The Death Knell

Chapter 5700 Another disappearance case

In this way, the host and the symbiote sat on the sofa and watched news programs for a while. Some of them were serious, and some were fun. But overall, the changes in areas like Maine were not as good as those in New York. Such a big city is obvious.

People here don't have much pressure in life, and they don't have any obvious ambitions. Only about 30% of the population has gone to space, and most of the remaining people are still waiting and watching.

But it doesn't matter anymore, it's just a matter of time, now it just takes time.

So after watching a few pieces of news, Su Ming focused more on the various data reported by the adjutant, because mathematics does not lie, and in many cases it is still necessary to look at the data from the data.

Basically, she said it, then gave analysis and judgment, and then made suggestions. Deathstroke was only responsible for nodding or shaking his head. This work was not considered heavy mental work.

But it's just no fun anymore.

"Okay, I don't want to worry about these things anymore. You can discuss it with Gin later and see what she says."

Su Ming shook his head. After listening to a bunch of numbers and making a few decisions, he quickly lost interest:

"She used to be in charge of my bar, and later she took over the entire business. Now I still leave matters in space to her. After all, this big voyage is actually the same as 'Open the door! Free trade', but In the past, my space caravan was doing the business, but now it is run by self-employed individuals, and I just take their commissions and taxes."

"Okay, Sheriff, the transfer of authority is complete." The deputy was still so serious when doing business.

"Okay, let's talk about my old enemy. Have you found where Kang the Conqueror is during this time?" Su Ming turned the duck bone in his hand into a quantum state, let it dissipate in the air, and asked the adjutant about his investigation during this time. Result: "No matter what time or place he is, he always wants to see people when he is alive and his body when he dies."

"The possibility of his death is less than one in 10,000, Sheriff." The deputy projected a table, which recorded how many times the Sheriff had killed the hot blue man and how he killed him specifically: "According to past events, Judging from the situation, even if one of his timeline clones is killed, there will always be another one that pops up again."

The adjutant did not know how many Conqueror Kangs there were in the endless tributaries of the timeline, but this did not prevent her from making some judgments, that is, Kang was really difficult to kill completely.

If the Sheriff can't do it, then it's even less possible for anyone else.

"If I really want to completely obliterate him, I have no choice but to do it before. I just can't bear to part with such a good transportation captain." Su Ming couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth as he recalled the past. Mr. Kang, the Conqueror It can bring him some fun.

"But the current situation seems a bit complicated. Please look here, Sheriff." The deputy took back the table projection and released some other surveillance images: "I scanned all the timelines through TVA's equipment and found a lot of them. 's health"

While speaking, she first zoomed in on a picture, in which an old man with blue skin and a white beard was powdering Cordyceps Sinensis with an electric steel grinder.

This is Kang, the caster.

In the second picture, a blue-skinned woman was robbing a spaceship, her bearded face full of blood and pleasure.

This is Kang, a transsexual.

The third picture zoomed in, showing a young ordinary boy, about fifteen or sixteen years old, who was skateboarding in the park on the way from school.

This is the reborn Kang.

There are countless different time counterparts of Kang like this. The adjutant scanned more than 30 million different Kangs, but what the Sheriff wanted was Kang the Conqueror, and she had not found that old acquaintance for the time being.

Some people may ask, many Kangs look the same, and they are ultimately the same person. How can the adjutant see the difference from a distance?

After all, Kang the Conqueror is the old enemy of the Sheriff, and she has done a lot of investigations and research. Not to mention seeing these Kangs, even if she sees a jar of ashes, she will know if it belongs to that person.

"Sure enough, Conqueror Kang hasn't come to harass me for so long. Something happened to him." Su Ming crossed his legs, poured himself another glass of wine, put it to his mouth and took a sip: "But in all timelines There is no trace of him, this guy must be really dead and then cut into pieces and buried, right?”

In fact, that's it. Kang's life is tough. Even if he kills a few clones, there should be more Kang the Conqueror in other timelines.

This form of existence is somewhat like the savage Wanda Savage in DC next door. Killing him at a certain point in time will not affect its own existence.

But now, all the timelines have been scanned, and the existence of the Conqueror has not been seen. Is he dead at all points in time? How is this possible?

"The probability is very low, Sheriff." The deputy smiled and shook her head. She flipped her long hair: "I suspect that he left the Marvel Universe. Only in this way will he jump out of the time we can see now. flow."

It is more intuitive to see from TVA headquarters. The so-called time flow is the countless connections generated from the Big Bang at the beginning of time to the end of time when all things return to emptiness.

If you want to break out of these lines, you can only break out of Marvel's story, which means Kang may be traveling.

The blue man is quite smart, and his technological capabilities are not bad. There is some possibility that he can break out of this framework. Maybe Kang the Conqueror is currently wandering in DC's hyper-time flow, and he might be held back by something.

"He doesn't even understand Marvel's time flow, why should he go out and run around." Su Ming basically agreed with the adjutant's judgment, and then came the complaints, and looked like he hated iron for not being able to make steel. Kang the Conqueror was his junior.

"Perhaps it's because you put so much pressure on him, Sheriff, that he wanted to find another way, so he took the risk?" The adjutant said several idioms in succession. Although high pressure does not count, in her opinion, language is a tool for transmitting information. As long as the Sheriff understands what he means.

Kang is actually quite competitive. It can be seen from the fact that he has come to play with Deathstroke time and time again. He always wants to prove that he is stronger. Such a person may indeed have crazy thoughts when pressed.

As for how he jumped out of the Marvel Omniverse, the lieutenant doesn't know yet because there are no clues, but it is not completely impossible.

Maybe Kang the Conqueror didn't jump to the DC next door, but jumped into the "Arcana", maybe.

"So, we still need to find some clues to know where he went." Su Ming touched his stubble, took another sip of wine, and felt the alcohol decompose into a negligible amount of energy entering his blood vessels: "He has Friends? Or acquaintances?"

"No, Sheriff, not according to my information." The adjutant showed a sympathetic look. Apart from the Sheriff, a human who was considered an old enemy, Kang the Conqueror had no known friends or relatives.

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