The Death Knell

Chapter 5696 Being needed

No one knew what exactly the two of them exchanged, but after about five minutes, the matter was almost over, and Batman's face looked much better at this time.

At least the corners of his mouth were no longer turned downward, and he actually made an exception and drank a small glass of wine with Deathstroke while on duty.

"That's pretty much it. Don't let it slip. Especially be careful of Ron, an alien. He has no resistance to magic and can be easily manipulated by sorcerers."

Su Ming had already removed his face mask, threw a few peanuts into his mouth while speaking, and gave another reminder.

At this point, he is the same as Batman, that is, he cannot trust aliens, but he is slightly better. At least he believes in Superman. At least the Superman in the main world is completely on the side of mankind.

"Don't worry." Batman's answer was cold, and he had no intention of eating.

"Okay, that's pretty much it. The combined force will be left here for you to study by Can Luo. You don't have to keep an eye on it too closely. In other words, maybe letting it run away is what I would rather see, haha."

He raised the glass and took a sip of wine. Although it was a bit strange to eat peanuts and drink whiskey, he could do whatever he liked:

"Now that the business is over, I have a personal matter that I want to talk to Bruce Wayne about. Is it convenient for you to watch?"

The lighting in the basement was very dim, with the old yellow incandescent bulbs, which made the shadows on Batman's face very obvious.

He thought for a moment, then raised his hand and took off his hood, which seemed to be accompanied by the deathly expression, revealing a gentle smile.

"There's nothing inconvenient. If you want to say anything, just say it. But you'd better say less if it induces my split personality, otherwise Batman Zorn might come out. He and you get along very well."

After saying that, he picked up the bottle and poured himself a drink. He also reached out to grab some peanuts to eat. His original straight posture changed and he crossed his legs.

He also said that Deathstroke used words to induce him, which clearly shows that he has a split personality. Bruce Wayne and Batman are not the same person.

"Oh? I thought Zorn's personality had disappeared. Haha, that's good. You can help me take care of him later. If he comes out again in the future, he can come to 40K Earth to play with me."

Feeling a little funny, Su Ming threw another cigarette to Bruce, and also took out a lighter and pushed it from the ammunition box:

"So now the clown personality and the maniacal laughing personality are both fairly manageable, right?"

"Don't ask me, that's a question you should ask Batman." Bruce Wayne lit up his cigarette skillfully, shook his legs and replied: "Since you have something to tell me, then just tell me, I really don't know you How can we have a deeper connection with you?"

"This is the Code of Origins."

Su Ming tapped his finger on the green glowing book on his lap, and he put away his smile:

"With my current abilities and connections, it is not an exaggeration to say that I can cover the sky with one hand in this world, and this is mainly reflected in the fact that I can change the origin of most people, that is, a story or a person's birth in this world. This is the beginning of what I want to tell you, do you need me to help you resurrect Thomas and Martha?"

Hearing what Deathstroke said, Bruce lost his smile, and his eyes showed very complicated emotions, including surprise, sadness, and panic.

Compared to Batman, he seems to still be living in the crime alley of the past and has never come out. In other words, he died there that day, heartbroken.

"Why? You know the risks of doing this, why do you want to help me?" Bruce quickly calmed down from his surprise. He looked at Deathstroke in disbelief, wanting an answer.

He doesn't use declarative sentences instead of questions, which is also a true reaction now.

"No reason, because I can do it, and I always make fun of Martha. It's fun to tease Batman, but actually I'm quite sorry for your mother." Deathstroke unfolded the Code of Origin and put it in a very sincere manner In order to prepare for writing, as long as Bruce agrees, the modification can be initiated.

Of course, there will definitely be sequelae.

Because what this is about to change is nothing else but Batman's origin.

Without Batman's origin story, the two men who were killed in the alley would not have happened. This is a means of manipulating 'cause' through 'effect'.

In this way, there will be no Batman in Gotham, only Bruce Wayne and his happy family of three.

It should be very happy, right? Thomas Wayne was one of the big guys in Gotham back then. Although the Wayne family was not considered a mafia family, he had face in both black and white, and his family also had plenty of money. In that kind of sinful city, rich people can do whatever they want.

Even without those, it is still a kind of happiness for a child to be accompanied by his parents, at least better than being an orphan with only an old housekeeper.

But the impact of such modifications will be very large. It will trigger a butterfly effect, or a flashpoint effect, and countless people will rewrite their original destiny because of Batman's disappearance.

Although Deathstroke is now very capable, he cannot guarantee that everyone will not be negatively affected, because he does not even know the names of some people, and naturally he will not pay attention to the lives of those people.

Silence, Bruce Wayne was silent, the expression on his face was very tangled, his fists were clenched and unclenched, and he closed his eyes in pain, as if he could hear the original gunfire and the sound of the pearl falling to the ground.

The most important thing is that the bat flew under the street light, and there was a sonic vibration.

Su Ming was not in a hurry to urge him to make a decision. After all, this choice was indeed a bit difficult. Should he sacrifice many people for his own happiness, or should he give up even though he knew there was a possibility of saving his parents?

Whoever it is, this is a question, just like in Shakespeare's stage play, to do or not to do?

Well, let Bruce think about it first. Eat some peanuts and watch short videos on your phone.

"No need, the past is in the past, I can't do that for myself."

Bruce Wayne made an unexpectedly quick decision. Deathstroke hadn't even taken out his phone yet, but his decision didn't seem to be easy, because after he finished speaking, he stood up to leave, and even put his phone on the back of his head. The drooping bat hood:

"Gotham needs Batman, and some people need Batman."

Halfway through his words, his voice turned into the hoarse and sinister tone of a voice changer. This was the little boy's personality switching back to the Dark Knight.

"You also said that you are not a superhero." Su Ming respected the other person's choice. He put away the book and joked with a smile: "If it were me, I would be happy to sacrifice others to fulfill myself."

This reminded him of a joke in his previous life, asking if there was a button and you could get a hundred dollars if you pressed it, but one person in the world would die because of it, would you press it?

At that time, many netizens on the Internet said, is there such a good thing? I can press this button to make it smoke.

This is what ordinary people think. Although it sounds bad to benefit oneself at the expense of others, when the "person" in this word does not refer to a specific person and is very unfamiliar, most ordinary people will not mind.

For example, someone pressed a button in China, and a black brother died in Brazzaville, Congo, Africa. Would this person feel that this was his responsibility? No, in fact, the average human will not know who died at all, he will only see that he has received a hundred dollars.

"" Batman remained silent. He walked to the airlock door, entered the password to open the door, and then stood by the door and stared at the death knell. The meaning was obvious, this was an eviction order.

Originally, Bruce Wayne was quite easy to communicate with, but once his personality changed, he became unlovable.

"By the way, you said someone needs Batman, isn't that person talking about the Joker? Hey, you two." Deathstroke didn't intend to go out that way, but snapped his fingers and directly put himself together with Batman. Teleport back to the corridor in front of Canluo's dormitory.

"You're boring." Batman turned around and entered the room, walking towards the dark shadow in the corner, as if he blended in with the environment.


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