

Deadpool was a little disappointed. He stopped massaging Deathstroke and scratched his butt with his hands. However, his mood soon improved and he asked excitedly:

"That cousin, do you think the Court of Origin is still watching us and is just on its way to kill him? Does it feel desperate?"

Su Ming did not answer this question, but the cat on his shoulder answered. It first looked at Deadpool with contempt, as if despising his lack of education, and then said:

"Not all embodiments of concepts can express emotions like our Endless Family. Things like the Court of Origin are most likely a collection of concepts that operate mechanically. It most likely does not have fear emotions, only the instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages."

Yes, the Endless Family also have no emotions. They can only simulate and express emotions related things after dealing with humans enough.

For example, smile, frown, angry and other expressions, and do things that suit human senses, which is called doing human things for short.

But in fact, the one who really has feelings depends on Daniel the Sandman, who was once a human. They are all ruthless like death.

"Well, that's not interesting anymore. I quite like to see the victim's painful expression before death. I can't see it today. I have no motivation. Alas, I suddenly want to go home and sleep."

"More money." Su Mingyan said two words concisely and concisely as he was about to arrive.

"Well! I'm excited! Fight hunger and be yourself!" Wade heard the sound of gold coins falling and instantly returned to a fully charged state.

Jumping towards the green light spot, it took almost as long as a few words to arrive in front of it. Only then can you see what a huge thing it is. At least on earth, it is impossible to see such a majestic and magnificent building.

The so-called Court of Origin is really a court, but there is no witness seat, only a towering trial platform and audience seats that stretch like mountains on both sides.

The entire semi-open building has a bit of ancient Greek style, and it is perfectly integrated with the surrounding dimensional space, which shows that it is firmly rooted.

It was green as a whole, emitting a green light that illuminated everyone in the group, but that was all.

Black smoke spewed from Deathstroke's body, covering his teammates so that the green light could not really fall on everyone's bodies. This was obviously another form of conceptual confrontation.

The seats in the courtroom are all empty. Maybe not long ago, they were full of Origin Judges, but now they are gone, and there are only a few people left in the courtroom?

Probably not a human being, because Deathstroke looked around, and finally his eyes fell on the seat of the presiding judge. There was no one there, only a green scale.

One end of the scale is a ball of white light, and the other end is a ball of black smoke. At this time, it shows that the black side is heavier, and the balance is unbalanced.

"So this is you, court." Deathstroke put down the orangutan and cat, popped out the lightsaber in his hand, and held the Origin Code like a shield in the other hand: "I'm a little curious, why don't you call it the Origin Scale? Where is the court?”

"I am nothing, but in the eyes of you humans, the scales can represent justice." A voice echoed in the semi-open court lobby. There was indeed no emotion in the tone, and the words had a mechanical feel. .

It's like some voice applets for artificial intelligence.

"So this court is also a figment of our imagination, because this is where humans think justice is?" Su Ming walked slowly towards the scale, and the green light in front of him seemed to be cut by a sword, splitting to both sides.

At the same time, the black sun rose slowly over the court, its pale prominences rolling and licking the world.

"You are human and I am not, so you should ask yourself." The court replied, the balance even more unbalanced, looking shaky: "If you really know who you are."

"Stop talking to me about these philosophical issues. It's not up to you to decide whether it is fair or not. I know several courts, and you are the most mean. Did Multiverse 1 provoke you? Why did you send soldiers and judges to kill it? ?”

Deathstroke waved his hand, and the other party's voice suddenly stopped, as if his neck was stuck, and he could only listen to him talking and raising questions in the court.

This is somewhat anti-customer-oriented, but strength is the passport to do so.

"Because mistakes must be corrected and balance must be maintained. This is the meaning of my existence." The court answered him, and seemed to have nothing to hide and no intention of denying: "Darkness is a force full of contamination, reshaping Diversity 1 helps maintain balance, so I did it.”

"So? Here's the question, since you think the existence of multiverse 1 is dark and destroys the balance, then why don't you let the hand of creation create more light universes?"

Su Ming held a cigarette in his mouth and stated his prepared arguments. He looked at the scale as if he were looking at a mentally retarded child:

"Even if a multiverse full of light attributes is not enough to form a new balance, what about ten? What about a hundred? Why do you choose destruction over creation? Don't you know that it is easy to offend people by doing this?"

As soon as this question came out, the Origin Court was directly asked, and it fell into a deathly silence.

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