The Death Knell

Chapter 5695 Secret Communication

Canluo's dormitory is very fancy. It also installed a lot of ambient lights in the room, turning the simple confinement room into an e-sports room. When the marquee is turned on, it really shines, as if it instantly brings people back. Arriving at the bustling streets of Gotham at night.

It’s just that there are no gunshots, no constant acid rain, and no blood flowing in the alleys or dead bodies, so if Can Luo wants to join the Bat Family, he may still have a long way to go, because now Batman is obviously Not much trust in him.

If you think about it, you will know that in the past, when Batman wanted Barbara to do something, he would just say it casually on the communication channel, and then wait for the news to do whatever he needed to do.

But it was different with Canluo today. He handed over the little ghost of United Power to Haixing, and then kept staring at it, as if he was afraid that Canluo would wrap things up and stew them. This was considered trust. Performance?

That is to say, the simple starfish still thinks that he is Batman's favorite Robin.

What is Robin's identity? It's not just about wearing a red and green uniform, it's about getting Batman's approval.

"Okay, don't be so serious." Su Ming let go of Damian and smiled at the bat: "Let's go, let's find a place to chat alone. You should know where the Hall of Justice is quiet, right?"


Batman didn't speak. He took a deep look at Deathstroke, then walked past him, his black cape swinging behind him, and he was about to disappear around the corner of the corridor.

This means very simply, just let the death knell follow.

"Okay, you stay here and keep an eye on the joint force." Su Ming touched Da Mi's head, and then stuffed a few boxes of chocolate frogs into his arms: "If you are really bored, go over there and talk to the two Sister, let’s chat.”

This is about Silver and the Warlock's Daughter. These two people are very alert in the Hall of Justice. Deathstroke has been standing at the door for a long time, and they are still staring at their mobile phones to watch short videos.

It is also understandable that one of them is hiding in an alien planet and the other is a retired sorcerer. They may need to catch up on the things that are popular among humans recently.

That's what short videos are like. As soon as you start scrolling, you don't know how much time has passed. You can't feel the passage of time at all when you flick it with your fingers.

However, it is a pastime to pass the time. If you want to feel the passage of time by pulling your fingers, Su Ming recommends buying a long string of Buddhist beads, or threading a string with a human skull and hanging it around your neck. If you have nothing to do, you can play with it like Monk Sha. .

"No need, I'll just stand here." Damian glanced at the two people, with a look of disdain on his face: "I will help you keep an eye on that ghost."

It's not that he doesn't understand things about men and women. After all, he is from Gotham and grew up in a place like the League of Assassins. He knows much more than his peers.

But in his opinion, his father's intention of going to play with the girl was just to let him experience the feeling of love, but in fact there was no need at all. The girl would only delay his ability to solve the case.

Also, the two of them are not big sisters, they are just two puppets manipulated by Batman. Although it is not yet known what leverage Batman has obtained about them, it is not a healthy relationship at all. It can be seen at a glance .

"In that case, good boy, we'll be back soon." Su Ming was very satisfied with Robin's ability to do things, especially his ability to do a boring thing seriously, which even Deathstroke himself couldn't do.

But for now, let’s keep up with Batman.

After the words fell, Deathstroke disappeared from the spot, and he was behind Batman in an instant. After all, the Speed ​​Force is so useful.

Although I only got a little bit from Barry and stored it in my body through quantum means, strictly speaking, it is a manifestation of the power of origin, but it is enough if it can be used. The worst thing is to wait until the power is used up to find another one. Just recharge the Flash.

Batman, who was walking in front of him, didn't look back or speak. He just walked silently along the secluded corridor with the death knell. Then he came to a door with a weak current well sign, and he opened the door.

There were some cables and wires inside the door, but this was just a cover-up. He got into the small room, bypassed the cables, touched the ground a few times, and a trap door popped up with a click.

"Haha." Su Ming couldn't help but laugh, because Batman's secret passage made a clicking sound, which reminded him of the director in Gotham.

Unfortunately, if there is anyone in the world who is most resistant to laughter, it is undoubtedly Batman. Deathstroke laughed strangely behind him, but he seemed not to hear it, neither asking nor paying attention. He opened the trap door and jumped out first.

After taking a puff of cigarette, Su Ming naturally followed. He was also a little curious about where he was going.

If you look at the structure diagram of the hall, there should be nothing underneath this area. It may be that the bats secretly moved their hands and feet after the hall was built.

As for why he can play tunnel combat in the lobby without anyone discovering it, would anyone really ask this question?

Don't ask, asking is the standard answer.

However, the tunnel was really deep enough. During the landing process, Su Ming could even take a puff of cigarette, adjust his hair, and take out the wine bottle to take a sip before landing.

Calculating based on the acceleration of gravity, the current location is probably on the same plane as the headquarters of the Dark Zhenglian, about a hundred meters underground.

While thinking about this, Batman turned on the light, and then the layout of this underground space was more clearly displayed before his eyes.

This is a small safe house with a large amount of dry food and clean water stored in it. In addition, there is a batch of lead cans with nuclear radiation symbols on them, which should be nuclear raw materials used as energy reserves.

"There's no one here."

Batman said this darkly, looking at Deathstroke's face and applying pressure through the downward-turned corners of his mouth.

"It's a good place. This should be just one of the backup tools you left behind in the Hall of Justice." Su Ming pointed to the airlock on the side, smiled and found an ammunition box to sit down: "That's the secret key to the outside world. Do you know? Look in this direction, does it lead to the underground of the White House? "

"This has nothing to do with you." Batman crossed his arms and said coldly: "You want to talk to me, let's start now."

"Ah, you are so serious. I thought that since we have experienced so much together, we can be considered friends." Su Ming sighed silently. The stronger he is, the more vigilant Batman will be. This is normal, so Don't expect others to have a good attitude: "What I want to tell you, it's best not to tell any third person, not even Diana, okay?"


You couldn't tell what Bat's mood was from Poker's face, but he answered very simply, and it was obvious that he was also very fond of Deathstroke's mystical style.

"Okay, then I'll block out the narrative layer first. Haha, it's better to be careful. Come on, it's boring for us to chat like this. Why don't we order some appetizers and a nice bar? Give me thirty seconds to set it up."

Deathstroke took out the Code of Origins from his pocket and poured dark energy into it.


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