The Death Knell

Chapter 5699: Fun information

The time was exactly on the hour. After the TV was turned on, the adjutant helped to adjust it to the appropriate channel, and the familiar sound of the news opening music was also heard.

In the studio, a well-dressed middle-aged man sat there with a formulaic smile on his face, and started broadcasting after the lights came on.

“Good evening, dear viewers, welcome to tonight’s news show, I’m your anchor Mike Levenley, and on tonight’s show we’ll be taking you through the latest and hottest social news in Maine. "

It was no different from the usual news. Su Ming nodded, took a sip of wine, and said to the black bean sprouts on his shoulders that were chewing on the duck's neck:

"I thought this anchor would go to space. It seems that the contract he signed with the TV station has a lot of liquidated damages."

This news anchor can be considered an acquaintance. After all, he has been there for decades and most of the time I see him when I turn on the TV. His level is quite good.

It's just that Su Ming thought that he was considered a successful person and should go play in the universe. Unexpectedly, he was still working. He really didn't give young people any chance.


Strangler spat a bone into the garbage basket and made a sound.

What it means is that according to the adjutant’s information, most of the people who go to the universe are young and middle-aged people. This anchor is almost sixty years old. Generally speaking, people of this age will not give up their careers on earth. .

Even if he wants to go to space and go on an interstellar voyage, he will wait for the first batch of successful people to return to Earth and see the effect. This is a mature and prudent approach.

"It seems that the promotional video about Star-Lord and his friends going to the universe to make a lot of money is not effective for everyone. People are still wary. The richer people are, the less they like to take risks. Well, except for Tony. .”

Su Ming nodded. He could understand. After all, the current way of promoting great voyages attracts people with an adventurous spirit, or people who are forced to do nothing by life.

Although there is a lot of movement, many middle class people are not in a hurry to open up space in the universe. They want to wait for others to explore the way.

At this time, the first news segment on the TV has also begun to play.

“First, let’s look at an interesting thing that happened in Portland. A local farmer became famous for his unique method of feeding animals. Instead of using traditional feeding methods, the farmer A drone was used. He made a special device that allows the drone to carry a small bag of feed, fly over the field and spread it to the sheep below. This technology not only improves the efficiency of feeding, but also becomes a local A novel tourist attraction. Tourists come here one after another just to see the spectacle of drones dropping feed. The farmer said that his next plan is to let drones clean sheep manure to create a more peaceful environment for the sheep. Harmonious dining environment.”

The news itself wasn't that funny, but mainly the video captured by the on-location reporter was hilarious.

The container made by the rancher hanging below the drone looks a bit like a butt. When the feed is dropped, from below, it looks like the small hole in the center of the butt is sparse, and a black thing is like Water falls from the sky like a waterfall, spreading unevenly on the sheep below.

Like, so similar.

"As expected, landowners with property at home will not go to space so easily." Su Ming nodded. He was not focused on funny news, but on the space voyage: "But it doesn't matter, do the math. Time, the first batch of people to go to space should be back soon, bringing with them all kinds of novel resources in the universe, Adjutant?"

"I'm here." The silver-haired girl's projection popped up, and she also sat down on the sofa next to the police chief, even though her projection had no entity.

"Get ready for the things to be acquired. It doesn't matter if the price is higher. Arrange the trading venue on the earth, arrange our reporters, and officially launch our credit point system."

This is a general direction. The adjutant will handle the specific details.

Such as promoting a new private electronic currency? There will definitely be resistance, but she will resolve those resistances or those who cause them.

"As ordered, the plan is being implemented." The adjutant immediately began to arrange manpower, and it was her job from now on.

At this time, a new segment of news started on the TV. The announcer had a relaxed smile on his face, and a news interview was played on the screen.

"A bold raccoon became a local social media star. Not only did it break into a family's kitchen, but it also boldly selected food in the refrigerator, and was eventually caught by its owner. The thief seemed to have no idea what he was doing. He acted nonchalantly and tried to befriend the family’s pet cat.”

A female reporter was talking to the camera, and a chubby man with glasses behind her was unhappy when he heard this. He jumped in front of the camera to protest:

"No! Not friends! That raccoon is committing a crime. It tried to rape my cat! God! Devil, that raccoon must be possessed by the devil! I ask the court to put it on trial and send it to the electric chair! No! Burn at the stake shelf!"

Of course, the female reporter was not happy about being robbed of the camera. Her smile became stiff, and she secretly tried to push the male homeowner out of the camera, but he was bigger and was very excited, so he couldn't push him away at all, so he had to use Gritting his teeth and pushing him with his shoulders, the scene was very funny.

On the contrary, the cat caught between the two was unlucky. Its face was distorted by the squeeze, and it meowed anxiously.


Strangler expressed his opinion first this time, and he also saw that the dead house would not participate in the space voyage, and they still had cats to raise at home.

"This is the first time I have seen a religious house. Hey, there used to be military houses, game houses, animation houses, and technology houses." Su Ming had a smile on his face. He also took a bite of the duck neck and wiped it on a paper towel. Red oil on hand: "Fortunately, this news was not seen by Thousand Cats Dream, otherwise I doubt it would really hire Wade to kill that raccoon."

"Huh?" The symbiote was confused. Didn't the cat say that he had no money?

"That's just because money was of no use to it in the past, but if it wants money, it can have it." Deathstroke explained. Well, another type of human being has been discovered who will not go on a big voyage. The next round of Publicity needs to take these special groups into consideration.

Rich people, people with hobbies or careers, and people who don't like to go out are all potential customers. How can we get them to spend resources to buy their own spaceship?

This news is really useful. I can see what the people who are left on earth are like now. Although the adjutant also has information, it is definitely not as real and down-to-earth as this one.

Su Ming still likes this kind of intuitive news, and it's good to have fun watching it.

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