The Death Knell

Chapter 5702 Just in case

"Well, are the dishes in their space dining ship ready?" Natasha was a little unwilling to give up, so she asked: "If there are dishes and chefs, I can make them open today. "

"Oh?" The adjutant read the status of the spacecraft: "They did bring some earth ingredients aboard. This is available, but what do you plan to do specifically? I want to hear how you persuade them."

"Haha, then it's very simple. I know a few people from the Food and Health Administration."

Black Widow looked at Deathstroke, asked for his consent, and said her plan at the same time:

"We'll go directly to that ship and we need to eat. If they don't cook for us, I'll find someone to close their restaurant on Earth. The Circus Restaurant is about to be in business for a hundred years. Such a century-old brand definitely doesn't want to be in the news. It was revealed on the Internet that their family has food hygiene problems, right?"

As expected of an agent who came out of the Red Room, and later worked for SHIELD, he played the rules of the dark game as easily as drinking water, without any guilt.

"It's a good plan, so it's decided." Su Ming thought it would be a good idea to take Gin to a mobile restaurant in the universe for a meal. The restaurant would be open sooner or later anyway.

Even if there are no guests, they still have to eat. Since the stove is lit anyway, it is not troublesome to cook a few more dishes.

"I will prepare a spaceship for you right now so that you can hide your identity." The adjutant began to make arrangements. She would not teleport everyone directly to the restaurant spaceship, but to conceal some super powers. Since we are going out to play , it would be more comfortable to use the identity of an ordinary person.

Everything went as expected. After arriving on the spaceship, Natasha threatened her with a few names, and the restaurant owner compromised.

The interior of the restaurant has not been completely renovated, but there are already tables and chairs to sit on, the kitchen is also ready, and there is no problem with the ingredients.

In addition, in order to prevent the chef from poisoning or spitting in the dishes, Deathstroke also used some gentle methods to give these people something as a step, so everyone quickly ate the carefully prepared dinner appetizers here.

In fact, he didn't send anything good, just the energy battery of the spaceship. But in the universe, no one can say that energy is useless. This thing is hard currency, which is much better than banknotes.

Now some smart people have realized that the U.S. dollar is nothing in the universe, and they all have their own ideas.

The owner of the circus restaurant is even more courageous. After all, if he dares to go to space to engage in catering, even if it is a mobile dining ship, he will undoubtedly take the lead and be far ahead of his peers.

Originally, his restaurant was famous on Earth. Most people had to make a reservation six months in advance if they wanted to have a meal. A meal worth three to five thousand dollars was like having fun.

With this reputation, and the fact that there will soon be mankind's first space restaurant, he will definitely make a lot of money in the future.

The food tasted very good, almost the same as when Su Ming took Steve and Bucky to eat seventy years ago, so he was in a good mood. He also reminded the boss of this generation to pay attention to improving security measures. After all, in the universe Now it is a place of lawlessness in the true sense.

The other party may not have thought of it at first, just thinking about Guanghui's "Qian Jing", but after hearing what the guest said, he naturally remembered it, and immediately asked for advice on what to do.

Su Ming directly recommended Deadpool's friend Taskmaster. After all, he was also a mercenary. As long as the price was right, there was no difference between protecting a restaurant and protecting a military base. They were both security guards.

Taskmaster is also a real 50-50 player. His learning ability is always strong when encountering strong situations. He is good at dealing with most emergencies and is not afraid of encountering unfriendly aliens.

There were thugs in the restaurant, and the outside world also needed to improve its space fleet combat capabilities, so Su Ming took the opportunity to do some sales, selling a batch of frigates and energy turrets to the shop owner, and also recommended the intelligent space security upgrade of Wilson Enterprises. combo.

After finishing the meal, not only did I not spend any money, but I also made a fortune. Before I left, the restaurant owner even said thank you.

"Have eaten~" After returning to her spaceship, Natasha fell on the chair and touched her bulging belly with her hands: "I learned another trick today, the one I threatened at the beginning. He seems to be very unwelcome to us, boss, you can change his attitude in just three words, it’s really amazing.”

"Actually, you have always known this truth. There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests."

Su Ming sat on the driver's seat, and there was no need for him to drive the ship. The adjutant was in charge of it, so he pretended to be the captain:

"We may have to face various unknown enemies in the future, and some of them may be manipulated for profit. You have to remember this."

"I got it." Black Widow glanced at Gin, who was also very happy, but she always didn't speak much when Deathstroke was present: "But why did you suddenly think of telling me this? It's like If you are going to travel far away, please tell me the same thing."

In fact, she wanted to say that it was like giving her last words or teaching her last lesson, but it was unlucky and unpleasant to say so.

"I may have to travel far away in a while. I don't know how to get there yet, and I don't know if I can come back."

Su Ming had nothing to hide from her. After all, it had been decades, and Natasha had already proven her loyalty:

"I have something to tell you. Once I don't come back by then, you are responsible for conveying these words to Doom and little Franklin, while taking your sisters to make a backup plan."

The adjutant has the same arrangement, but Black Widow can be used as a second insurance, because Doom and Xiao Fu may not necessarily trust AI, especially the super AI living humanoid creature that no one can control after Deathstroke disappears.

"Oh, I knew this meal was not for free. Sure enough, I was caught as a hunk again. I really don't want to know too much about your secrets. I think it will burn out my brain just about those things in the magical world."

Taking off her blond wig, Natasha shook her head. Her red hair naturally fell on her shoulders. She sighed helplessly and winked cutely:

"But don't worry, no matter what you say, no matter what I do, the lives of my sisters and I are yours."

"There's no need to be so serious. You don't need to trade your lives for anything. I won't die that easily. It's just a precaution, lest someone jumps out to cause trouble when I'm not around."

Deathstroke lit a cigarette, it was always nice to have one after a meal. He turned to the two women and said:

"Okay, what I'm going to talk about next is about an existence called CAAT, and about a higher level called 'Secret'. You write down this information, but don't tell it. This is what happened."

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