The Death Knell

Chapter 5640 Mountain Monster

There are some things, to put it bluntly, Su Ming doesn't know if the Origin Tribunal can cook, but it must not be able to do it if it doesn't eat.

If the entire super-time flow system is regarded as a dough, the simplest way to ensure that it rises better and is vigorous when kneaded is to add more noodles if there is too much water, and add water if there is too much noodles.

What the court did was to scoop out the water-soaked flour when there was too much flour. It was a mentally retarded level that humans couldn't understand.

Maybe things are not as simple as Su Ming said, but many things are interoperable in basic principles, just like how people can learn some house-building skills from building blocks.

There needs to be support under the roof, and the walls need to be aligned to be more stable, etc. These are all basic principles that children can understand.

Some things that are very simple in principle, if you cannot see the essence clearly, it is easy to complicate it and then trap yourself in it. This is a logical error.

Anyway, if it were Su Ming to maintain the so-called balance, he would not actively destroy and then restart any universe, but would want to cultivate a new universe with opposing attributes to form a new balance.

As for the scale, if one side is low, add a little to the other side. If the other side is low, add a little to this side.

Even if the weight changes, it is nothing more than constant tossing. Life lies in movement.

And if nothing else, aren’t the people on Diversity 1 living well? They haven’t seen the world created by Perpetua using the power of crisis to have any destructive negative effects. On the contrary, there are more and more interesting stories. It's just that the court and the judges are looking for trouble.

After all, another entity representing the origin - the Code of Origins, never said it would destroy Multiversity 1. It just asked the recorder to continue observing with it.

Of course, it could also be that the court wanted to eradicate all traces left by the traitor Perpetua, so it had to attack Duo Duo 1?

But looking at its completely emotionless appearance, this possibility is not high. The most likely possibility is that it is really a mentally retarded person who can only do subtraction.




"Come on, cousin, don't wait for it to answer. I think you killed it with just one question."

Deadpool, who was rubbing his arms, only stood for a short while before he became a little unable to stand, because the black sun above his head kept sending an eerie chill, making him shiver in place:

"It's been shown in many movies. It's a highly intelligent AI system, but it only has a very stupid and weird calculation logic. They can't think of anything that's not in the logic. Quickly chop it into pieces, and then let's leave. It’s so damn cold in here.”

I forgot what movie it was specifically, but I’m sure I’ve seen Deadpool before. It’s the kind of story where humans and AI battle wits and courage, and finally use a human common sense question to burn out the AI’s computing logic.

To be honest, I was quite surprised when I first watched it, but after watching it more, I felt it was a bit crappy.

"Fuck~ but it's not a computer." Bobo, who had fur to keep him warm, hid behind Deathstroke and smoked his own pulp-wrapped pipe. He was not in a hurry: "Didn't it really think that it could do addition?"

The Hands of Creation are able to create new diversity, and it's very simple, they are subordinates of the court's subordinates.

"Obviously there is no meow, huh." The cat sighed. The fire on its tail burned more intensely, but its little head shook: "It is indeed the opposite of our dreams. We are always creating. A new dream, and it is destroying.”

Speaking of which, it is a little proud, because it has never destroyed other people's dreams, and will only be happy for the dreamer.

As for what other people dream about? Even if he dreamed of the Ancient One, the Sandman would only hand over such dreams to the First Dream for storage, which is equivalent to turning his left hand over his right hand, and never destroyed those dreams because of danger.

This is the smart thing to do, it's just a little more troublesome.

"Maybe this is how the origin works." Bobo also sighed. Seeing the court being stopped by Deathstroke's few words, he could only shake his head: "It's like human beings are always destroying themselves. The world Everything is entropy-increasing."

The so-called origin is probably the origin of all things, so it is reasonable to have a tendency of self-destruction.

But it seems that Deathstroke has known for a long time that the court and the code are complementary, or from a certain perspective, the code that makes the rules may be more advanced.

Because as long as there are rules, isn't it just a matter of saying where to establish a court?

No wonder Deathstroke was full of confidence before setting off. That was because he had already obtained the key cards. Now holding the code in his hand, he could really silence the court, as if he was familiar with all legal provisions. A lawyer can question a judge who is clearly in the wrong.

Origin, after all, is reasonable. As one of the Trinity, concepts and rules are what it pays more attention to.

Compared to Taixu, who has no desires at all, and God, who is full of desires in his heart, it seems to be in a compromise position, very moderate, at least it will not do anything beyond imagination.

"Can you answer? Court, look at me!" Deathstroke waited for a while and continued to ask unreasonably. He almost pressed the cigarette butt on the scale, the distance was so close.

"Maybe it wasn't you who was wrong, human being." The court finally spoke. It admitted its mistake, but soon went to the other extreme: "I am the one who should be destroyed. A brighter me, maybe What the universe needs right now.”

The court building began to shake and make a rumbling noise. Everyone's feet slipped and they staggered as if they were in an ice rink.

But in fact, in the seventh dimension, gravity does not exist, and it should not be like this.

"Are you a diode? You only know right and wrong? How can things in the world be so simple?" Deathstroke laughed in anger. He reached out to grab the scale on the presiding judge's seat and cursed: " It’s not that easy if you want to commit suicide, so come up with something concrete and let me chop you to death to relieve your anger.”


But before his hand could grasp the scale, the beautiful green object was broken in the middle, the base of the scale was broken, and then the arms of the scale were also broken in the middle.

Two small green plates, holding the white light ball and the black light ball, also fell to the ground at this time. The two balls rolled for a distance, and then dissipated in the air.

As the Origin Tribunal terminated itself, the entire building suddenly stopped shaking. The huge emerald-green building lost its light and turned into an ordinary transparent substance, like huge glass bricks.

"It's dead, meow." The cat blew into the ear of the death knell and gave a positive answer: "It's a pity, meow, that you didn't cut it, but you are really good at killing a conceptual entity with just your mouth, huh. call!"

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