The Death Knell

Chapter 5698 Go home and rest

Now that he has made a plan, Su Ming has nothing to do in DC. Multiverse 1 is now located in the 40K universe and is a veritable next door. Even if something happens, he can rush over immediately.

However, with Elaine and Lucifer watching, unless CAAT suddenly appears and makes a sneak attack, nothing big will happen. Now it's just a job of wiping the butt.

Repair the city, rescue the wounded, collect corpses and so on.

To be honest, Coast City should really deal with rats. There are no cases of rats eating people in other places. There was a rat tide there. When I looked at it through the surveillance camera, I thought I saw it. What about the world of medieval Warhammer?

Harley is still playing with the mutants in the Black Robe Universe, while Dai is continuing to develop the observatory shelter in the Pacific Rim world. They are both having a good time, so that's fine.

"Teleport, Lieutenant, and go home."

Deathstroke has many residences, such as Kama Taj, TVA Headquarters, New London in Contrasia, Sepurk, etc., not to mention the countless safe houses that have been installed for more than half a century.

But the place that can be called home is still the wooden villa in the mountains of Maine, which he built himself.

Although the surrounding area is deserted, if it weren't for the adjutant's teleportation ability, it would be difficult to go out and buy groceries, but being far away from the city does make people feel close to nature.

I don't know if it's because of being the Supreme Mage, but Su Ming can feel a certain connection between himself and the earth. It's not the conventional feeling of stepping on the earth, but he can really feel its existence and pulse.

In this case, it would be more comfortable to live in the mountains and forests of the earth.

When the cosmic voyage is almost officially on track and more and more people leave the earth, Su Ming can implement some backup plans on his home planet, such as greening, correcting some environmental problems, and renovating his back garden. More comfortable.

As for the superheroes who have also gone to the universe, the stage of the story will inevitably shift to space and even parallel worlds. This is a small problem. After all, their homes are still on the earth. Su Ming has many ways to let them come back to visit relatives from time to time. .

Besides, every time a major event breaks out in the Marvel Universe, it happens in New York. Not to mention giving the city a break, at least let the story change its flavor, right?

With a flash of blue light, he returned to the garden of his home. This season was already autumn, and many flowers had withered. However, he did not ask the magician from Kama Taj to come over and create a four-season circle or something like that.

Complying with nature is one way of life, and transforming nature is another. The greater the ability, the more choices there are.

Opening the door from the garden to the living room, Su Ming walked in. As soon as he returned home, he saw Gin drinking with Natasha on the sofa. The two of them had already drank less than half of the bucket, but their faces were not very red. Obviously Just soothes the throat.

"You're back, my boss." Gin immediately stood up to greet him, helped Deathstroke take off his cloak, and hung it in the coat closet at the front door.

In fact, according to Asgardian tradition, when a man comes home, a woman should first take over the weapon and store it, and then help take off the armor. Unfortunately, Deathstroke's weapon is a light and concept, and his armor is a symbiote. This saves trouble.

But in order to have a sense of ritual in life, she still helped to take off the cloak.

Although it is a redundant step, because the cloak can obviously fly on its own, but now it needs a little more fiddling.

Gin hung it in the coat closet. It paused on the hook for three or four seconds, then pushed open the door and flew to the laundry room. Because Deadpool sat on it again today, it wanted to get into the drum. Prescribe yourself a full-body UV disinfection, and use a powerful deodorizing laundry detergent.

In fact, as a magical artifact, it won't get dirty at all, it's purely a psychological effect.

"Well, I'm back." Su Ming smiled, picked her up and spun her around, and immediately said, "Natasha is here too, so don't barbecue today. I'll take you out to eat."

If he didn't say this, Gin would definitely be preparing to bake something again. It's not that barbecue is not delicious, but he can't bear to eat it all the time.

"Well, I secretly asked the adjutant to help me sneak back." Black Widow did not get up. She stayed on the sofa and continued to drink, because she knew that her boss loved her the most: "Steve has been like a collision in the past two days. It was like having an evil spirit, hallucinations, and nightmares, so I was a little curious, so I came back to ask."

"Ah, it's okay. I'm helping him with desensitization treatment." Su Ming walked over with a smile and touched the girl's head: "He just experienced the tragic death of my identity in hallucinations again and again. He should be about to die soon." Are you used to it?"

In fact, it is mainly for A Thousand Cats Dream. Steve has nothing to do on an alien planet anyway. Professionals are responsible for the construction of SHIELD outposts. He is semi-illiterate. How can he help with the design drawings or... Go to the construction site to carry bricks?

"Hehe, no wonder he looks like that. I'm just curious about what kind of vision he saw. But that's between you and him, so I won't say anything more."

The black widow put down her long crossed legs, stood up from the sofa, and stretched. The black leather tights made her very elegant:

"Then I go upstairs and change my clothes, do another disguise, and then we go out to eat? Life on an alien planet is actually not that good. All we eat are convenience foods brought up from the earth. I don't want to eat instant noodles and homemade food anymore. Hi pot."

She had already eaten too much of those things during her days as a student at Chuji Academy. In the following decades, she only ate them occasionally. She didn't expect that she would continue to eat them when she arrived on an alien planet.

"Okay, let's go change, and think about what to eat today, so I don't have to think about it." Su Ming sat on the sofa, scooped a cup of mead from the wine barrel with a horn cup, and poured it into his mouth.

Gin had no objection to any of this. After all, the man still had the final say in the family, so she kissed the man on the face and took the girl upstairs to clean up.

Okay, Natasha is now over seventy years old, so she is not a girl, but who said her appearance is still stuck at 18 years old due to the leech potion?

"Adjutant, turn on the TV and let me watch today's news." According to Su Ming's experience, it often takes an hour or more for a woman to put on makeup and change clothes, let alone go to a high-end restaurant for dinner. I'm afraid it's not a good choice. Evening dresses take some time.

This is a good time for me to take a break and have some fun with the news.

Although Maine is located in the northeastern corner of the United States, it is thousands of kilometers away from Florida in the southeastern corner. It is not as good as the talented people there, and it is also the famous home of horror stories.

But because it's so close to UC, there are a lot of funny things here, and it's like the funny atmosphere is contagious.

Well, I have sat on the throne a lot, but the sofa at home is still more comfortable. Take a sip of wine, eat some spicy duck neck and strangle together, this will feel like a vacation.

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