The Death Knell

Chapter 5701 A little idea

Tragic, so tragic. Although he had long known that Kang's life was a tragedy and that he was the most severe patient with schizophrenia in history, Su Ming felt that he was still too miserable when he heard that he didn't even have a single acquaintance.

No wonder he wants to play with the timeline. Most likely, daily life is a kind of torture for him, and there is no fun at all.

Speaking of which, with a title like 'Conqueror', he should be considered a big shot and should have some useful subordinates.

But he doesn't. He can only create his own tool men in different time loops, and he has no confidants who can really follow him to different time points.

The last person in human history to hold the title of conqueror was probably Alexander the Great. That guy also died in mysterious circumstances.

"Is there any direction for investigation? Sheriff." The deputy also felt that Kang was very pathetic, but the expression on her face was more indifferent. After all, she still didn't understand how complicated the so-called old enemy relationship was.

"I went to TVA headquarters to check the time information."

Su Ming only thought for a second and immediately gave an answer. He took out a spicy rabbit head from the plastic bag and handed it to Zhuo Sha. He also took out one and took a bite:

"The last time Kang and I played was there, but why was it there? He must have done something with it during the time when he controlled the Time Administration. It's possible that there will be something left in the so-called 'Sacred Timeline' Give me some information."

As I said before, any crime scene where someone passes by will inevitably leave some traces. This is the law of material exchange, and detectives all know it.

Detectives attach great importance to reasoning, but strictly speaking, physical evidence is still king when it comes to solving crimes nowadays.

And now that the adjutant can't find Kang the Conqueror's figure on the timeline, it doesn't mean that he can't find some traces he left in the past. That timeline has been given a special name by Kang, called the Sacred Timeline.

Whether it is really that mysterious is another matter, but Su Ming thinks it is just a mystery.

But I have to admit that that timeline has some significance to Kang the Conqueror. In this case, he must have gone in, stayed at certain points in time, and done some things.

This reason is also simple. Some things have special meaning to their owners, but have no meaning to others.

Just like a broken stone, one person liked it very much, so he took it home to play with it and gave it a name. But one day when he went out, he lost the stone and another person saw it. He would think that the stone had something. Is it valuable?

You probably won’t even take a glance at it, and you’ll kick it away if you don’t like it, but it’s undeniable that there must be traces left by the first owner on this stone.

So now if you want to speculate on where Kang the Conqueror has gone, you can try to start with these physical evidences.

For example, if a shopping receipt is found on a corpse, you can find the corresponding supermarket based on this ticket. Maybe finding physical evidence on the timeline is not so directional, but you should be able to try your luck.

The premise is that he has dropped clues and the lieutenant can find them.

The adjutant must have sent someone to look for it. There are countless time points in a timeline. Su Ming would not do such heavy physical work by himself. It would be similar to finding a needle in a haystack.

It can be done manually, but it is laborious and time-consuming. After all, Su Ming is also the boss, so how can he do such a thing by himself.

But having said that, when it comes to finding physical evidence in the timeline, Barry's expertise is more suitable. Unfortunately, he is getting married in a few days, so I won't bother him. When I saw him today, the dark circles under his eyes were so obvious.

"Understood, Sheriff, I'll arrange someone to do the work." The girl's eyes lit up, and some numbers flowed through: "The deputy is offline."

The image of the silver-haired girl disappeared. Her work would probably take some time. Su Ming looked up at the stairs leading to the second floor. He could still hear the voices of Gin and Black Widow discussing the choice of cosmetics.

"Let's continue watching the news." He took a puff of cigarette and slowly exhaled it.

Unless the time flow of the entire Marvel and DC is accelerated, otherwise, these things can only wait.

It's not that the two women are preparing to go out, but that the information from Canluo and the investigation results from the adjutant's side need to wait. There are no more clues for these two matters in hand.


Strangler said it didn't matter. Anyway, it thought it was good to be like this now. It was a holiday anyway.

Besides, even if Kang the Conqueror is really dead, it doesn't matter. Helping him collect his body is considered the most benevolent thing.

An old enemy, to put it bluntly, is more of an ‘enemy’, and he is not one of our own, so he will die if he dies.

Today's news is quite interesting. Another news is being broadcast now, saying that a resident in Portland built a blueberry statue in his backyard, but his neighbors protested.

The reason is that he made two blueberries connected together. The size was very large, and the paint color was not chosen well, so it looked like a scrotum, which was coded in the TV show.

As a symbiote, I find this scene funny.

"Okay, honey, we can go."

About an hour and a half later, when Su Ming almost fell asleep from waiting, the two beautiful ladies finally came down from upstairs.

Most of the time, Gin wears fairy-style clothes at home, and occasionally wears leather armor. It is rare to see her wearing an evening dress, which is quite good and has a more charming feeling.

Natasha, on the other hand, has disguised herself. It is not convenient for her identity to appear in front of others, because logically speaking, she should be working on an alien planet now.

Although it wouldn't be a big problem for her to skip work occasionally, after all, she has seniority in SHIELD, but if Fury, that black braised egg, discovers her, there will inevitably be a lot more trials and investigations, and she doesn't want to be in that much trouble.

So although she was also dressed up, her face, hair, and figure were fake. Even though it was respectable to bring a blond beauty out, there really wasn't much to say.

"Finally" Su Ming pressed the TV remote control to turn off the TV, stood up and rubbed his face: "Strangled and I ate duck necks, rabbit heads, dried tofu, and drank half a barrel of wine. If you don't come down, the symbionts will be killed. I am full."

"Oh, boss, how can you say that?" Natasha smiled and came over, hugged his arm and rubbed it between her breasts: "Actually, we are not that slow, it's just because you have a woman who moves slowly when going out. stereotype, it feels like it takes a long time.”

"Nonsense, the objective facts are there." Su Ming pointed to the clock above the fireplace and rolled his eyes speechlessly: "Forget it, let's go. Have you thought about what to eat today?"

"Look at my and Gin's skirts." She let go of her arms, turned around in a circle, and shook the small handbag in her hand: "We are dressed so formally, and we definitely can't eat spicy hotpot on the roadside, so How about just going to the Circus Restaurant?”

"Adjutant?" Su Ming did not agree directly, but asked the assistant.

"The Circus Restaurant in Coney Island, New York, is not open today and half of their chefs and servers went to heaven with their boss."

The adjutant's projection appeared, and she raised her finger to the top of her head:

"The boss bought one of our medium-sized spaceships and plans to operate a 'mobile meal ship' in the universe. The current location is near the orbit of Pluto. It is still in the renovation stage and there is no business for the time being."

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